Items filtered by date: April 2022

In order to restore and develop the tourism sector after Covid-19, as well as in order to get acquainted with the sights and potential of domestic tourism of the Khorezm region, the distance learning students of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited the cultural heritage sites “Ichan-Kala”, and also took a part in the International Dance Festival “Lazgi” in the city of Khiva.

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Abstract: Uzbekistan is one of the countries which attract many tourists with its rich history and culture.  The main touristic destination in this country is called "Golden Triangle": Samarkand, Bukhara and Khorezm. Tourism industry of these cities is quite beautiful, attractive and full of historical and cultural places. In order to develop the sustainability of the tourism in these cities, the government pays special attention to develop touristic services, especially transportation. Although there have been many redevelopments in this sphere, we can still see some problems related to transport service of "Golden Triangle". The aim of this article is to give short description to transportation in those cities and discussing some problems and solutions of them.

Key words: Golden Triangle, tourism industry, services, transportation, descriptions, problems and solutions.

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In order to effectively spend the leisure time of students, on Aprel 27, 2022 was organized an intellectual game "Zakovat" at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. In this competition took part 10 teams.

Dear students, we recommend you to be active and offer your options for questions for this game. The more you want to know, the more you learn. Now, there are also many open platforms on the global Internet, and we advise you to constantly engage in self-development and take an active part in intellectual games.

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On April 26 this year, at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage was held a meeting of graduates with promising personnel reserves of the regional government (khokimiat) “Samarkand kelajak javohirlari”. The event was attended by the head of the organizational and personnel group of the Khokimiat of the Samarkand region B. Rakhmatullaev and the first vice-rector of the University J. Eltazarov, who discussed the importance of the project, the tasks set for the entrusted youth, goals and ways to achieve them.

During the meeting, young graduates with excellent bachelor’s and master’s degrees, graduating from the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, with knowledge, initiative and leadership skills, presented new ideas for the further development of tourism and services in this area, and also proposed their solutions existing problems in this area.

At the end of the conversation, the head of the organizational and personnel group of the Khokimiat of the Samarkand region B. Rakhmatullaev noted that the proposals and comments of the graduates would be included in the strategy for the further development of the tourism sector, and stressed that these young people should certainly become the executors of the creative ideas put forward at the event.

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On April 19, 2022, the teacher of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage K. Abdullaeva paid a working visit to the mahalla “Gulba” of the Taylak district of the Samarkand region.

During the visit, there was held a round table between the citizens of the mahalla and youth, organized according to the principle “Education is the engine of spiritual and educational progress”.

Residents of the mahalla and youth took an active part in this event. Also, citizens of the mahalla were provided with information about the wise policy currently being pursued in our country and the attention paid to areas, and the youth of the mahalla were told about the topic of choosing a future profession.

During the conversation, it was provided detailed information about the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.


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In order to ensure the implementation of the Action Plan signed between the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and the Department of Emergency Situations, a visual-practical seminar was held for students and staff of the university on the prevention of possible emergencies, minimizing their consequences, correct actions in case of their occurrence.

During the seminar, employees and students were introduced to the principle of operation of tools and devices in rescuing victims and tangible property.

In conclusion, the experts answered all the questions of staff and students.

At the exhibition seminar, it was noted that every citizen should always be ready for emergencies.

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  Ilmiy rahbar: “Ipak yo‘li” turizm va madaniy meros xalqaro universiteti   

  dotsenti, PhD Sultanov T.I.

  Muallif: “Ipak yo‘li” turizm va madaniy meros xalqaro universiteti      

  Guide-121 guruh talabasi Asatilloyev A.J.

         Islom dini Movarounnahrga VII asrning boshlarida kirib kelgan. Shu davrdan boshlab yurtimizda islom dini keng tarqala boshladi. Buning natijasida yurtimizdan ko’plab islom  ulamolar yetishib chiqdi. Ularning jahon sivilizatsiyasiga ulkan hissa qo’shdi. Arab grammatikasi  asoschisi  Abulqosim  Mahmud  az-Zamaxshariy  (1074-1143)  misol  qilib  olsak  bo’ladi.  Mahmud az-Zamaxshariyga  Islom  ilmiga  qo’shgan  hissasi  uchun  unga  “JORULLOH” (ALLOHNING QO’SHNISI) nomi berilgan.  Uning  “AL-MUFASSAL” asari butun  dunyoda  arab  tilini  o’rganishda  qo’llanma  sifatida  ishlatiladi. Biz tarixni, tarixiy shaxslarni  yozma  va  moddiy  manbaalardan  o’rganamiz, yurtimiz  tarixini o’rganishda  arab  yozuvini bilish  katta  ahamiyatga  ega. Arab yozuvining dunyoda  taxminan   10.000 dan ziyod  turi  mavjud.

