Items filtered by date: October 2020

"Silk Road" International University of Tourism announces the Admission to Double-Degree Programs in cooperation with foreign universities for the Academic year 2020/2021.

Double Degree 2020-2021: statistics, opportunities, prospects

Acceptance rates of the double-degree programs on a paid (contract) basis of the"Silk Road" International University of Tourism in cooperation with foreign universities for the academic year 2020/2021


  • 5230200 - Tourism management / Republic of Indonesia, Sahid Polytechnic Institute (Sahid Polytechnic Institute in Jakarta)

Admission rates on a paid (contract) basis: 20

Type of study: Full-time

Language of study: English

Study Period (Silk Road IUT + Foreign University): 2+2

Details (Download)

  •  5611300 - Tourism Management: major in event management / Republic of Indonesia, Sahid Polytechnic Institute 

Admission rates on a paid (contract) basis: 20

Type of study: Full-time

Language of study: English

Study Period (Silk Road IUT + Foreign University): 2+2

Details (Download)

  • 5230200 - Restaurant management (Uzb) Culinary management (Ind) / Republic of Indonesia, Sahid Institute of Tourism

Admission rates on a paid (contract) basis: 20

Type of study: Full-time

Language of study: English

Study Period (Silk Road IUT + Foreign University): 3+1

Details (Download)

  • 5230200 - Hotel management / People's Republic of China, Guilin Tourism University

Admission rates on a paid (contract) basis: 20

Type of study: Full-time

Language of study: English

Study Period (Silk Road IUT + Foreign University): 2+2

Details (Download)

Applications are accepted from October 30 to November 8 (23:59)

Admission requirements:
- passport scan (pdf)
- high school/ lyceum/vocational training diplomas including transcripts (pdf)
- A 3x4 digital photo in color (JPEG)
- International English Language Testing System Certificate (IELTS) overall band score of 5.5 or above
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) of at least B2,
TOEFL IBT of at least 72 points,
- scan of the test results (DTM) for the academic year 2020/21 (pdf).

Online application is available at: Google form

ATTENTION: The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the provided information.

Applicants can only apply for one academic program. Accepted applicants should pay 34 times of the established minimum wage (23,097,000 soums per year as of October 2020) to "Silk Road" International University of Tourism. The tuition is subject to change.

Phones: +998 95 411-40-22, +998 97 614-33-77.

Address: 17, University boulevard, Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan.

 Admission Commission

Published in Announcements

The pandemic has affected every area of our lives, and University education is no exception. Faculty and students have switched to a hybrid training format: most classes are held in MS Teams. The restrictions and precautions that every student and University employee must observe are still in effect.

To organize a well-coordinated educational process in the Online format at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism, it was decided to use the Microsoft Teams platform.

This unified, intuitive and easy-to-manage platform allows students and teachers to communicate comfortably, create learning content, and share resources. The platform also allows you to make a call, write a letter, send an online message (chat), or create an online audio or video conference.

One of the advantages of this platform is its integration with the accounts of University students and teachers, which, in addition to participating in online conferences and correspondence in corporate chats, makes it possible to easily and quickly search for students in the database; create study groups, plan meetings and submit completed tasks.

As noted by students of the silk road University, the advantages of using the MS Teams platform include: providing open access to all educational materials, as well as the ability to attach individual tasks on one platform, therefore, it saves time.

The University's teaching staff also shared their opinion. According to them, the convenience of the service is that it organically combines all the functionality of Moodle, with the ability to create online classes, publish tasks, track timely completion and check them, and place training materials for longer storage. At the same time, Microsoft Teams allows you to conduct online classes with an unlimited audience, where students can have live communication with the teacher and classmates via the Internet.

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29 октября 2020 года в 9:00 в главном здании Международного университета «Шелковый путь» пройдут вступительные экзамены для абитуриентов, прошедших регистрацию по второму высшему образованию по направлению бакалавриата в Международный университет туризма «Шелковый путь» на платформе Министерства высшего и среднего специального образования Республики Узбекистан.

