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Tuesday, 09 January 2024 13:20

About the results of the year on the example of the department of work with youth and organisation of events of our university

This year, about 200 students who study at the university were sent to foreign countries: to Turkey - 129, to Germany - 5, to the USA - 2 students of 1-3 courses on the programme Work & Travel. Also 2 master students are studying in South Korea and two in Italy.

Our students who won prizes at international and republican spiritual-educational competitions, Olympiads, sports competitions;

Fatima Bakhromkulova, a 3rd year student, took 1st place in the nomination “The Most Active Student Entrepreneur of the Year” at the university stage.

In the university stage of the competition “Student of the Year” Oromjonova Shakhrizoda took the 1st place in the nomination “The most active knowledgeable student of the year”.

 In the university stage of the competition “Student of the Year” 2nd place in the nomination “The most active knowledgeable student of the year” was taken by Bakhromkulova Zuhra, a 3rd year student.

Within the framework of five initiatives;

The first initiative, dedicated to increasing young people’s interest in music, painting, literature, theatre and art, a total of 25 events were organised and about 350 young students were involved in the past period of 2023.

The second initiative organised 37 public sports events dedicated to the physical training of young people, to show their abilities in the field of sports, involving more than 700 students and young people, of which more than 360 were girls.

The third initiative was the creation of 1 IT club to organise the effective use of computer technologies and the Internet among the population and young people.    

The fourth initiative was the systematic work on improving the morale of young people, wide propaganda of reading among them, within the framework of which 2 clubs of young readers and “Book lovers club” were created.

250 university students were involved in these organised circles. Five elocution contests on the theme “My favourite work” and seven reading meetings on the themes “Young reader” and “Smart librarian” were held among university students.

The fifth initiative is to address women’s employment issues. As of  December 2023, 180 out of 570 full-time undergraduate students of 1-3 courses have been employed, and according to the results of the questionnaire - 270 students in need of work. The procedure for paid internships (traineeships) in State institutions for students has been approved and agreements have been concluded with 28 enterprise-organisations.

In order to educate the students studying at the university in the spirit of love for theatre art and guide them to spiritual improvement, as well as to bring their capabilities and talents to the talented youth, the annual competitions of "Student Theatre Studios" have been continuously held since 2022. In this regard, the university stage of the “Student Theatre Studios” examination competition was held among the students of the Faculty of Tourism Management.

In 2022, the university became the winner of a grant from the US Embassy to establish a student drama club. The coordinator of the grant is university lecturer Kamol Mustaev.

On March 4, 2023 in “Doll Theatre” of Samarkand city, at the Samarkand regional stage of competition “Theatre Studios” between universities of Samarkand region, the university team “Student Theatre Studio” also participated and took the proud 3rd place and entered the regional stage.

In 2024, activities were outlined to further activate such work.

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