         Ularning  asosiylari: SULS,  NASX,  KUFI, NASTALIQ,  DEVONI, MUHAQQAQ,  RIQO,  RAYHONIY.

Xattotlik  badiiy  san’atdir. Uning  kelib  chiqishi  Islom  tarixi  bilan  bog’liq.  Islomning  oltin  davri  bo’lgan  X asrda  boshqa  sohalar  rivojlangani  singari  Xattotlik  san’ati  ham  rivojlandi.

         Eng  qadimgi  xat  bu  KUFI  xatidir.  Kufiy  xati   asosida  boshqa  xatlar  ham  rivojlangan.

         Samarqand  tarixiy  obidalarida   Arab  youvining  asosan  KUFI  va  SULS  xatlaridan  foydalanilgan. (“Islom oltin davri,” 2021)

       Manba: surat  maqola muallifi tomonidan tayyorlangan. 

         Mamlakatimizning  tarixiy  shaharlari  bo’lmish  Samarqand, Buxoro, Xiva va Toshkentda  tarixiy obidalarida yozma  bitiklarni   juda ko’p  uchratishimiz  mumkin. Samarqand  tarixiy  obidalaridagi  yozuvlar  haqida  to’liq  yozsak, bu  maqola  emas, balki  bir  nechta  katta  kitobga  aylanadi.  Shuning  uchun  ushbu  maqolada  Samarqand  tarixiy  obidalaridagi  yozuvlarning  ba’zilarini  ko’rib  tahlil  qilib  chiqamiz.



Sherdor  madrasasining HAZRAT MUHAMMAD IBN JA’FAR  SODIQ  maqbaralari deb ta’riflanayotgan joyning   tepasida  Kufiy xatida: “ALLOH  TAALO  ATDI” deb  va   Suls xatida: “O’QING EY MUHAMMAD BUTUN BORLIQNI YARAYGAN ZOT BO’LMISH RABBINGIZ ISMI BILAN”.  ALAQ surasing  1-oyati yozilgan.

Manba: surat  maqolaning  muallifi tomonidan olingan.

Ushbu  oyat  QUR’ONI  KARIMNING ilk oyatidir. Ushbu  oyat  ilm  olish  naqadar  zarurligini  bildiradi. (Abdulaziz Mansur, Qur’oni Karim ma’nolarining tarjimasi, 2013, 457-bet )

 Islom  madaniyatiga  asoslangan  devorlar  atrofida  Kufiy  xatida:  “ALLOH barcha va nuqsonlardan pokdir, Hamd ALLOHGA bo’lsin,   ALLOHDAN o’zga iloh yo’q, ALLOH buyukdir”  “TAMJID  KALIMASI” yozilgan.

         Manba: surat  maqolaning  muallifi tomonidan olingan.

Bu  yozuv  Sherdor  madrasasi  peshdoqining  o’ng  tomondan  boshlanib,  peshtoqning  o’rtasi  va  chap tomonigacha  yozilgan.

Bu  kalima  Kufi  xatida  yozilgan.


Tillakori masjid  madrasasida boshqa  madrasalarga qaraganda asosan  Payg’ambarimiz  MUHAMMAD sollallohu alayhi vasallamning  muborak  Hadislari  yozilgan. Tillakori  masjid  madrasasining  hujralari  tepasida  hadislar  bitilgan. Ushba  maskan  ham  madrasa  ham  masjid  vazifasini  o’tgan.  Madrasadagi  ustozlar  va  talabalar  jamoat  namozlarini  o’qishgan. Ushbu  uchala madrasad  talabalar  Din, Fiqh, Tarix, Falsafa, Matematika, Astronomiya, jahon tillarini o’rganishgan.

