Department of Social Support

Psychologist: Mamatova Nazira Jurakulovna

Phone: +99891 559-21-03

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The aim of the teacher-psychologist at the university is to create a favourable psychological atmosphere, to create conditions that stimulate personal and professional growth, to provide psychological protection of students, teachers and staff, support and strengthening of their mental health.

The aim is to achieve the following:

  1. Improving the psychological level of all participants of the educational process in the university.
  2. Supporting the personal and professional development of students in the learning process.
  3. Provide psychological assistance in extreme and critical situations.
  4. Creation of conditions to ensure the innovative development of students' personality, which is the basis for the formation of ability to self-development and self-realization, their own professional career.
  5. Assistance in providing university teachers with scientific and methodological materials and studies in the field of psychology.
  6. Revealing of the basic problems of the participants of educational process, the reasons of their occurrence, ways and means of their decision.
  7. Supporting the teaching staff in creating a favourable psychological climate at the university.

In the course of his professional activity, the teacher-psychologist, working in a higher education institution, carries out it in the following fields:

Psychological diagnostics.

The work in this area consists in determining the individual characteristics of students. As a result of psychological diagnostics there is a fulfillment of students' needs in self-knowledge, stimulation of students' personality development, determination of necessity of correction of the process of formation and growth of students' personality.

Psychological consultations.

This work consists in providing specific assistance to students, in their understanding of the nature of the difficulties, in analyzing and solving psychological problems associated with their own psychological characteristics, existing circumstances of life, relationships in the family, in a circle of friends, at university, help in forming new attitudes and making their own decisions.

This work takes the form of group and individual consultations, and a counselling and educational psychology service has set up a helpline.

Psychological prophylaxis.

In this direction of activity it is carried out prevention of profanity, use of alcohol, tobacco and narcotic substances in the student's environment, timely warning about dangers which can destroy a life (addiction to gambling and computer games, dependence on the Internet, disorderly sexual relations, etc.) It is conducted in the form of trainings, conversations, individual consultations, round tables.

Psychological education.

Psychological education means improving the psychological culture of teachers, students and staff (learning the culture of communication, learning how to solve conflict situations constructively, etc.) It takes the form of lectures, seminars, talks, conferences.

The activities of the educational psychologist at the university also include:

Support in adapting freshmen to the conditions of higher education.

The teacher-psychologist organizes classes in a group of students so that children can get to know each other and develop friendly relations with each other.

These classes help to develop educational motivation.

Psychological support for student practitioners.

An educational psychologist helps students to deal with problems experienced during their internship.

Interaction with various university structures.

The psychological and pedagogical service collaborates with the management of the campus, deputy deans for educational work, provides psychological assistance to students living in a dormitory, students of faculty assets (proforts, cultors), student units.

As a teacher-psychologist in the system of higher education actively works with students, he must have qualities that are mandatory for the effective performance of his professional activities, which include:

1) determination;

2) social activity;

3) eagerness to work with students;

4) justice;

5) tolerance;

6) modernity;

7) erudition;

8) sense of humour.

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