
2021-yil uchun mustaqil izlanuvchilikka (PhD) o‘qishga kirishga talabgorlar bilan o‘tkazilgan suhbat natijalari ma'lum bo‘ldi. O‘tkazilgan suhbat natijalariga ko‘ra, quyidagi talabgorlar 2021-yil uchun mustaqil izlanuvchilikka (PhD) o‘qishga qabul qilindi: Nabiyev Obidjon…
2021-yil uchun tayanch doktoranturaga (PhD) o‘qishga kirishga talabgorlarning topshirgan imtihonlari natijalari ma'lum bo‘ldi. Natijalarga ko‘ra, quyidagi talabgorlar 2021-yil uchun tayanch doktoranturaga (PhD) o‘qishga qabul qilindi: Abdusaidova Shirin Yakubovna Ixtisoslik shifri: 08.00.05…
Monday, 23 November 2020 18:03

Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020

London Metropolitan University is delivering the following sessions as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020 1️⃣ Session, Date, Time (GMT +5): 1.6, 23rd Nov, 16:00-17:00 Speaker: Belinda Pratten Introduction to entrepreneurship…
WIPO is a Primer Course on Intellectual Property offered online by the British Council. It is enough to spend 2 hours to complete this course. Registration is open until December…
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