 ( Rasul Xodizoda,  Samarqandnoma, 2011, 258-259-betlar)

Manba: surat  maqola muallifi  tomonidan olingan.

Madrasaning kirish qismi  peshtoqi  atrofida  “TAVBA”  surasining 18/22- oyatlari  yozilgan. Tavba  surasi  Madinada  nozil  bo’lgan, 129  oyatdan  iborat. Ushbu  sura  Qur’oni Karimdagi  yagona “Bismillahir rohmanir rohim” siz  ya’ni  “Mehribon va rahmli Alloh nomi’’siz   boshlangan  suradir.  Buning  sababi  to’g’risida  turli  fikrlar  aytilgan.  Ba’zilar  Tavba  surasi undan  oldingi  Anfol  surasining  davomi  bo’lgani  uchun  desalar,  ba’zilar  surada  ko’proq  urush, jang, qatl zikr  etilgani  uchun  deb ulamolar izoh  beradilar.  Rosululloh  sollallohu  alayhi  vasallamdan  esa  aniq  ko’rsatma  berilmagan. Surada  asosan  “Tabuk”  voqeasi, masjid  qurish, iymon-kufr,  savob-gunoh,  tavba-tazarru  va  boshqa mavzular  bayon  etilgan. ( Abdulaziz Mansur, Qur’oni Karim ma’nolarining tarjimasi, 2013,  116-117-betlar).

Madrasa hujralarining birida: “ILM INSONNI  DUNYODA  AZIZ   VA  OXIRATDA  SHARAFLI  QILADI”, degan hadis  yozilgan.

         Manba: surat  maqola  muallifi tomonidan olingan.

         Hadisning  aynan  talabalar  hujrasining  peshtoqiga  yozilganligi  insonning  e’tiborini  tortadi. Tolibiilmlar  har  gal  hujralariga  kirishdan  oldin  shu  hadisni  o’qishgan. Bu  ularni  yaxshiroq  ilm  olishga  undagan.


          Maqbara  XV asrning  boshida  qurilgan.  Samarqanddagi  boshqa  tarixiy  obidalarga  o’xshab  bu  maqbarada  ham   Quroni   Karimdan oyatlar  va  Payg’ambarimiz  MUHAMMAD  sollallohu   alayhi  vasallam  hadislari  yozilgan.  Maqbaraning  kiraverishidagi  peshdoqda  ushbu  maqbaraning  arxitektorining  ism  sharifi  yozilgan.

Manba: surat  maqola  muallifii tomonidan olingan.

         Bu yerda: “OJIZ  BANDA  MUHAMMAD  IBN  MAHMUD  ISFAHONIYNING ISHI ” deb  yozilgan.

         Insonning   martabasi  qanchalik  yuqori  bo’lmasin  doim  o’zini  kamtar  tutishi  lozimligini  bildiradi. Amir  Temur 1381-yil  Eronga  qilgan  yurishida  Erondagi  binolarning  go’zalligi  unga  yoqib  qoladi va  Erondan  bir qancha   san’at  ustalarini  Samarqandga   olib  keladi. Shundan  so’ng  eronlik  san’at  ustalari  Samarqandda  ishlay  boshlashadi. Tillakori  masjid  madrasasing  ichki hujra va  xonalari  ham Eron  uslubida  bezatilgan. ( Sharafuddin Ali Yazdiy, Zafarnoma, 1997, 89-bet  )

 Garchi  ajdodlarimiz  bizga  buyuk  ilm  va  dargohlarni  me’ros  qilib  ketgan  bo’lsalar-da, biz  bu  meroslarga   yaxshi  e’tibor  bermayapmiz.  Registon  majmuasidagi  Tillakori  masjid  madrasasi,  Amir  Temur  maqbarasi  va  Shohizinda  majmuasi.  Ushbu qadam  joylardagi  qayta  qurish  (rekonstruksiya) ishlari to’liq  va  sifatli  tugatilmagan.  Tarixiy  yozuvlar,  bitiklarning   ba’zilari  to’liq yozilmagan, ba’zilari  esa   yozilgan ammo  bir  qismi  yo’q. Ba’zilari  xato  yozilgan. Ularning  ayrimlarida oyatlar  boshqa  oyat  bilan  qo’shilib  ketgan. Bundan tashqari  harflarning  nuqtalari  qolib  ketgan.  Siz  bilan  men  buni  farqiga  bormasmiz, ammo  chet  eldan  buni  farqiga  boradigan   mehmon  kelib  bu  holatni  ko’rsa,  bu  biz  uchun  sharmandalik  bo’ladi. Ming  afsuslar  bo’lsinki,  shu  joyda  ishlaydigan  mahalliy   gidlar ham  yozuvlar  tog’risida  xato  ma’lumotlarga  ega.

