On February 8, 2024, on the initiative of the Vice-Rector for Scientific Researches and Innovations of the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Tong Qian Zou, a seminar was organized for teachers, doctoral students and students of the university. The Deputy Governor of the Samarkand region for…
8 февраля 2024 года по инициативе проректора по научной и инновационной деятельности Международного университета туризма и культурного наследия «Шелковый путь» Тун Цянь Цзоу был организован семинар для преподавателей, докторантов и студентов университета. В качестве гостя в семинаре принял участие заместитель хокима Самаркандской области по молодежной политике, социальному развитию и духовным…
On 8 February, the regional newspaper “Zarafshan” published an article by the first vice-rector of our university, Professor J.Eltazarov, about the successes achieved in the field of education at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The article talks about the tasks set in the strategy “Uzbekistan-2030” and…
Today, 9 February, the 583rd anniversary of the birth of our great-grandfather, a great Uzbek poet, philosopher and statesman, who was born in the city of Herat in 1441, is being widely celebrated. Since this morning, the public of Samarkand region, in particular teachers, students of “Silk Road” International University…
Bukhara Technical School of Tourism and Cultural Heritage aims to train qualified personnel in accordance with international standards in the field of tourism and service management. To this end, various master classes, on-site training practices are constantly organised during the educational process, and students' knowledge and skills are enhanced. On…
At the Khiva Technical School of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Khorezm region, students in the field of “Organisation and Management of Hospitality” prepared and presented stage plays on how to act in problem situations in a hotel. It is known that theatrical performances of this kind are important for…
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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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