Friday, 14 March 2025 17:14

The head of the "Written and Oral Translation Studies" department, T. Akramova, and the department's teacher, M. Baymatova, are participating in the conference on the topic "Strengthening and Developing Educational Exchange Between Educational Institutions," organized by the Korea Education Center in Tashkent.

The head of the "Written and Oral Translation Studies" department, T. Akramova, and the department's teacher, M. Baymatova, are participating in the conference on the topic "Strengthening and Developing Educational Exchange Between Educational Institutions," organized by the Korea Education Center in Tashkent. At the conference, M. Baymatova, a teacher from the "Written and Oral Translation Studies" department, spoke about advanced pedagogical practices in the teaching process of the Korean language for students at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

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