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Monday, 06 February 2023 09:41

International Summer internship for university and college students

The Bulgarian company SMART Tour provides an opportunity for students studying in the field of tourism to complete an internship from 3 to 5 months during the summer period of internships and vacations in resorts located on the Black Sea coast of Varna, Bulgaria, which is popular in the hospitality industry!

The following vacancies are offered:

  • Administrator (reception)
  • Waiter
  • Room cleaner
  • Bartender (Bartender)
  • Assistant for the cook

Students over the age of 18 are accepted for the internship. Students receive free accommodation, meals, transfers and medical insurance. Each student receives a monthly salary. Students undergo internships under the supervision of practice leaders from the Uzbek side. At the end of the internship, each student receives an international certificate. An internship in Bulgaria is a great opportunity to have fun during your summer holidays, meet new friends and also a great opportunity to travel.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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