

On May 29, 2020, the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism launched an international online conference «The creative potential of a multilingual personality: the influence of the multilinguistic factor on the process of learning a foreign language».

This conference was organized jointly with the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development in cooperation with the Korea university of international studies (Korea), Samarkand State university (Uzbekistan), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan), The Centre for Applied Linguistics (USA), and the Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies (CTIS) (UK).

The main goal of the two-day international scientific and practical conference is to create an international and informational platform for improving the process of teaching foreign languages, as well as discussing theoretical and applied aspects of modern linguistics.

The conference, which is held in English, is attended by the teaching staff and students of the “Silk Road” University with their research articles.

As a result of the conference, the electronic collection of scientific articles will be registered in the international systems Crossref and Google Scholar.

In the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, seminars were held in sections of the following areas:

- Innovation and digital technology in the accelerated development of tourism;

- International experience in the application of digital technologies in tourism education;

- Theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the development of inclusive tourism, as a factor in socio-economic development;

- Issues of using digital technologies in the development and promotion of tourism products in the context of globalization.

The issues discussed at the seminars provide an opportunity to create research on innovation and digitalization of tourism. According to conference participants, digitalization is a new form of communication interaction between producers and consumers of tourism services, becoming a source of competitive advantages for tourism organizations that have effective parameters for the socio-economic development of each region, and also indicate the definition of directions for a comprehensive and harmonious development of the socio-economic side regions.

On May 27, 2020 the International scientific and practical conference "Tourism in the XXI century: innovations, digital technologies, inclusive growth" was launched at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism, using the "Zoom" platform.

This conference is held jointly with the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Sahid Tourism Institute (Indonesia), the Academy of Tourism in Antalya (Turkey), Guilin University of Tourism (China), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan), Lovely Professional University (India), University of Kota (India) and the Kazakh International University of Tourism and Hospitality (Kazakhstan).

The main goal of the scientific and practical conference is to create an international platform for the exchange of experience in scientific, methodological and practical recommendations, as well as to generalize scientific research, to identify areas for the implementation of innovative ideas and digital technologies for the accelerated development of the tourism sector and inclusive economic growth.

Conference working language: English

According to the results of the conference, an electronic collection of articles will be registered in the international Crossref and Google Scholar systems, and a DOI number will be given.

Today, Uzbekistan is on the path of integration into the world space. Every year, more and more new branches of our economy are conquering world markets. The tourism and hospitality sector has been developing rapidly over the past decade.

Tourism is not only a way for people to learn about the world, but also the most promising area of the economy, which contributes to the intensification of international contacts and the expansion of cross - cultural ties.

However, the labor market in this area is not so good. Travel companies and the hospitality industry have a great need for professionally trained, highly qualified specialists. After all, tourism managers and other specialists in the hotel and restaurant business must have a good knowledge of not only management, Tourism and Economics, but also be fluent in one or even two languages.

Today, a foreign language has become a necessary element in all spheres of human activity. Knowledge of languages opens all doors of opportunities, especially these skills are important in the tourism sector.

Of particular importance is the professionally oriented approach to teaching foreign languages, which provides for the development of students ' foreign language communication skills in non-language universities. For specialists in the tourism industry, the necessary conditions for successful professional activity are awareness of the features of the communication process, knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, communication strategies and communicative competence, which includes the ability to use a foreign language to achieve professionally significant goals. Considering the goals of teaching a foreign language, it is worth noting that this is a pre-planned result of pedagogical activity, which can be achieved with the help of other components of learning such as: content, methods, conditions, teaching tools, etc., which are formed under the influence of society and affect other components of learning.

The main goals of the educational process in a foreign language are educational, developmental and practical. The educational goal involves the formation of a cultural, tolerant personality, able to communicate freely with foreign partners.

The development goal is aimed at developing attention, memory, logical thinking and business skills of the future specialist.

The practical goal is to teach the student to use the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge of a foreign language and professional terminology in practice during direct or telephone communication with representatives of foreign travel companies and hotel complexes.

In other words, teaching a foreign language is not only the assimilation of certain lexical, grammatical and syntactic material, but also the simultaneous combination of language elements with cultural elements in teaching.

