Graduate school


Methodist of the department: 



Graduate School is a structural unit of the university.

Coordination and control over the implementation of the educational process of Master's and Doctoral studies at the University’s level is carried out by the Department of Academic Affairs and the Department of Science and Innovation.

The work of Graduate School is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decrees and Resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Resolutions and Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders and decrees of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the Development of Tourism, the Charter of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism, Decisions of the Academic Council of the University, as well as orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Main tasks of the Graduate School are:

  • Organization of admission to the Master's and Doctoral studies in tourism;
  • Training of highly qualified specialists - masters and doctors with advanced professional training, competitive on the domestic and international labor market, which implies the integration of research activities and training in the educational process;
  • Increase of scientific potential of university with a view of the further development of scientific progress and innovations in Republic Uzbekistan by the organization of research works in priority directions of tourism;
  • Coordination of research work of the teaching staff of university to ensure the unity of the system of requirements for the organization, conditions of implementation and quality assessment of training programs for master and doctoral candidates;
  • Deepening of theoretical and practical individual training of master's and doctoral students in tourism;
  • Drawing up schedules of entrance and passing of candidate examinations, control over their implementation;
  • Strengthening and development of material base and information support of the educational process;
  • Development of the system of employment of master students in the period of training.

The main functions of the Graduate School:

  • Organization of the educational process at the University in accordance with the State educational standards and curricula for Master's and Doctoral studies;
  • Elaboration of curricula for Master students, Doctorate candidates and independent applicants;
  • Organizational and methodical works on the execution of current and graduation documents for Master's, Doctoral candidates and independent applicants;
  • Keeping records of the movement of the contingent of Master's, Doctoral candidates and independent applicants;
  • Control over the social protection of Master's students, Doctorate candidates and independent researchers;
  • Drawing up and submitting to the Academic Council of the University the drafts of the plans and rules of admission for Master's and Doctoral studies;
  • Drawing up the schedule of candidate examinations;
  • Preparation of annual reports on the work of the University Graduate School.


Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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