Items filtered by date: October 2024

“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage cooperates closely with prestigious German universities as well as with several leading international organizations. Eiko Otto, Advisor for Tourism and Regional Development of the German Organization for International Cooperation (GIZ), lectured to the students of our university. During the lecture, the international export delivered information to the students about the modern features of tourism.

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This is a very important day for the students who received scholarships organised by the Department of Tourism. First scholarships awarded by the department were presented to the students. These scholarships are not only a reward for financial support but also for hard work, talent and dedication.

The scholarship winners are Marjona Ravshankulova, Shakhrizoda Sirojiddinova and Mirjalol Ochilov, who are distinguished for their academic achievements and innovative thinking in the field of tourism. In addition, these students inspire other students with their creative ideas and endeavours.

We congratulate the winners of the scholarship organised by the Department of Tourism.

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On October 10 at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on the occasion of 11 October “International Day of the Girl”, the Chairperson of the Women’s Council of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage M.Abbasova and mentors of the clubs “Kizlarjan” and “Girl Leader” created under the Women’s Council Fatima and Zuhro Bakhromkulova took an active part in the republican forum “Club of Girls”, organised under the slogan “Your initiative - for your future”.

Importantly, active girls of our university spoke about the forum in interviews with the national media.

In the second half of the day, active girls of our university took part in a meeting with senators in the Senate of the Oliy Majlis and got answers to their questions.

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On 8-10 October of this year, the 1st International Specialised Exhibition “Horeca Expo Uzbekistan 2024” in the field of hotel and restaurant business is being held in the 1st pavilion of the exhibition centre “Uzexpomarkaz”.

“Horeca Expo Uzbekistan 2024” is a unique platform for demonstrating the latest achievements in the hospitality sector, establishing business relations and finding new partners. Leading representatives of hotel and restaurant business of Uzbekistan and foreign countries, specialists in tourism and hospitality industry took part in the exhibition.

A corner for our university was organised in the exhibition pavilion, where discussions were held on organising developmental internships for students to cooperate with enterprises working in the HoReCa sector.

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On 10 October of the current year a propaganda event among students of higher education institutions on the prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning and gas-air mixture outbreaks was held at our university by the Department of Emergency Situations of Samarkand region of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

During the event, officials gave students the necessary instructions and recommendations on how to avoid such negative situations during the autumn-winter period. During the event, the questions asked by the students were answered.

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On 28 September 2024, an important academic event was held at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. As part of this event, Master’s graduates of the Academy of Economics and Trade of the Сhina-SCO Academy of Economics and Trade took the entrance examinations for the degree of Doctor of Science (PhD). These examinations were highly supervised and evaluated by members of a special commission set up at the university.

The Commission included representatives of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and other prestigious institutions of high standing in the field of science and education. In particular, the Commission included the First Vice-Rector for Administrative Affairs of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Doctor of Science (DSc), Professor Dilmurod Abdulloyevich Nasimov, Director of “Silk Road” Institute of International Studies, Doctor of Science (DSc), Professor Mavlyuda Alimjanovna Yusupova, Dean of Beijing International Tourism Research University Li Pengbo, Head of UNESCO Department, Doctor of Science (DSc), Professor Safarov Bakhodirkhan, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service Aslanova Dilbar Hasanovna, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Doctor of Science (DSc), Professor Tong Qian Zou and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Doctor of Science (DSc), Professor Joseph Hoffman.

A total of 17 candidates showed their knowledge and scientific potential in this examination. Fifteen of them successfully passed the examination and were admitted to PhD program of the university. This will further strengthen the effectiveness of co-operation between the institute and the university by demonstrating the high level of scientific training of the candidates.

The event is aimed at further developing scientific, academic and cultural ties between China and Central Asia and strengthening mutual exchange of experience. The university takes international scientific co-operation to a new level by attracting foreign students to doctoral studies.

The success of this event will contribute to the development of science and education in our country, as well as enhance the prestige of the university at the international level.

At the end of the event, all participants and professors concluded additional agreements on the continuation of scientific and practical co-operation, exchange of experience with each other. These agreements serve to further expand the integration of the university into the international education syst

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The first edition of Journal of Silk Road Tourism Studies was launched at the International Conference “History - Art - Technology - Protection and Utilisation of the Cultural Heritage of the Great Silk Road”.