                 Manba: surat  maqola  muallifi tomonidan olingan.

          Manba: surat  maqola  muallifii tomonidan olingan.

  • Suratda Bibixonim madrasasining chap  tomondagi  gumbazi ichki  bezaklarining  bir qismi to’kilgan  holdagi ko’rinishi.
  • Suratda Shohizinda majmuasidagi tugatilmay qolgan yozuvlarning 
  • Tillakori masjid madrasasida yozilgan hadisning nuqtalari  qo’yilmay ketilgan.
  • Tillakori masjid madrasasidagi  hadisning  bir  qismi  o’chib  ketganini ko’rishimiz 
  • Amir Temur maqbarasining peshtoqiga  yozilgan “MULK” surasining o’rtasiga  boshqa  sura  qo’shilgan.
  • Amir Temur maqbarasining peshtoqiga yozilgan “MULK” surasining o’rtasiga  boshqa  sura  qo’shilgan.
  • Suratda Amir Temur maqbarasining qabri  joylashgan  xonaning  devorlariga  yozilgan  hadisning  bir  qismi  yo’q.

        Xulosa  qilib  shuni  ta’kidlamoqchimizki,  biz  ham  diniy,  ham  dunyoviy  ilmlarni  yetakchilari  bo’lgan  kishilarning  avlodlarimiz. Butun  dunyo  yurtimizdan  yetishib  chiqqan  olimlar,  shoirlar,  faylasuflarni  tan  oladi. Biz  boy  madaniyati  va  boy  tarixiga  ega  bo’lgan  millatmiz. Samarqand  o’zining  qadimiy  va  tarixiy  me’moriy  obidalari  bilan jahon  madaniyatlari  ichida  ajralib  turadi.  Asosiysi, Samarqanddagi  tarixiy  obidalar  Samarqandning  ajralmas  qismiga  aylanib  qolgan. Bu  obidalar  mahalliy  aholini  ham,   chet  ellik  mehmonlarni  ham  hayratga  solib  kelmoqda. Binobarin, bizning va  butun  jahonning  o’zini  zukkoligi,  farosatligi  bilan  dunyo  sivilizatsiyasiga  qo’shgan  hissasi  va  bizga  qoldirgan  tarixiy  obidalarni,  xususan,  ulardagi  bitiklarni  chuqur  o’rganishimiz  zarur.

Foydalanilgan  adabiyotlar  ro’yxati:

  1. Abdulaziz Mansur. Qur’oni Karim ma’nolarining tarjimasi, 2-jild. Toshkent: O’zbekiston. 2013.
  2. Uzbekistan Today. O’zbekiston tarixiy obidalaridagi bitiklar. Toshkent, 2015.
  3. S.G’afforov, M.A. Yusupova, S.I.Sharipov, & M.M.Saidov. O’zbekiston arxitektura yodgorliklari  tarixi.  Samarqand, 2011.
  4. Rasul Hodizoda. Samarqandnoma. Toshkent, 2011.
  5. Sharafuddin Aliy Yazdiy, Zafarnoma, Toshkent, 1997.
Published in News
Wednesday, 27 April 2022 11:37

Tourism development areas defined

On April 26, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting on measures to expand the coverage of tourism services and develop tourism infrastructure.

The global tourism industry is starting to recover as restrictions imposed during the pandemic are gradually eased. 610,000 foreign tourists visited Uzbekistan in the first quarter of this year, which is more than twice as many as in the same period last year. The flow of tourists is expected to increase in the coming months.

The level of readiness of the tourism infrastructure was analyzed, shortcomings were indicated at the meeting.

