Items filtered by date: February 2025

Today, on February 28, with the aim of popularizing sports competitions among the students of our university, a volleyball game was organized by the leading specialist of the university's sports activities department and tutor P. Islomov. During the competition, students were divided into teams and competed against each other.

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On February 26, 2025, the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage organized the "QUIZ" intellectual game with the aim of enriching students' leisure time. 

In the intellectual game, the following teams took the top spots: 

1st place – Fenix, 

2nd place – Not enough, 

3rd place – Everest.

These teams participated actively and earned their victories.

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As part of the National Costumes Week, the team of first-year students from the TTE-124 group of our university also actively participated.

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Today, 28 February, on the initiative of the Women’s Council, a spiritual and educational event entitled “Symbol of Fidelity and Love” was organised. T. Tugalov, head of the regional branch of the Writer’s Union of Uzbekistan, and other poets were invited to the poetry evening.

At the beginning of the event, the chairman of the Women’s Council of our university M. Abbasova congratulated everyone on the coming spring holiday and told about Zulfiya’s creative work and activity.

This year is the 110th anniversary of the birth of the greatest poetess of the last century. At the event, the head of the regional branch of the Union of Writers T. Tugalov and poet Muhammad Rizo read excerpts from the poetess’ works, and also spoke about her unique talent and love for the Motherland. At the poetry evening talented youth of our university read poems from Zulfiya’s works in different languages.

At the end of the event, a stage play telling about the story of beautiful love between Zulfiyahonim and her husband - no less brilliant poet Hamid Olimjon was shown.

The creative evening dedicated to the birthday of the great Uzbek poetess Zulfiyah made a great impression on our students.

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On February 28, 2025, a roundtable discussion on the topic "We are against human trafficking" was held by the students of the Man-224 group of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, along with their group tutor M. Tilavov and the university's practice inspector Sh. Qurbonov.

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The seminar will feature a guest speaker invited by Tongqian Zou, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, namely Aziz Egamberdiyev, Director of Tourism department of Jizzakh Regional Tourism Committee .

  • Seminar Topic: Tourism potential of Jizzakh Region
  • Date & Time: March 3, 2025, from 15:30 to 16:30
  • Venue: University Building, Room 229

We warmly invite all professors, researchers, students, and interested participants to attend this scientific seminar!

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Today, on 27 February, the psychologist of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage D. Turdieva and tutor M. Tilavov organised psychological trainings for the 1st year students studying in the directions of “Logistics” and “Museum Studies”.

The event provided detailed information about the psychological aspects that make a modern person fall into a state of depression, despondency and apathy. In the practical part, a psychological technique was performed through which the students saw their mood in colours. Also, role-playing games were used in practice, forming collective spirit, cohesion, solidarity in the group, psychogymnastic exercises, contributing to emotional release and body tone.

The trainings were held in high spirits and left a positive impression on all participants, giving them motivation and incentive to move forward towards their goals.

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Thursday, 27 February 2025 16:21

Dear Professors, Researchers, and Students!

We invite you to the scientific seminar on the topic "Economic Consequences of Uzbekistan's Accession to the WTO" to be held on February 28, 2025, at 10:00 AM in Lecture Hall,230. 

This event is organized by the Marketing and Admissions Department. The meeting will serve as an important platform to discuss urgent issues such as the economic consequences of Uzbekistan's accession to the WTO, its impact on the tourism sector, exchange of scientific and practical experience, and the exploration of innovative approaches in the field. 

We encourage all interested parties to participate in this important scientific seminar!

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According to Resolution No. 176 dated May 1, 2023, issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, titled "On Approval of Administrative Regulations for State Services in the Information-Library Field", the Journal of Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage was granted the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) on February 27, 2025. The Journal information is as follows:

Journal Name: The Journal of Silk Road Tourism Studies

Assigned ISSN Number: 3060-530X

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