Tourism is a sphere of human activity in which communication is the most important, so the practical knowledge of a foreign language is of great importance in the professional activities of future specialists in the tourism industry.

Taking into account the importance of knowledge of English, the "Silk Road» International University of Tourism organizes intensive English courses for students, employees, as well as for employees of the tourism sector.

Summer months we have declared for months the English language. Intensive English language courses are also organized for the University staff. At the moment, the group, consisting of 23 people, already has a full program of interactive online lessons. They are led by a highly qualified specialist-teacher with international experience Alisher Kamilov, who has worked at universities around the world such as the University of Tokyo and Gakugei University (Japan), the University of Oregon and California state University (America), who shares his knowledge and skills. It is noteworthy that distance classes are held free of charge on a voluntary basis.

On May 16, 2020, at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism held an online seminar on the introduction of professional and social support services and the consolidation of international specialists. The purpose of the seminar was to provide the University with effective services of professional and social support, to strengthen international specialists of various categories and to increase competitiveness.

The need for an online seminar is also due to the implementation of an inter-University policy aimed at attracting foreign teachers to our University, and the formation of special conditions for the integration of foreign specialists into the new environment. The participants of the seminar were heads of departments and employees of the University, managers and specialists involved in recruiting and supporting research and teaching staff.

It is worth noting that at the moment at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism employs foreign specialists from five continents of the world. Attending lectures by world-renowned scientists and professional experts in the field of tourism, students get an idea of the global development of various research areas in tourism, are determined with the topics of certification works. According to the University staff, one of the main goals of creating support services is the successful adaptation of invited research and teaching staff with the possibility of continuing their activities at our University.

The international services of the University, under the guidance of the rector and Vice-rector for Internationalization and Strategic Development, are directly involved in the competitive selection of foreign RTS. Each teacher, according to the Vice-rector of the doctor of Economics, Professor B.Turaev, makes a personal contribution to the common cause aimed at improving the knowledge, skills and abilities of the young generation of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism.

“Attracting international experts is an important part of the internationalization of the International University of Tourism, increasing the authority of our University in the educational arena. We have done a great job of studying the experience and achievements of our partners and colleagues. Today, the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism lectures are given by teachers from the world's largest universities. They become mentors for our students, their recommendations and advice help the younger generation to prove themselves in the professional field and determine the current research topics, " B. Turaev said.

It was also stressed that it is an effective practice for an international University to attract teachers from partner universities.

Bahodir Turayev's speech was supplemented by the head of the International Department Firuza Ikramova and the Head of the Department for work with foreign specialists Hamid Turaev, who noted the unique qualities and potential of each University, the need for an individual approach and the possibility of practical application of the materials obtained at the online seminar.

"We wanted to show all the possibilities in the field of attracting foreign personnel. I hope that each participant will find something that is of interest to them, " Hamid Turayev continued.

Also, the Head of the Department for work with foreign specialists told about the developed methods and analysis of various data. "We needed to generalize the best practices and establish cooperation with foreign specialists. We tried to get away from academism and prepare something that will be in demand in practice.

During the online workshop, he shared the main results of the tasks aimed at attracting and retaining international specialists, and organized a discussion of methodological recommendations. Also, during the online seminar, information was provided about the system of support for foreign personnel: for example, a system of recruitment and fixed-term contracts was introduced for scientific and pedagogical workers.

During the online seminar, participants discussed the order of work with a package of regulatory and working documents for the establishment and functioning of professional services and social support of international experts, features of labor relations with foreign employees and recent changes in the legislation concerning the employment of foreign experts.

All participants of the seminar noted that competent registration of labor relations with invited RTS is an important condition for their successful work at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism. RTS reviews and their satisfaction with the work contribute to increasing the number of foreign students, conducting joint research and participating in scientific projects.

The University's mission is also being implemented through effective support for the activities of foreign RTS. We constantly analyze the changes taking place in the universities of our foreign partners. It is necessary to think carefully about the services that our University can provide, engage in professional training and adaptation of specialists, create structural divisions to meet these goals, " Hamid Turayev, the Head of the Department for work with foreign specialists, summed up the results of the seminar.

