Monday, 25 December 2023 12:23

Full grant, monthly scholarship and accommodation (dormitory) for undergraduate and doctoral (PhD) programs at the 137th university in the world!

The Republic of China offers "Shandong Provincial International Sister Cities Scholarship" grants to a number of universities for all undergraduate and PhD programs in English and Chinese.

The size of the grant varies, the prestigious grant provides the following benefits:

- A scholarship of 30,000 RMB (1 year).

- Dormitory for international students.

- Use of the facilities of the university, use of the library.

The list of higher education institutions as well as the application form are attached:

(Please call and inform the students who have filled out the application form at the phone numbers below)

Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2024.

Phone number for more information:


Information about the scholarship project "Friendship City 2024" for international students
Youcheng Scholarship Application Form of Shandong Provincial Government for International Students
List of institutions

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