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Monday, 04 March 2024 16:51

Head Specialist of Bukhara Regional Tourism Department shared successful experience of tourism development in Bukhara

On 29 February, Lazizbek Mukhtorov, Head Specialist of Bukhara Region Tourism Department, presented an online lecture at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The seminar hosted by the Vice-Rector Prof. Tony Zou of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. More than 30 master's students, doctoral students and lecturers participated in the seminar, which was organised by Prof. Tony Zou of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

In his presentation, Mr Lazizbek Mukhtorov introduced the development of tourism in Bukhara with the concept of "unified tourist zone for the Old City", a theme of dramatic changes in tourism in Bukhara.

Lazizbek Mukhtorov's presentation, rich in analyses, made a great impression on the seminar participants. The participants addressed Lazizbek Mukhtorov with questions on the topic of the seminar. The Vice-Rector of our university, Prof Tony Zou and the speaker Lazizbek Mukhtorov exchanged views on the issue of further development of tourism in historical cities.

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