All specialists and employees of our University highly appreciated the events and expressed their readiness to regularly communicate on the topic of improving the methods of hiring and adapting foreign teachers.

Дорогие студенты! Выскажите Ваше мнение о качестве предоставляемого дистанционного обучения в высших учебных заведениях.

Ваше мнение очень важно для нас!

Данный опросник является анонимным и его результаты анализируется только в обобщенном виде, что гарантирует конфиденциальность. Целью данного опроса является выявление и дальнейшее устранение проблем, связанных с использованием технологий дистанционного обучения, улучшение качества дистанционного образования, повышение квалификации педагогов, а также улучшение качества услуг, предлагаемых ВУЗом.

Заранее благодарим за искренность при заполнении данного опросника!

Ссылка для заполнения

On May 11, 2020 within the framework of the Student scientific and practical conference "Tourism on the great Silk road: yesterday, today, prospects for development" were awarded onlinethe winners of the competition for the best article among undergraduate and graduate students.

Winners of the competition among undergraduate students:

1st place – Ergashev Ramziddin «The impact of covid-19 on the tourism industry and the most effective strategies for its recovery»

2nd place – Turakulov Shakhzod «The crossroads of historical popularity, contemporary honor and future prospects of Uzbekistan's wine and wine tourism in the great Silk road»

2ndplace - of Saidakbar Saidahror «Prospects of development of international tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan»

3rdplace – Jahongir Odilov «The prospects for tourism development in Uzbekistan between 2020 and 2025»

3rdplace – Sultonov Shoxrux «The development of wellness tourism in Uzbekistan»

3rdplace – Davronov Kamoliddin «the application of vr in tourism industry»

Winners of the competition among undergraduates:

1stplace – Raxmonov Shuhrat «Approaches and action programs aimed at the development of tourism in the countries of the Silk Road»

1stplace – Husenova Mehrangiz «The future of business tourism in Uzbekistan»

2ndplace – Erkulov Mukhammedmurod «Development phases of tourism as a discipline in Uzbekistan: past and new periods»

2nd place – Abdirapief Umidjon «Destination management: managing community as a tourism resource (in case of Nepal)»

3rdplace- Suyarov Abdulaziz «Коронавирус пандемиясининг туризмга кўрсатган таъсири ва соҳанинг янги истиқболлари»

3rdplace – Lutfillaeva Nargiza «The concept of developing tourism infrastructure in Samarkand region»

It is worth noting that this award has become a good tradition of the “Silk road” University, which every time announces competitions among students. Thus, motivating them to self-improvement and self-realization.

Бутун дунёда коронавирус пандемияси авж олаётган бир пайтда ҳам таълим тизими тўхтаб қолгани йўқ. Ҳар бир олий таълим муассасаси замонавий технологик, инновацион воситаларни қўллаган ҳолда масофавий ўқитишни йўлга қўйди. Бундан ташқари, халқаро лойиҳалар борасидаги изланишлар ҳам бир жойда тўхтаб қолмай, янада самарали натижаларга эришилмоқда.

Самарқанддаги «Ипак йўли» туризм халқаро университети бу борада муваффақиятли ишларни амалга оширмоқда. Бугунги кунда университет учта нуфузли халқаро лойиҳаларда иштирок этиш ҳуқуқини қўлга киритган.

Creative Spark: олий таълимда тадбиркорлик

Бу дастур Буюк Британия таълим муассасалари, университетлари ҳамда иштирокчи давлатлар иқтисодиётини ривожлантириш мақсадида креатив тадбиркорлик тажрибаларини шакллантириш доирасида халқаро ҳамкорликни йўлга қўйиш бўйича 2018-2023 йилларга мўлжалланган дастурни ўз ичига олади.

