

Institute of tourism development and "Silk Road" International University of Tourism announce a national competition titled "The best article on issues in tourism". The competition is supported by the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism development.

Scholars, doctoral candidates, practitioners and all those whose scientific interests include issues related to tourism are invited to participate.

The purpose of the competition: popularization of scientific research in the tourism sphere; consolidation of the scientific community around issues problems of the new paradigm of tourism policy and future directions of the tourist market in Uzbekistan.

Name of nominations:

  1. Best article on gastronomic tourism
  2. Best article on sports tourism
  3. Best article on ecotourism
  4. Best article on adventure tourism
  5. Best article on medical tourism
  6. Best article on Ziyarat tourism
  7. Best article on youth tourism
  8. Best article on "Senior Tourism".
  9. Best article on MICE tourism".
  10. Best article on ethnographic tourism".
  11. Other fields of tourism

Procedure for submitting a contest application:

To participate in the contest, the participant submits an electronic application in the form of a letter to the Organizing Committee: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. letter - "The best article of issues in the field of tourism". The letter contains information about the participant, their educational institution, etc. A file with the contest work, not exceeding 15 pages in length, is attached to the e-mail.

Requirements for participants:

The competition is allowed for scholars, master students, PhD scholars, researchers, students and practitioners (hereinafter referred to as Participants). The participant has the right to submit only one application. The Participant is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the electronic application.

Requirements for work performance:

The scientific article should not be published previously and should correspond to the contest theme and requirements for the articles' design (language - Russian, Uzbek, English). Volume - up to 15 pages, A4, Font Times New Roman, 14 pt, line spacing 1.5, all fields 2 cm, pages without numbering. Parameters of the paragraph: first line - indent 1.25 cm, indent on the left and right - 0).

The academic paper should contain the following information: author's surname, name, middle name (fully), academic degree, academic title, position (if any), name of a higher education institution or organization (if any), e-mail address - in the upper right corner of the first page, title of the paper should be centered (in bold) (compulsory to write title in English), abstract (annotations are prepared for articles in Russian and English, annotations in English are prepared for articles in Russian and Uzbek), using a keyword.

List of references: is arranged at the end of the article in alphabetical order in which the source is used in the text entitled "List of references". In the text of references, the literature is denoted by square brackets with an indication of the source number and comma, including page numbers: [5, p. 115]. Page references are not allowed.

Contest papers may have applications in the form of additional appendices, tables, charts, photos, presentations, etc.

Those wishing to participate in the contest should send it to the Organizing Committee by the specified time to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • an application for participation in the contest in a separate file according to the sample provided (Appendix 1);
  • the text of the article in a separate file (Appendix 2).

Competition papers that do not meet the conditions for participation in the Competition, which are submitted in violation of the rules of registration and submitted later than the specified deadline will be excluded from the Competition with an appropriate notification for the applicant.

Every participant will be awarded:

  • certificate for the participant;
  • the winners will receive monetary reward: First place 3 000 000 sum, plus diploma; second place 2 000 000 sum, plus diploma; third place 1 000 000 sum, plus diploma - (in each nomination);
  • electronic collection of scientific works (file in pdf format) - by e-mail. The collection will be assigned ISBN, UDC, BBK numbers.
  • possibility of free publication in the scientific electronic journal "Tourism and Hospitality: Science, Education and Practice".

For any enquires or questions contact:

Farkhod Abdufarmonovich Abdurakhmonov, +998997-614-33-77

Soatova Sabokhat Abdumusaevna, +998909626387

Appendix № 1

Application form

Please accept the application for participation in the contest "The best scientific article on problems in tourism":

Full name


Place of work (studies)




Academic degree, title (if any)


Contact phone




Other information


Article subject


Category Name


Signature Full name.

Appendix № 2

Sample article design


Author: Mashhura Toirkhonovna Alimova, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector on research, innovation and commercialization,

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




The "Silk Road" International University of tourism together with the Department for tourism development of the Samarkand region holds a competition under the slogan "Show the world your best pictures! Let's restore tourism together!"