There are fewer accommodation places in hotels in Karakalpakstan, Andijan and Kashkadarya regions than in demand. The great opportunities in Navoi, Jizzakh, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya and Tashkent regions are not used. There are very few youth-oriented tourism services. The establishment of family-friendly and all-inclusive services is progressing slowly.

Only 18 out of 206 geothermal and mineral springs are used for tourism purposes. For example, the Arashan lakes on the Qamchiq pass, where the water temperature is 36 degrees all year round, are not inferior to foreign resorts in terms of tourism potential. Sanatoriums around thermal springs, the water of which has a temperature of 40-70 degrees, can be organized in Chimbay, Karauzak and Takhtakupir.

The potential of 122 museums in the country is not fully used. They contain more than 2.5 million items, of which 112 thousand are unique monuments of world history and culture.

Measures to use such opportunities to restore pre-pandemic indicators in the tourism sector and expand the range of services were discussed at the meeting.

It was emphasized that, first of all, it is necessary to implement large-scale projects in each region that will attract tourists.

Thousands of foreign and local tourists daily visit the Afsonalar Vodiysi complex in Namangan and the Amirsoy complex in Bostanlyk. Another project has been launched in Khanabad with the participation of foreign investors.

The President noted that there are many such places in Uzbekistan and listed the opportunities that have not yet been used.

These are the deepest caves in the world – Baybulak, and Teshiktash, where the remains of a Neanderthal were found, a monument of ancient Hellenistic culture – the fortress of Uzundara in Baysun. The nature and climate of the district are favorable for the development of tourism. We can attract 500,000 tourists by building hotels, campsites, cable cars, and tourist houses here.

The villages of Tovoqsoy in Bostanlyk, Ovjasoy in Akhangaran, Yangiobod in Angren, Miraki in Shakhrisabz, Nanay in Yangikurgan, Chodak in Pap also have such opportunities.

The possibility of creating bathing areas on the lakes Ashshikul in Nukus, Zikrikul in Bukhara, Aydarkul and Tuzkan in Jizzakh, as well as in the Charvak zone was noted.

Measures have been defined for the construction of caravanserais, which will provide such services as parking, camping, car service, catering and gas stations along the Uzbek tourist highway, passing through 31 districts and cities.

A package of services “for 1000 dollars” will be formed in Tashkent to ensure foreign tourists stay in the city for at least 3 days. This program will include year-round water and theme parks, food and shopping streets, live concerts, shows and festivals.

The development of domestic tourism was discussed at the meeting. The task was set to bring the flow of domestic tourists to 10 million people.

From July 1, entrepreneurs who have opened guest houses, catering and trade centers, and entertainment establishments in tourist villages will pay turnover tax and social tax at a rate of 1 percent for three years, as well as only 1 percent of the accrued property tax, land and water taxes. Within the framework of family business programs, loans will be provided: up to 50 million UZS – for the creation of guest houses in tourist villages, up to 300 million UZS – for the construction of complexes of yurts and eco-houses, up to 300 million UZS – for the construction of tented camps. Every year, 200 young people from tourist villages will study in tourism technical schools at the expense of the budget.

Hokims were instructed to improve roads, electricity supply, drinking water supply and communications in tourist villages. This year, 250 billion UZS will be allocated from the republican budget for these purposes.

The need was noted for creating websites and mobile applications that will help foreign tourists organize all stages of the journey.

Cultural events also play an important role in attracting tourists. Uzbekistan organizes 186 different festivals, including international ones. They have the potential to attract an additional 1 million foreign and 5 million local tourists. Responsible persons were instructed to hold these events at a high level of organization and security, to promote them around the world.

This year, additional days off were announced on the occasion of the Navruz holiday. Discounts were provided in 250 hotels and museums, and visits to pilgrimage tourism sites became free, which gave a great impetus to domestic tourism. An additional 110,000 local tourists visited Bukhara and Samarkand. Next week, compatriots will be able to rest for another 5 days on the occasion of Ramadan Hayit (Eid al-Fitr).

The Head of the state noted the need for stimulating domestic travel not only on the eve of the holidays, but throughout the year.

To this end, starting this year, the practice of covering by state organizations of the internal 20 percent of the tourist trip costs for their employees once a year at the expense of extrabudgetary funds will be introduced.

