Thursday, 22 February 2024 16:59


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It is known that the contribution made by representatives of Samarkand School of Turkology to science and research is recognized by world centers of Turkology. Recently, the famous Turkologist-scientist, First Vice-Rector of our university Prof. Joliboy Eltazarov, from the famous Institute of Turkology at the Istanbul University of the Republic of Turkey, received this article from "Türkiyat Mecmuası" ("Journal of Turkology"), which has been published in this scientific center since 1925. received an offer to cooperate in the activity of a prestigious scientific publication as a member of the editorial board. He is the author of 20 books, textbooks and monographs and more than 200 articles in the fields of Turkology, Uzbek linguistics, Turkic world studies, and in the following years, 20 articles on the current problems of Turkology were published in Turkish and world scientific publications in different languages. for his services, he was considered worthy to be a member of the editorial board of "Türkiyat Mecmuası". I accept being a member of the editorial board of the journal "Türkiyat Mecmuası" of the Institute of Turkology at Istanbul University, which was established on the initiative of the Great Atatürk, as a high assessment given to Turkology research in our country and Samarkand State University, and this blessing is in the activity of the scientific publication. I will do my best to actively participate,' the scientist wrote in his reply letter. We remind you that prof. Joliboy Eltazarov has been a correspondent member of Türk Dil Kurumu (Turkish Language Academy) since 2020, and the scientist was awarded the international Chingiz Aytmatov medal by TurkSOY in 2023.

Read 808 times Last modified on Tuesday, 12 March 2024 14:37
Published in High Recognition


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