We invite all professional and Amateur photographers to participate in the contest with photos from their photo gallery. The competition for each announced category will be held if there are more than 100 photos on the nominated topics. The photo must be original and not infringe copyright. A letter must contain the participant's full name, phone number, place of work (study), subject of the photos sent, and information about the photo (date of the photo and place name).

Subjects of the photographs

  • Sights Of Samarkand
  • The Bazaars Of Samarkand
  • The Hospitality Of Samarkand
  • National traditions of the peoples of Samarkand
  • The colorful world of suzani of Samarkand
  • Secrets of folk Handicrafts of Samarkand

Prizes for the winners:

  • 1st place – 2 000 000 sum
  • 2nd place – 1 500 000 sum
  • 3rd place – 1 000 000 sum

Photos must be submitted by july 30, 2020

Contact with us:

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Akbar Abdukhalilov +998 93 665 09 55

Nodir Khushvaktov +998 90 985 89 90

"The life-giving mother's love inspires us to great achievements, we strive to turn our native land into a beautiful blooming land. Through the prayers of our mothers and the self-sacrifice of women, peace and well-being are strengthened in the country, our daily hard work gives results, and life is illuminated with the light of kindness, filled with even deeper meaning».

Mirziyoyev Sh. M.

It is known that the level of culture and spirituality of any society depends primarily on the intellectual and spiritual development of women. As history shows, caring mothers and wise women played an important role in the development and prosperity of society, as well as in the formation of many great personalities.

Thus, on June 17, 2020 at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism with the participation of students and faculty members organized a spiritual and educational event in the format of a videoconference on the theme "Happiness of the Uzbek woman-in this Holy land, where she lives and works peacefully".

The event, organized by the women's Committee of the University, was attended by the chairs of the Committee on women's issues from higher educational institutions of the Samarkand region, as well as representatives of various organizations active in the socio-political life of our country.

The purpose of the event - introduction to the priority directions of state policy in Uzbekistan on raising the status and activity of women in public life, and focused support women in realizing their interests and the activities of women's organizations of Uzbekistan.

The conference discussed issues of ensuring gender equality, the role and opportunities of women in public administration, their employment, women's entrepreneurship, social protection and improving the health system.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020 23:28

Online meeting with students

On June 16, 2020, the First Vice-rector for Internationalization and Strategic Development, Prof. J. Eltazarov, held an open dialogue with students of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism, through the "Zoom" platform. The main purpose of the event was called the need for open communication between students and the University management.

At the meeting were discussed various issues related not only to the internal, but also affecting other aspects of the University's life: studies, student activities and so on. Also were discussed such issues as the development of a new curriculum for 2020/2021 year, as well as the principles of summer training. The main question was asked by Double Degree students about how their training will be organized in the future at partner universities, etc.

The First Vice-rector of the University listened carefully to the students, answered each question in detail, explaining and arguing his position. He stressed that in this difficult time, everyone needs to join forces and become a single team to achieve their goals. An important result of the meeting was the realization that students will not be left "alone" with their problems, and the University management is always ready to help solve them!

Today, the “Silk Road” University has powerful resources to train not only professionals with developed scientific, creative and leadership potential, who are able to successfully realize themselves in a changing world, but also socially active citizens and patriots of their native land.

Dear students, if you have any other questions about the educational process, you can send them to your advisors. We will definitely hold the next meeting online or via video message.

