

A circle with a point in the center can be considered as a personification of the development process from one point and is similar to an embryo. Circle - a solar symbol, which is due not only to the shape but also to the circular nature of the daily and annual movement of the sun. It corresponds with sphere as ideal geometrical body, and also with number ten, symbol of full cycle, return from plurality to unity.


Ancient cities of Uzbekistan in different centuries played the main role on the Great Silk Road - this ancient transcontinental road. But the title of "the heart of the Great Silk Road" is rightly attached to Samarkand. It is included in a special UNESCO list "World Heritage" - so great is the importance of material and spiritual values concentrated here. Unique monuments of ancient architecture, heritage of scientific and art schools, centers of national crafts available in the ancient city are now famous all over the world.

The countries of the Silk Road:

Azerbaijan, Georgia and the North Caucasus, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.


Registan Square, in translation means "Sandy Place". Registan is an administrative and trade and handicraft centre of the eastern city. Registan in Samarkand is one of the outstanding examples of urban planning in Central Asia, formed in the XVII century and consists of three madrasas - Ulugbek (1417-1420), Sher-Dor (1619-1636) and Tilla-Kari (1647-1660).

On it one can "turn the pages" of the many thousands of years of Samarqand history.

Built in 1417-1420, the Ulugh Beg Madrassah (madrassah is a Muslim religious institution, from the Arabic "madrassah" - the place of teaching) was the largest scientific institution of Central Asia in the XV century. Mathematics, astronomy and philosophy were studied here in addition to theology. Lectures to mudaris were given by the most prominent scientists of that time. For example, the astronomy course was read by Salahuddin Musa ibn Muhammad Kazizade Rumi, "Plato of his era". There is information that Mirzo Ulugbek himself taught in the madrasah.

The symbol of the Great Silk Road is a camel. There is no doubt that this animal, which was called the "ship of the desert", played a primary role in all times, after its domestication. In the vast expanses of desert and the Great Steppe, the camel was indispensable. But, camel caravans were not the only means of transport.


A square academic cap is a headdress consisting of a square horizontal board fixed on a yarmulka and a tassel attached to its centre. Together with the mantle and sometimes the hood, it forms a ceremonial garment for teachers and graduates in many countries following the British model of education. The stars are the symbol of a cloudless peaceful sky.


For the purpose of practical realization of the republic's initiative on organization of the system of training of professional personnel and carrying out of research and creative works in the sphere of international tourism, further development of historical and cultural-humanitarian relations of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member-states, and also with the proposal of the State Committee on tourism development, the Ministry of higher and secondary specialized education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Samarkand region khokimiyat on the establishment of the International Tourism Organization in Samarkand.


International University of Tourism "Silk Road", established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on June 28, 2018 in Samarkand.


Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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