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Monday, 30 October 2023 11:48

The wish, the aspiration of every girl to have a state award named after Zulfiya

Instead of this information, it should be said that today the state award named after Zulfiya is given to talented girls who have reached the age of fourteen and not more than thirty years old, who have achieved special successes in the field of education, science, literature, culture, art, sports and social activities.

On October 27 of this year Fatima and Zuhra Bakhromkulova, Mukaddas Sadinova, Sabina Mustafakulova and Iroda Yakubaeva, students who took active part in republican and international scientific olympiads, contests, exhibitions, conferences and other prestigious events of our university, took honorable places, actively participating in Samarkand regional competitions.

We wish our students good luck at the next stage.

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