При себе иметь ПАСПОРТ.

Вступительный экзамен проводится Государственным центром тестирования при Кабинете Министров Республики Узбекистан в течение двух дней с 29 по 30 октября в соответствии с требованиями Постановления Кабинета Министров Республики Узбекистан от 31 декабря 2013 года № 352 «Об утверждении положения о порядке определения уровня знания иностранного языка и выдачи квалификационного сертификата».

Телефоны для справок: +998 95 411-40-24, +998 90 224-14-42

Адрес: город Самарканд, Университетский бульвар, 17

Приёмная комиссия университета

Published in Announcements

On October 26 this year the head of representative office of American Councils for International Education William O’Roark and Shahnoza Suyarova visited the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism

The American Councils for International Education is one of the leading American nonprofit educational training and consulting organizations specializing in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. ACIE programs include academic exchange, professional training, inter-institutional cooperation and research, technical assistance and consulting, and educational testing.

American guests got acquainted with the work of the University to develop international cooperation in higher education, with the main areas of cooperation of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and the system of internships for foreign postgraduates and doctoral candidates. They also discussed the prospects for inter-university cooperation on joint scientific activities, development of science and technology, and strengthening human resources. It was proposed to expand academic exchange programs through participation in joint scientific projects, and details of various programs on scientific and practical research were discussed.

During the meeting, topical issues of Uzbek-American cooperation in educational, scientific and humanitarian spheres were also discussed. 

Published in News

The 31st anniversary of the state status of the Uzbek language is widely celebrated throughout the country.

This year on October 21 in the Central Park of culture and recreation named after Alisher Navoi in Samarkand was held a flower-laying ceremony at the monument to the founder of the Uzbek literary language Alisher Navoi.

The event was attended by representatives of state and public organizations, language scientists, creative intellectuals, faculty and students of the «Silk Road» International University of Tourism.

During the event, deputy khokim of the Samarkand region Kh. Ochilov awarded the first Vice-rector of the «Silk Road» International University of Tourism Prof. J. Eliazarov badge "Manaviyat fidoisi" for a huge contribution to the development and promotion of the Uzbek language, and for creating a favorable socio-spiritual environment and the implementation of a number of spiritual and educational work in the country.

In honor of the holiday, the «Silk Road» International University of Tourism organized poetic, spiritual and educational events.

Published in News

In the process of large-scale reforms carried out in our country, the role and prestige of the state language in everyday life is increasing. The Uzbek language is actively used in political, socio-economic, spiritual and educational spheres, and is widely known at international forums. Interest in our language and its study in foreign countries is growing day by day. On September 23, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev took part in the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, where he made his first speech in the Uzbek language, which served as a vivid example of the popularization of the Uzbek language on the world stage.

As you know, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 21, 2019 "On measures to radically increase the prestige and status of the Uzbek language as the state language", the Uzbek language holiday in our country is Celebrated with special attention. In this regard, on October 20 this year, the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism held a solemn event called "Uzbek language, you always deserve respect and loyalty".

At the beginning of the event, the National anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was played. After that, the First Vice-rector for Internationalization and Strategic Development of the University, Professor Zhuliboy Donobayevich Eltazarov, in his opening speech, spoke about the modern role of the Uzbek language, its status and achievements in its development.

In particular, at the initiative of the Department of "Uzbek language and literature, social Sciences", a video was presented to the public, in which the University staff read out the lines of the poem "Dear native language" by Zikrilla Nemat, a member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan.

Samples of the lyrical heritage of Alisher Navoi, one of the founders of the ancient Uzbek literary language, were performed by a 2nd-year student - Abduzhabborov Lochinbek. Also performed: Nasriddinov Rustamjon, Saidova Sadokat, Artykov Bekmurod and Saidov Abdullo with poems praising the Uzbek language.