The journal serves as a research platform focusing on the development of research and knowledge in the field of tourism studies. The scholarly journal focuses on high-quality, original research covering various aspects of tourism and emphasises the scientific study of the rich historical and cultural heritage of the Silk Road.

Prof Dilmurod Nasimov, First Vice-Rector of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Heritage, Chen Fulin, Vice-President of Northwestern University, Prof Ahmadali Askarov, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and more than 60 famous scientists from Central Asia, China and Europe spoke at the presentation ceremony.

During the event, Prof Tongqian Zou, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, talked about the development of the Journal of Tourism Research through many scientific topics. Prof Tongqian Zou also highlighted the importance of integrating history, art and technology and promoting sustainable tourism in the scientific study of Silk Road cultural heritage. The initiative reflects the broad spectrum of the journal, covering full-length research articles, short research notes, conference conclusions and analytical content of book reviews.

The first edition of the journal was edited by our university professors Husen Ibragimov and Muhammad Shahparan. It was established that a scientific publication follows strict ethical standards, and each published article should be analytical and carry valuable information for the tourism industry. The departments of Translation and Interpretation Studies, History and Cultural Heritage and Information Technology worked closely together to produce the first edition of the journal. The journal is published quarterly and serves as a sustainable platform for scholars around the world to share their research.  Overall, the introduction ofJournal of Silk Road Tourism Studies is an important step in connecting academic research with tourism, cultural heritage preservation and technological advancement, and has been established to prove itself as a major resource in the field of tourism and cultural heritage studies.

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On 2-3 October 2024, the UNESCO Chair was opened at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in the framework of the first international conference “Topical issues of study and preservation of the tangible and cultural heritage of the Silk Road”.

Head of the UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan S. Noshadi, First Vice-Rector of our university, Professor D. Nasimov, Vice-Rector T. Zou, Director of the Silk Road Research Institute, Professor M. Yusupova and more than 100 scientists from the USA, Italy, the Netherlands, Central Asia, the Middle East and other countries took part in the opening of the Chair.

Professor T. Zou, Vice-Rector of our university at the international conference, gave a presentation on the functions and tasks of the UNESCO Chair. In his speech, the professor touched upon such issues as the preservation and utilisation of cultural heritage along the Silk Road, improving the living standards of local residents, developing tourist villages and combating gender inequality. 

In this chair, our university professors B. Safarov, T. Zou and M. Siddikova are carrying out joint activities. The main goal of the chair is to develop research, education, training and public relations in a unified system.

The UNESCO Chair, established on the initiative of the Rector of our university and the UNESCO office in Uzbekistan, is headed by Professor T. Zou, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation. 

The Chair was established at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and organised a platform on tourism and cultural heritage in cooperation with Beijing University of International Studies, UNESCO, IICAS and other research institutes.

The Chair currently employs high level, internationally recognised researchers and academics, and is establishing and developing partnerships with reputable research institutes around the world.

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Today, October 9, on the occasion of “October 11 - International Day of the Girl” at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, a meeting was held with female students studying at the university, organised by the Women’s Council of our university.

Z. Rakhmanova, Head of the Family and Women’s Department, B. Turdiboeva, a member of the Union of Writers and Journalists of Uzbekistan, and chairpersons of the Women's Advisory Council and a group of scientists working in prestigious higher education institutions and research institutes in our region took part in the event under the slogan “Your initiative is your future”. At first, on the occasion of the date, the chairwoman of the women’s council of the university M.Abbasova and others congratulated everyone on this holiday.

On the occasion of the holiday, Z. Rakhmanova, Head of the Regional Department of Family and Women’s Affairs, Deputy Regional Hakimyat, presented a group of talented female students of the club “Girls and Leaders” under the Women’s Council of the university, as well as a group of women conducting scientific research, with a certificate of appreciation from the Regional Department of Family and Women’s Affairs.

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On 8 October 2024 the action “National Costume Day” was held at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, based on the protocol of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan to celebrate 11 October - International Day of the Girl in our country.

On this day, all teachers and staff of our university started their work activities in national costumes, promoting our nationality in a good mood.

The purpose of this action is to preserve and promote the high spiritual values and heritage of our people, which have been formed over the centuries.

During the action, foreign professors working at our university did not hide their delight when they saw our national costumes.

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