From September 1, 15 percent of the cost of air, railway and bus tickets, 20 percent of the cost of hotel accommodation, 50 percent of the cost of tickets to museums and other cultural objects will be refunded for citizens traveling across the country.

The effective organization of museum activities also plays an important role in tourism development. An instruction was given to conduct a complete inventory of all museum exhibits in the country, create their electronic database, and improve the skills of museum managers and employees.

Due to the lack of exhibition space, only 1 percent of exhibits are exhibited in museums. In addition, the population does not have access to remote museums. Therefore, it is necessary to organize mobile exhibitions of museums in the regions within the framework of the Rapprochement of Art to People Program. The task was set to turn over 4,500 archaeological sites in the country into open-air museums.

One of the most important means of organizing travel is transport. Today, high transport costs remain one of the main factors holding back the attraction of foreign tourists. There are not so many inexpensive international and domestic routes. You need to apply a few weeks in advance to get a ticket for the modern “Afrosiyob” train.

Therefore, the Ministry of Transport was instructed to improve the transport infrastructure in tourism.

From July 1, discounts of up to 50 percent will be introduced on services provided to foreign airlines under the Pilgrimage Tourism program to meet the demand of tourists for flights. By October 1, a new company, Silk Avia, will be established for domestic flights. 9 aircrafts will be fully upgraded to economy class to reduce costs.

The heads of the sector, hokims and entrepreneurs provided information on their plans and made proposals at the meeting.

Source: Uzbekistan National News Agency (UzA)

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Jomonkulova Guli Rashid kizi, student of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage

Dr. Raymond Joseph Hoffmann, Vice rector for Academic Affairs of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage


Annotation. The article analyzes the rate of the attractiveness of museums of Uzbekistan among local tourists, using some statistical data, and provides possible ways to improve the number of visitors.

Keywords: Local tourists, museums, tourist firms, attractiveness, marketing strategy

Аннотация. В статье анализируется показатель привлекательности музеев Узбекистана среди местных туристов, используя некоторые статистические данные, и приводятся возможные пути улучшения количества посетителей.

Ключевые слова. Местные туристы, музеи, турфирмы, привлекательность, маркетинговая стратегия.

Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada ayrim statistik ma’lumotlardan foydalangan holda mahalliy sayyohlar orasida O‘zbekiston muzeylarining jozibadorlik darajasi tahlil qilinadi va tashrif buyuruvchilar sonini oshirish imkonini beradigan yo‘llari keltirib o’tiladi.

Kalit so’zlar. Mahalliy sayohatchilar, muzeylar, turistik firmalar, jozibadorlik, marketing strategiyasi

Batafsil maqolani o'qish .pdf

Published in News
Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:45

Woman is the greatest miracle of nature

On April 20, 2022, the Chairman of the Women’s Council of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage – M. Abbasova organized a meeting of the University Women’s Council with activists.

At the meeting, M. Abbasova shared her impressions about her participation in the republican training seminar on the topic “Increasing the socio-political activity of women, issues of gender equality and gender culture”, held on April 14-15 this year.

This seminar was organized by the Urgench State University, which was attended by more than 150 chairmen of the Women’s Advisory Councils of higher educational institutions. The issues addressed in the curricula are aimed at further expanding the opportunities created in the country for women, raising the level of reforms carried out in Uzbekistan to support women, creating a solid foundation for protecting women from harassment and violence, as well as addressing the urgent challenges facing the higher education system, cooperation between law enforcement agencies and educational institutions, the development of family relations and the role of women in ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment in educational institutions, the culture of dressing students-girls.

N.Abduvakhidova, head of the “Cooperation with mahallas, youth and organization of events” Department, also paid special attention to the relevance of the issues raised at the republican training seminar. Focusing on increasing the socio-political activity of women, issues of gender equality and gender culture, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a decree on the advanced principle “For human dignity”, in particular, on such an unpleasant situation as the violence that we face today in our society, and the need to consolidate efforts to overcome it, eliminate all forms of discrimination in the field of women’s rights, he separately dwelled on the need to avoid such situations as much as possible.

During the meeting, the participants asked many questions and considered proposals. Further actions have been identified on the issues discussed.


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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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