The results of the video contest "Uzbek language, you always deserve respect and loyalty!", held from September 22 to October 19, 2020, were announced at the event. According to the results of the competition, the following were awarded:

1st place: 2nd year student – Solieva Mohidil;

2nd place: 3rd year student – Saidov Abdullo;

3rd place: 2nd year student –Zhiyanova Gulnoza.

The winners were given valuable gifts and certificates.

Published in News

Узбекистан, Ташкент – АН В Самарканде в честь празднования Дня города открыли несколько знаковых туристических объектов. Среди них – новый "смарт-кампус" Международного университета туризма "Шелковый путь", сообщает корреспондент

Настоящих профи в сфере туризма отныне будет готовить этот флагман образования для туристической отрасли. Он был основан 28 июня 2018 года по инициативе Шавката Мирзиёева, выдвинутой на Саммите ШОС в китайском городе Циндао.

С момента начала деятельности университета студенты молодого вуза учились в старом здании профессионального колледжа туризма. В 2020/2021 учебном году молодежь продолжит обучение в обновленном здании академического лицея при СамГУ, где предусмотрены современные архитектурные решения. 

За прошедший период времени здесь велись реконструкционные работы в рамках проекта "смарт-кампус". Интерьер и дизайн нового объекта разработан по стандартам европейских вузов. Реализация данного проекта позволила внедрить электронные технологии в обучение. Компьютеризировано каждое помещение – аудитории, спортивный зал, лингафонные и лабораторные кабинеты и даже столовая.

Здание, имеющее статус "умного кампуса", оснащено по стандартам самых престижных высших учебных заведений мира. Безусловно, что созданные в университете условия и предоставленные возможности, будут мотивировать студентов учиться, работать над собой, приумножать знания, самосовершенствоваться, реализовывать свой потенциал.

Университет уже долгое время сотрудничает с такими высшими учебными заведениями Китайской Народной Республики, как Шанхайским институтом туризма, Хунаньским университетом коммерции, Гуйлиньским университетом туризма, Гонконгским политехническим университетом. Также Международный университет туризма "Шелковый путь" стал частью Альянса университетов Шелкового пути – University Alliance of the Silk Road (UASR).

Вступление в Альянс состоялось в октябре прошлого года в рамках мероприятий UASR 2019 в городе Сиань. Этот шаг вывел развитие международных отношений университета с вузами Китая на новый уровень.

Университет также имеет контракты по программе двойных дипломов с такими мировыми университетами, как Guilin Tourism University (Китайская Народная Республика), Sahid Polytechnic in Jakarta (Индонезия), Sahid Institute of Tourism of Surakarta (Индонезия)

"Китайские университеты очень заинтересованы в сотрудничестве с нашим университетом. По поручению главы государства и договоренности с китайским правительством, в университете работает советник из Китая, который ведет активную работу по налаживанию связей. Китай для нас является стратегическим партнером по привлечению туристов, у нас уже несколько преподавателей, которые преподают на китайском языке, являющимся один из основных языков в нашем учебном заведении", – рассказал вице-премьер и ректор университета Азиз Абдухакимов.

По его словам, если говорить о системе двойных дипломов, то это хорошее подспорье, но не главное для вуза.

"Важнее, чтобы диплом самого университета ценился. Данная система – это такой механизм, который необходим для повышения привлекательности учебного заведения с использованием брендов зарубежных вузов", – рассказал он.

Сегодня университет является одним из самых известных и престижных высших учебных заведений страны и первым вузом в сфере туризма, где предлагается обучение практически по всем профильным направлениям и специальностям бакалавриата и магистратуры.

На факультете "Менеджмент туризма" по девяти направлениям обучаются 530 студентов первых и вторых курсов. В новом 2020/2021 учебном году на первый курс были приняты 384 студента, которые начнут обучение в новом современном здании.