Ушбу дастур Британия тажрибасидан фойдаланган ҳолда таълим жараёнида креатив тадбиркорлик кўникмаларини ривожлантиришга катта ҳисса қўшиши шубҳасиз. Лойиҳани амалга оширишнинг биринчи йили доирасида ўн мингдан ортиқ талаба ва ёш тадбиркорларни жалб этиш кўзда тутилган. Лойиҳа доирасида эълон қилинган танловда 2019 йил сентябрь ойида Буюк Британиянинг Оксфорд университетида биринчи проректор вазифасини бажарувчи иқтисодиёт фанлари доктори, профессор Б.Тураев иштирок этиб «English Club» очилишига эришилди.

R.A.R (Regional Alumni Representative)

«Ҳудудий битирувчилар вакили» – 2020 йил бошида АҚШнинг Ўзбекистондаги элчихонаси томонидан ўтказилган ушбу танловда «Ипак йўли» туризм халқаро университети ўқитувчиси Алишер Комиловнинг лойиҳаси танланиб, ғолиб деб топилганди. Университетимизда АҚШ давлат дастурларини битирган мутахассислар билан биргаликда талабаларнинг ҳудудий марказини очиш режалаштирилган.

Марказда АҚШ элчихонаси ҳамкорлигида профессор-ўқитувчилар, мутахассислар ва талабалар учун ўқув ва алмашинув дастурлари фаолиятлари йўлга қўйилади. Бунда, албатта, информацион таъминот йўлга қўйилади, дастурлар доирасида профессионал таҳлил қилиш бўйича АҚШ элчихонаси томонидан бошқа хорижлик мутахассислар ҳам жалб этилиб, улар томонидан университет учун амалий ёрдам ва маслаҳатлар берилади. Шунингдек, АҚШ элчихонаси томонидан маълум фаолиятлар молиялаштирилиши назарда тутилган.

Туризмни ривожлантиришга қаратилган халқаро лойиҳа

АҚШнинг Ўзбекистондаги элчихонаси кўмагида «Ипак йўли» туризм халқаро университети ва АҚШнинг Вайоминг университети билан ҳамкорликда 2020 йил апрель ойидан янги лойиҳага старт берилди. Лойиҳа Тошкент давлат иқтисодиёт университети, Бухоро давлат университети ва Самарқанддаги «Ипак йўли» туризм халқаро университети ўқитувчилари учун инглиз тилидаги туризм бўйича ESP семинарлари ўтказишни ўз ичига олади. Бу тадбир ўқитувчиларнинг инглиз тилини билиш даражасини баҳолашни назарда тутади.

Давомли лойиҳа Ўзбекистоннинг туризм соҳаси учун махсус дарслик яратиш; профессор-ўқитувчилар таркибини ўқитиш; туризм бўйича инглиз тилидаги талабалар клубларини ташкил қилиш; «Ипак йўли» туризм халқаро университети таклиф этган тадбирларни ўтказиш даврида (2020 йил февраль-2021 июнь) онлайн материалларни ишлаб чиқишни кўзлайди.

Бундан ташқари, университетнинг Инновацион ривожлантириш вазирлигига тақдим этилган бугунги кунда туризм соҳасидаги аҳамиятли ва долзарб муаммоларини тадқиқ қилишга қаратилган кенг миқёсли лойиҳалари ҳам таҳсинга лойиқдир. Булар қуйидагилар:

  • «Глобаллашув даврида янги ипак йўлидаги меъморий-маданий меросни сақлаш» мавзуcидаги тадқиқот лойиҳаси” Илмий тадқиқотларни қўллаб-қувватлаш Евроосиё уюшмаси томонидан ўтказилаётган халқаро кўптомонли танлов бўлиб, унда Беларусь давлат педагогика университети, Қозон федерал университети Елабуга институти (Россия), Арманистон туризм институти (Россия халқаро туризм академияси филиали) ҳамкорлик қилишмоқда.
  • Ахборотлаштириш ва ахборот-технология фанлари бўйича давлат илмий-техник лойиҳалари грантлари доирасидаги 12-танловда иштирок этиш учун «Зиёрат туризми учун ақлли технологиялар пакетини яратиш» мавзуcидаги тадқиқот лойиҳаси.
  • Илмий-техник лойиҳаларининг ўзбек-ҳинд ҳамкорлигидаги танловида қатнашиш учун «Creation of the Augmented Reality Based mobile application «E-Trave Guide» мавзуидаги тадқиқот лойиҳаси.
  • Тарих ва ижтимоий фанлар бўйича давлат илмий-техник лойиҳалари грантлари доирасидаги 18-танловда иштирок этиш учун «E-ziyorattourism» электрон платформасини яратиш» мавзуидаги тадқиқот лойиҳаси.
  • Тарих ва ижтимоий фанлар бўйича давлат илмий-техник лойиҳалари грантлари доирасидаги 18-танловда иштирок этиш учун «Ўрта Осиё мутафаккирларининг асарлари асосида ҳалокатли фикрларга қарши маънавий курашиш асослари» мавзуcидаги тадқиқот лойиҳаси.

