Department of monitoring and organization of training process

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The Department of Academic Affairs is the main structural unit of the university in the system of management and coordination of the academic activity. The Department reports to the Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs. It is responsible for arrangement and organization of the educational process, preparation of normative documentation on educational and methodical work, diagnostics of the educational process and analysis of the quality of specialists' training.

The Department of Academic Affairs controls planning and inspection of the whole educational process, keeps control over the preparation of teaching and methodical, accounting and reporting documentation in the deaneries and departments of the university, keeps records and movement of the contingent of students. It supervises the students' industrial practice and prepares the reporting documentation of the academic activity.

The major objectives of the department:

  • organization and management of the educational process in the university on the basis of credit technology;
  • integration of science, education and technology, perfection of educational process with introduction of the latest scientific and innovative advances;
  • arrangement of works for development and approval of educational programs for Bachelor's, Master's and PhD doctoral specialties, preparation of working curriculum for the academic year;
  • organization and coordination of the academic processes, preparation of drafts of academic schedule for the academic year in all spheres and levels of education of the university in accordance with working curriculum;
  • organization and coordination of educational-methodical activity of the university, development of educational-methodical and internal normative documents on organization of educational process;
  • arrangement and monitoring of academic classes: drawing up the schedule of lectures according to the auditorium fund, making changes to the schedule of classes and control over the course of academic classes;
  • organization of work of state attestation commissions;
  • control over the execution of the study load and calculation of the total volume of the executed study load at the university;
  • accounting, development and regulation of the quality and dynamics of faculty, staff teaching and assistance;
  • quality control and analysis of current, intermediate and final state attestations.


Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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