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Monday, 01 April 2024 14:28

Students of our university visited those in need of charity

During the fasting days of Ramadan, visiting lonely elderly and sick people in need of affection is considered one of the best deeds.

The first-year students of our university also visited elderly people in need of social protection under the slogan "Let no one be left without care and attention". A group of first-year students of our university under the guidance of their tutors visited an elderly grandmother Svetlana Viktorovna, who lives alone in the city of Samarkand.

Also the first year students of Arch-123 group and Tour-223 group of our university together visited aunt Lola Gulyamova, a disabled person of the first group, living in Khoja Soat of Samarkand city. Our students closely communicated with Lola and her mother. After a heartwarming conversation, our students presented Lola with books and wished her a quick recovery.

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