11 мая 2020 года в Международном университете туризма «Шелковый путь» прошла научно-практическая онлайн-конференция на тему «Туризм на Великом шелковом пути: вчера, сегодня, перспективы развития».

На конференции были обсуждены задачи, поставленные перед Государственной программой «Года развития науки, просвещения и цифровой экономики», вопросы о проделанной работе за последние годы в области туризма, перспективы туристической отрасли. Конференция прошла среди студентов вузов на платформе Zoom.

Участники конференции представили свои статьи по следующим направлениям:

  1. Итоги и перспективы сотрудничества Узбекистана с зарубежными странами и международными организациями в сфере туризма за годы независимости.
  2. Международный опыт развития виртуального туризма и возможности его использования при развитии туризма в нашей стране.
  3. Современные тенденции развития туризма вдоль Великого шелкового пути.
  4. Механизмы поддержки деятельности предприятий, работающих в сфере туризма.
  5. Перспективы развития международного туризма в Республике Узбекистан.

В целях поддержки исследовательской деятельности студентов и продвижения их исследований, онлайн-конференция наградила авторов лучших научных статей. Кроме того, научные статьи будут опубликованы в сборнике научных статей под названием «Научные результаты одаренных студентов».

Официальные языки конференции: узбекский, русский и английский.

На конференции участвовали исследователи из разных университетов, магистранты и студенты бакалавриата. Также, в ней участвовали все исследователи, магистранты и студенты нашего университета. В рамках конференции прошли презентации около 30 статей.

2020 йилнинг 11 май куни “Ипак йўли” туризм халқаро университетида “Буюк ипак йўлида туризм: кеча, бугун ва ривожланиш истиқболлари” мавзусида илмий-амалий онлайн конференция бўлиб ўтди.
Конференцияда “Илм, маърифат ва рақамли иқтисодиётни ривожлантириш йили” Давлат дастурида белгиланган вазифалар, сўнгги йилларда туризм соҳасида қилинаётган ишлар муҳокама қилинди. Масофавий анжуман олий таълим муассасалари талабалари ўртасида ўтказилиб, Zoom платформаси ёрдамида амалга оширилди.

Конференция иштирокчилари қуйидаги йўналишлар бўйича ўз мақолаларини тақдим этди:

  1. Мустақиллик йилларида Ўзбекистоннинг туризм соҳасида хориж давлатлари ва халқаро ташкилотлар билан ҳамкорлиги натижалари ва истиқболлари.
  2. Виртуал туризмни ривожлантириш борасида халқаро тажриба ва уни мамлакатимизда татбиқ этиш имкониятлари.
  3. Буюк ипак йўлининг барча йўналишларида туризмни ривожлантиришнинг замонавий тенденциялари.
  4. Туризм соҳасида ишлаётган корхоналар фаолиятини қўллаб-қувватлаш механизми.
  5. Ўзбекистонда халқаро туризмни ривожлантириш истиқболлари.

Талабаларнинг илмий фаолиятини қўллаб-қувватлаш ва уларни кенг ёритиш мақсадида энг яхши мақола муаллифлари мукофотланди. Бундан ташқари, мақолалар “Иқтидорли талабаларнинг илмий сарҳисоблари” номли илмий тўпламда нашр этилади.
Масофавий анжуманда турли университетларнинг тадқиқотчилари, магистрантлари ва талабалари иштирок этди. Конференция доирасида ўттизга яқин мақолалар тақдимоти бўлиб ўтди.

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