Thursday, 21 October 2021 16:51

21 - Oktabr Oʻzbek tili bayrami

The main regional celebration, organized on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the state language status of the Uzbek language, began with the laying of flowers at the Alisher Navoi monument in the Central Park named after Alisher Navoi in Samarkand. The event was attended by representatives of regional…
Was discussed various areas of cooperation, including educational programs, academic exchange of researchers and teachers. During the meeting, the importance of inviting French experts in the field of tourism, cultural heritage and restoration of historical sites, as well as student exchange and the organization of internships for young specialists was…
Samarqand shahri kuni munosabati bilan tashkil etilayotgan asosiy bayram tadbirlari Sohibqiron Amir Temur maqbarasini ziyorat qilish bilan davom etdi. O'tgan buyuk ajdodlarimiz ruhiga bag'ishlab Qur'on tilovat qilindi. Shundan so'ng viloyat va shahar hokimliklari, korxona va tashkilotlar, ta'lim muassasalari hamda keng jamoatchilik vakillari tomonidan Sohibqiron Amir Temur haykali poyiga gul qo'yildi.
18- Oktabr- Samarqand shahri kuni bayram tadbirlari yurish marafonidan boshlandi "Biz sog'lom turmush tarzi tarafdoshimiz" shiori ostida Samarqand shahrida bugun erta tongdan ommaviy yurish marafoni tashkil etildi. Unda 7 yoshdan 70 yoshgacha bo'lgan samarqandliklar ishtirok etishdi.
 Chellenjda ishtirok etish uchun o'zingiz ishtirokingizda Prezident sayloviga aloqador bo'lgan videorolik yoki o'z ijodiy ishlaringizni (chizilgan rasm, qo'l mehnati orqali yaratilgan ijod namunasi, kreativ rasmlar), o'zingizning Instagram tarmog'ingizga joylaysiz va Instagramdagi @saylovedu2021 ( profilini belgilab (отметка qilib), videoga #saylovedu2021 heshtegini yozasiz. Videorolik va ijodiy ishlar saylovning mazmun va mohiyatini targ'ib…
Friday, 15 October 2021 09:43

To girls about the future - today

On October 11, on the International Day of Girls, at the Orphanage No.1 adviser of the Women's Council M.Abbasova, psychologist D.Turdyeva, talented 3rd-year student Shahlo Khamrokulova of International University of Tourism "Silk Road" met with pupils of this institution. Shahlo Khamrokulova told those present about her successes and how to…


Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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