

(According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers 393 of June 20, 2017, Appendix 2)

Chapter 1 General Provisions

This Regulation determines the procedure for admitting students to the magistracy of higher educational institutions (hereinafter - masters) in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and "On the National Program for Personnel Training"

Admission to the magistracy of the University is carried out in accordance with the relevant decisions of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of state grants and contracts, as well as in accordance with the established rules and principles of Board of Trustees, and on the basis of state programs for the development of tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Admission to the magistracy is carried out by the university admissions committee using a specialized proctoring system on the basis of the university.

Admission to the master's degree program is based on the selection of persons with a bachelor's degree or higher education in the relevant fields of study available at the university and on a list of related fields of higher education established by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education.

Admission to magistracy of the university is based on equality of all, uniform admission rules and a single competition, which ensures the right to admit applicants with the highest scores on entrance examinations on state grants. The rest of the candidates determined on the basis of the rating of the points will be eligible for admission under the quotas of payment contracts.

A special commission operates the admission to the magistracy of the university. The composition of the Admissions Committee is approved by the Board of Trustees of the University. The admissions committee is responsible for conducting entrance examinations and interviews in the subject of the specialty. The duties of the members of the selection committee are determined by the chairman of the selection committee. The selection committee forms a working group for the specialty, as well as a working group of the proctor for the effective organization of the entrance exam.

Training in the specialties of the magistracy is conducted only in English, and the duration of training in the credit-modular system is 2 years. The term of study in some specialties can be set at the level of 1 year.

Graduates of the master's program of the university are awarded a master's degree on the basis of a state diploma.

Graduates of a master's program of a university can be awarded a state diploma and a master's degree in double degree programs in the relevant specialties within the framework of agreements with foreign universities.

Chapter 2

Admission of International Students

 Admission of foreign citizens to the magistracy is carried out on the basis of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 4, 2008 No. 169 “On improving the procedure for admission and training of foreign citizens in educational institutions and international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

Admission of foreign citizens to the magistracy of the university is carried out according to the schedule of the selection committee on the basis of interviews and IQ-questions to determine intellectual abilities, and the corresponding protocol and the decision of the university selection committee. The conversation is also recorded on video.

Foreign citizens can be admitted to the magistracy of a university on the basis of a state scholarship and an agreement.

Chapter 3. Procedure for accepting documents

A month before the start of the entrance examinations for the magistracy, the admission committee of the university in the prescribed manner publishes information on the terms of admission to the magistracy, the names of specialties and quotas through the media.

Applications for admission will be accepted by the Admissions Office from July 10 to August 1 through online registration in the Examus Proctoring system.

Registration in the Examus Proctoring system is carried out on a special university website through the applicant's personal account, developed in accordance with the necessary requirements.

Applicants to the magistracy must submit the following documents to the University Admissions Office in electronic form in the Examus Proctoring system:

a)  an application (sample) addressed to the rector of the university with an indication of the master's specialty;

b) copies of a bachelor's or higher education diploma and annex to it (in pdf format);

c)  certificate (resume) and copy of passport (pdf);

d) photo (jpeg);

e)  a copy of the published scientific article or dissertation (if any);

f)  a copy of the document on admission to training in accordance with the law;

g) A copy of the certificate with a score of at least 6.5 and higher in IELTS, at least V2 and higher in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), at least 79 and higher in TOEFL IBT (validity period).

 The date of the entrance exam for the magistracy in the specialty will be sent to the personal account of each applicant through the Examus Proctoring system

It is strictly forbidden to make any additions or changes to the documents after the specified period.

Chapter 4 Conducting tests and interviews

Applicants for admission to the university master's degree must have an appropriate certificate in English and pass an entrance test in their chosen specialty.

Entrance tests and interviews in the specialty will be held on August 25 to 26.

Tests in the specialty of magistracy are carried out on a personal computer using the pre-installed Examus proctoring system using artificial intelligence with the following functions:

 - user authentication;

- fixing violations during testing;

- audience management;

- face recognition and direction of the subject's gaze;

-control the change of the active window on the desktop of the personal computer;

- to determine the presence or absence of a user;

- Demonstration of the applicant's screen.

The tracking system identifies the applicant based on his passport and photograph and allows the applicant to take the test.

Entrance tests in the specialty are conducted in the format of direct and open video transmission to social networks and the Internet.

30 tests are passed on the tested specialties. The allotted time for passing the test is 90 minutes.

Responsibility for organizing and conducting testing in the specialty is assigned to the Admissions Committee of the University.

Observers are personally responsible subject to strict adherence to the regulations established in the area designated to ensure fair testing.

The applicant is responsible for ensuring a stable Internet connection. In case of loss of communication during the entrance test, as well as when the video signal is interrupted, the applicant will be excluded from testing.

The applicant is responsible for the correct answers to the test tasks. Claims of applicants who incorrectly write down the answers to the tests or violated the rules for passing the tests are not considered. An applicant who grossly violates the rules of the test will be excluded from the test as he is not worthy to study at the university.

It is forbidden to retake the test in the specialty.

The work of the appeal commission at the University will be organized in the prescribed manner.

If the applicant is dissatisfied with the result of the test or interview, they can contact the chairman of the Appeals Committee with a statement to appeal the test case within 24 hours from the date of publication of the results of the interview. The term for consideration of the appeal cannot exceed three days.

Chapter 5 Admission to the magistracy on a paid basis and setting the payment amount

The admission of candidates to the master's program on a paid basis is carried out within the quota of places determined by the Board of Trustees on the basis of uniform rules for setting test scores.

 fter the decision of the Admissions Committee on the recommendation of admission to the magistracy on a paid basis, an agreement is concluded between the applicant and the university. Forms of contracts are issued by the admissions committee of the university from the date of publication of the results of tests and interviews and are issued in 2 copies.

The terms of the contract and the obligations of the parties, the procedure for their implementation are carried out in accordance with the legislation.

The University has the right to independently determine the size of the payment-contract.

The Board of Trustees has the right to grant benefits to certain categories of graduate students upon payment of fixed fees.

Chapter 6 Admission of Presidential and Prestigious Government Fellows to the Master's Degree

Students who are holders of state scholarships of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and have received prestigious state scholarships are admitted within one year after graduation, taking into account the language of university education on a grant basis without entrance examinations.

Chapter 7 Admission to Master's Degree

The results of admission to the magistracy will be published on the university website on the day of testing and interview.

After the formation of the personal files of the enrolled masters and the signing of the contract, the undergraduates are admitted to classes in the prescribed manner by order of the rector of the university.


Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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