"С начала текущего учебного года по сегодняшний день в учебный процесс вовлечено 12 иностранных профессоров и преподавателей, из которых 4 профессора подписали трудовые договоры до конца учебного года. Заключая трудовые договоры с профессорами и преподавателями нашего университета, мы, прежде всего, уделили большое внимание тому факту, что вузы, в которых они учились, работают и проводят научные исследования, входят в список 1000 лучших в мире", – отметил проректор международного университета Жулибой Элтазаров.

По его словам, учебная программа разработана в соответствии с международными образовательными стандартами ISO9001-2015. В университете введена 5-дневная учебная неделя и соответствующая система обучения 2 + 1. Продолжительность одного урока – 50 минут с перерывом 10 минут.

Published in We are in Mass Media

Today, on October 16, 2020, the official opening ceremony of the new "smart campus" of the silk road International University of tourism took place.

This ceremony was officially opened by the opening speech of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development and Rector of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism A.A.Abdukhakimov, in which he stressed that the creation of our University is a unique case in the history of world universities. The opening of the University was legally marked by the adoption of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-3815 dated June 28, 2018. Despite the short term, the “Silk Road” University is already one of the most famous and prestigious higher educational institutions in our country and the first University in the field of tourism not only in Uzbekistan, but also in the Central Asian region.

Also, a solemn speech was made by the Governor (khakim) of the Samarkand region – E.O.Turdimov. In it, he wished success to the University, in particular, to the students, University administration and teaching staff.

Rector of the University – A. A. Abdukhakimov presented the symbolic "key" of the University to the public.

At the entrance to the campus, A.A.Abdukhakimov, E.O.Turdimov, as well as the Chairman of the Samarkand regional Department of the “Nuroniy” Foundation, a hero of Uzbekistan – H.N.Normuradov, cut a red ribbon, which symbolized the solemn part of the opening ceremony of the University campus.

The program of the ceremony continued in the campus building, where the guests were guided tours and presented: an training practical complex, which includes hotel rooms, a bar-restaurant; a conference hall for 250 people, equipped with advanced technologies; University canteen, designed in the style of a cafeteria; a universal sports hall, where University students presented various games: badminton, jumping, gymnastic exercises; and a swimming pool with a demonstration swim.

Tours were also conducted in classrooms equipped with facial recognition technology for both students and teachers, replacing the outdated logging system.

The program of the ceremony was completed with a tree planting action at the main entrance to the "smart campus" of the University, in which the rector of the University – A.A.Abdukhakimov and the governor (khakim) of the Samarkand region E.O.Turdimov took an active part.

At the training practical complex

The conference hall of the University

University canteen-cafeteria

Gym (Sports hall)

Lecture hall

The action of tree landing

Of course, the conditions and opportunities created at the University will motivate students to study, work on themselves, increase their knowledge, improve themselves, and realize their potential. In turn, highly qualified specialists will strive to raise the status of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism to a new level.

The role of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism is invaluable in the development of the tourism industry, in popularizing and promoting the national brand.

Special thanks to the builders who tirelessly, with invaluable work, reconstructed this building and embodied all architectural ideas in a beautiful and modern structure that will certainly adorn our city.

Published in News

Within the framework of «Orientation Days 2020», a tree planting event was also held on the territory of the “Silk Road” University, organized by foreign teachers and dedicated to strengthening friendly relations.

Participating in this promotion, the Dean of the faculty "Management of Tourism" Prof. Slawomir Wroblewski noted:

"A person, when planting a tree, comes into contact with the earth, and therefore connects with nature. And those who participate in such good deeds learn to understand and feel nature, appreciate and respect all living things. Planting a tree on the territory of our University is another step towards strengthening the status of the University, like strengthening the root system of a tree."

It is gratifying that today is marked by many interesting moments. First of all, it should be noted that first-year students were introduced to a small but very important part of student life. We hope that students will not only learn important information about academic issues, administrative requirements, and rules, but also gain a first-hand understanding of the General education system from within a multi-faceted society. The orientation Week 2020 event is the best way to start an exciting journey into the world of student life.

We are glad to welcome you, dear students of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and wish you success in your studies and researches!

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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