1. On May 20, 2023 year at 11:00 a.m. in conference Hall of“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage within the meeting of Scientific Council numbered under DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 which grants scientific degrees in economic sciences, the defense of dissertation work on the topic “Improving the processes of providing the tourism sector with qualified personnel in the context of innovative development” of Juliboy o‘g‘li Oybek, a doctorate student of Samarkand state university named after Sharof Rashidov will take place.
2. The defence of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation work of a doctorate student of Samarkand state university named after Sharof Rashidov, Amirov Akmal Merojovich, in the speciality of 08.00.17- Tourism and Hospitality Activities on the topic "Regional features and prospects directions for the development of agrotourism (on the example of the Samarkand region)" will take place on May 20, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. at the Conference Hall of the university during the Scientific Council meeting numbered under DSc.33/01.02. 2022.I.145.01.