Code of Honour

  1. Student's Code of Honour is a set of fundamental norms and rules of conduct, observance of which will make it possible to solve the main task faced by an educational institution - training of highly qualified specialists capable of adaptation in labor collectives in difficult conditions of modern production.

1.1 This code defines the main ethical rules of behavior of students in the process of studying at a university.

1.2 The Code of Ethics is aimed at creating comfortable conditions for studying, favorable psychological climate for students to communicate with each other - with teachers and university staff.

1.3. The code of ethics establishes obligatory rules of conduct for every student in the university.

1.4. Each student, observing the norms of this code, contributes to the development and improvement of his educational institution, to strengthening of his image and business reputation.

1.5 The student shall be intolerant of any manifestations of corruption and bribery.

1.6 The student shall strive to become a worthy citizen of his country, a professional in the chosen specialty and develop the best qualities of a creative personality.

1.7. The student shall respect elders, avoid rudeness towards others and show sympathy to socially unprotected people and take care of them as much as possible.

1.8 The student shall be a model of decency, culture and morality, shall not tolerate immorality, and shall not discriminate on the basis of gender, nationality or religion.

1.9 The student shall lead a healthy lifestyle.

1.10. The student shall respect the traditions of the university, protect its property, ensure purity and order.

1.11. The student shall recognize all necessary and useful activities aimed at the development of creative activity (scientific and educational, sports, art, etc.), to improve corporate culture and image of the university.

1.12. Outside the walls of the university, the student should always remember that he is a representative of the higher school and make every effort not to lose his honor and dignity.

1.13. The student should consider it his duty to fight all kinds of academic dishonesty.

  1. basic ethical principles and norms

2.1. General ethical principles of the student are:

2.1.1 Honesty;

2.1.2. Fairness;

2.1.3. Integrity;

2.1.4. Activity;

2.1.5. Proactivity;

2.1.6. Integrity; 2.1.2;

2.1.7. Study not for a diploma but for knowledge;

2.1.8. Individual responsibility for the result.

  1. The basics of ethical relations between students, faculty and administration of the university

3.1 The relationship between teachers and students shall be conducted in accordance with ethical, moral and legal standards. To this end, it is important to remember that we are partners, do the same thing and have a common purpose.

3.2 The student should observe the subordination in relations with the faculty and staff of the university.

3.3 The student must be tactful, correct, polite and comply with the fundamental rules of business communication when dealing with other students, faculty and staff.

3.4 General approaches to solving controversial issues should be based on consistency and consensus, friendliness and the desire to protect the interests of all parties.

3.5 The student shall not tolerate acts or actions that humiliate the honor and dignity of another person.

3.6 The student shall have a high culture and a positive attitude in dealing with others.

3.7. Develop independence and originality of thinking.

  1. Rights and duties of the student of the university

4.1. The student has the right:

4.1.1 The student has the right to choose the form of study;

4.1.2 The student has free access to information necessary to participate in the learning process;

4.1.3. To participate in all kinds of research works, conferences, symposiums;

4.1.4. To take part in cultural and mass events;

4.1.5. Encourage excellence in studies, research and creative activities;

4.1.6. To appeal the orders and instructions of the university administration in accordance with the procedure established by law.

4.2 The student is obliged:

4.2.1. not be late for all kinds of classes and attend them according to the schedule;

4.2.2. turn off mobile phones during the classes;

4.2.3. During the class, students do not interfere with conversations, movements or other activities, unless otherwise specified in the specifics of the class;

4.2.4. actively engage in the learning process;

4.2.5. perform SRS on academic disciplines;

4.2.6. treat with care educational literature, inventory and other resources of the university;

4.2.7. do not consume food during the educational process;

4.2.8. it is forbidden to litter, use chewing gum in the premises of educational buildings, order and cleanliness must be observed;

4.2.9. look tidy, avoid defiant make-up and dress style;

  1. ethical basics of the student's attitude to the university; 4.2.9. to look neat, avoid defiant make-up and dress style; 5.

5.1. students are obliged to take all possible care for preservation and developmentof INOO traditions;

5.2. while practicing in governmental, commercial and other organizations, the student should be aware that his or her behavior contributes to the formation of the image and reputation of the university and the opinion about the quality of specialists prepared in it;

  1. Healthy Lifestyle

6.1. it is necessary to take care of your health, strive for spiritual and physical perfection;

6.2. it is prohibited to possess, use or distribute drugs and other psychotropic substances on the territory of a university;

6.3. it is strictly prohibited to smoke, drink alcohol, be intoxicated in the buildings and academic buildings of the university.


Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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