About the University

Effective use of available resources and opportunities of the wealth of natural, cultural and historical heritage of Uzbekistan, introduction of innovative ideas and technologies, active attraction of investments serves to create convenient economic, as well as organizational and legal conditions for tourism development. Given the gradual transformation of tourism into a strategic sector of the country's economy, there is an objective need to prepare highly qualified and competitive personnel in the world market for the tourism industry, capable of creating a favourable image of the country as an attractive centre for tourism on the Great Silk Road, developing the service industry and fully attracting the potential of the regions to tourism.

The initiative to open a higher education institution in the tourism industry, proposed at the Summit of Eight, held in Qingdao, at a meeting of heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. And by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 3815 of June 28, 2018 the first state university with international status was organized.

Our university provides training for bachelors in such professions as those in demand in the labour market:

Full-time bachelor's degree programs:

  • Professional education (tourism);
  • Marketing in tourism sphere;
  • Tourism (by fields of activity: digital tourism).
  • Designing in tourism;
  • Logistics in tourism industry;
  • Mass events management;
  • Guided tour guide and interpretation services;
  • Management (recreation and travel management);
  • Management (Tourism Business Management);
  • Management (Hospitality Management);
  • Management (Heritage Management);
  • Management (International Hospitality and Tourism Management);
  • Management (Restaurant Business Management);

Master's programmes

  • Tourism management, hotels and mass events;
  • Management of international hospitality and tourism;
  • Economics and Tourism Management.


The University's mission is to improve the education of the public and preserve existing knowledge, to develop open mindedness, independent scientific research and original artistic creation, and to fully support the creative development of human society.

To be a leading scientific and educational center of the Central Asian region, providing research and obtaining advanced knowledge, training personnel for the development of priority sectors of the economy, including tourism, which is responsible to the state and society for the results of its activities.

The University is an autonomous public institution freely performing creative scientific, educational, creative and cultural activities, and its necessary condition is academic liberties and academic rights.

Pedagogical activity at the University is based on scientific and exploratory activities, developments and innovations, artistic or other creative activity ( further - Creative activity), including the results of its own research.

The University implements all types of educational programmes as well as continuing education programmes.

In addition, the University primarily provides an environment for research and educational activities, as well as university social life, including library and other information services, and provides editorial, publishing and publicity activities. The University cooperates with domestic and foreign universities, scientific and research institutions and other legal entities and creates conditions for members of the academic community to participate in these activities. Forms and procedure of collaboration of the University with legal entities, as a rule, are regulated by agreements.

"Silk Road" International University of Tourism  and Cultural Heritage is a higher education institution founded on close integration of education, science and industry.

The mission and vision of the University are guided by development priorities:

  • orientation towards fundamental and applied research in modern science, education and economics;
  • Reproduction of scientific personnel - training with an academic master's degree and a Ph;
  • implementation of academic personnel training in a broad range of areas, including information and communication technologies, business, law and governance, humanities and social sciences, education, journalism, natural sciences, mathematics and statistics;
  • ensuring the quality of the faculty, including by attracting top scientists of the country and inviting overseas specialists;
  • selection of students: about 80% of undergraduate students are winners of international and national subject Olympiads and competitions of scientific projects. The high competition among master's and doctoral students is also a factor in the selection of students;
  • focus on integration into Eurasian and Asian research and education space: membership in international organizations and associations;
  • academic exchange of teachers and students;
  • two-diploma education;
  • aspiration for leadership among domestic (Central Asian) and world universities, evidence of which are high places in national and significant positions in global rankings.


Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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