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Friday, 05 November 2021 16:08

The Ministry of Higher Education of Uzbekistan has opened a hotline and a chatbot for harassed female students

The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of Uzbekistan has opened a hotline and a Telegram chatbot for female students who have experienced harrasment.

Dear students, if you have been subjected to any form of harassment, pressure or violence against yourself at the university or vocational institution where you study or work, or if you are under such threat or you have witnessed such actions, contact the hotline (1006) of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education or the bot @himoya_otv_bot immediately.

The confidentiality of your identity and all your personal information will be guaranteed. You will be provided with all the necessary assistance. Strict measures will be provided to prevent such actions, and every committed case will be stopped.

The formation of a healthy spiritual environment in the system of higher, secondary specialized and vocational education, the protection of honor and dignity, rights and legitimate interests of female students is a priority task of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

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