Monday, 03 July 2023 15:59


On 6 July 2023, Art Station Gallery in Samarkand will be opening “Inner Horizon: Uzbekistan of the 1930s in the Photographs of Ella Mayar”, an exhibition featuring photographs taken by the Swiss traveler, sportswoman, photographer and writer Ella Mayar during her journey through Central Asia, Afghanistan, India, China and Turkey. 

An archive of Ella Mayar’s interesting photographs is currently housed at Elysee Museum of Photography in Lausanne, Switzerland. The Inner Horizon exhibition in Samarkand will feature digital duplicates of photographs provided by Elysee Museum of Photography.

Organisers: “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Samarkand, Swiss Embassy in Uzbekistan, Elysee Museum of Photography in Lausanne (Photo Elysée: Musée cantonal pour la photographie), Friends of Ella Mayar Association and Ms Annelise Hollmann. Curator Dona Kulmatova.

The exhibition will open on 6 July 2023 at 18:00, free entrance.

The exhibition will continue till October 8, 2023.

Address: "Art Station by Silk Road University" - Samarkand city, Beruni street 1 house. The target; Samarkand Railway Station

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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