Announcement! Summer School Course «Media and Public Relations»

July 6-31, 2020

Registration until June 26, 2020

To register send an Application Form (attached) along with a short essay (500 words max.) on your plans for professional development to the Dean's Office, Tourism Management Faculty, Silk Road International University of Tourism:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact: Ms. Zarina Abdiazizova

Phone: +99890 470-90-44

Detailed program

Announcement! Summer School Course «Scientific Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Events»

July 6-31, 2020

Registration until June 26, 2020

To register send an Application Form (attached) along with a short essay (500 words max.) on your plans for professional development to the Dean's Office, Tourism Management Faculty, Silk Road International University of Tourism:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact: Ms. Zarina Abdiazizova,

Phone: +99890 470-90-44

Detailed program

The “Silk Road " International University of Tourism holds various competitions among students during the academic year. Students of this International University contribute to the restoration of the material and spiritual heritage that has existed in our country since ancient times and is now forgotten. Thus, a competition was held among university students on the topic: “Forgotten legacy”.

During the competition, students presented their projects and proposals for the revival of ancient historical and architectural monuments, national games, customs and traditions of our country, as well as for turning existing projects into finished products.

I would like to note that at the end of the competition, the winners of the best projects were awarded prizes and certificates.

Information about the winners, the names of their projects and their achievements are shown in the table below:

The place of the winners

Winning amount

Name of the startup project


1st place

300 000

«National folk games»

Abdirapiev Umidjon

1st place

300 000

«Lake of fish»

Saidakbarov Saidahror, Juraboeva Marjona, Gulomov Dilshodbek

2nd place

225 000

«Ancient places of Samarkand»

Sultonov Shoxrux

2nd place

225 000

«The legendary Kalkon Ota»

Ernazarov Barkamol

3rd place

150 000


Ergashev Ramziddin, Hamrokulova Shahlo

3rd place

150 000

" Ancient Eastern drinks: Wine and rosewater”

Turakulov Shahzod

On June 6, 2020 at the «Silk Road» International University of Tourism held an online competition «Best start-up» through the Zoom platform. The competition was attended by students in both individual and group style. The submitted projects and presentations were reviewed, verified and objectively evaluated by the members of the Commission.

On June 9 under the guidance of the first Vice-rector, Prof. Zh.d. Eltazarov in an online format were announced the winners of the competition:

1st place of Inoyatillo Tuychiev, the project «InstaLingo»;

2nd place of Abdufattokhov Javohir, the project «»;

3rd place Turakulov Shakhzod, the project «Ecological bubbleten»;

4th place Rakhimov Abror, the project «V. I. T. CARD»

I would like to note that all students who participated in the competition were awarded certificates.

Monday, 01 June 2020 13:44

«E-Line Press» Online Webinar

On June 1, 2020 was organized an online webinar on “Navigation on the EBSCOHOST Platform” for employees and students of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism.

Such a meeting of users is a great opportunity for customers and partners to establish contacts, learn even more about EBSCO technical solutions, exchange experiences and share ideas for improving products.

As part of the presentation were discussed full-text scientific databases, the “single search window” EBSCO Discovery Service system, e-books, and the choice of the methodology for collecting information from users, which is the basis. In order to guarantee wide coverage, EBSCO uses world-renowned techniques such as video conversations and data analysis, ethnography, usability testing.

It is noteworthy that EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the world's leading provider of electronic resources for science and education. It collaborates with various institutions around the world, including universities and schools, public libraries, medical and government institutions, corporations and others.

Ташкентский профессиональный колледж гостиничного хозяйства (УП №5812 от 6.09.2019 г. Техникум) приглашает Вас на учёбу на 2020-2021 учебный год на основе государственного гранта (УП № 6002 от 28.05.2020 г) по следующим направлениям:

  1. Туризм
  2. Организация и управление гостиничным хозяйством
  3. Организация услуг общественного питания
  4. Бухгалтерский учет и аудит
  5. Менеджмент
  6. Маркетинг

Срок обучения 2 года.


  • Выпускники техникума принимаются на 2 – курс соответствующего ВУЗа на основе собеседования
  • Получить квалификацию BTEC
  • Получить сертификат IELTS

Тел.: +99871 289-50-73, +99871 289-67-86, +99871 289-50-76

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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