A group of PhD students of our university took part in the conference "International Management Asia-Europe" at HTWG Konstanz University in Germany. Leading professors from such countries as Germany, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and the USA, as well as PhD students actively doing research work took part in the conference. As…
On May 2 of this year, a preventive talk for female students was held in the student dormitory headed by M. Abbasova, chairperson of the Women's Council of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. They were given a lot of vital information in order to preserve and…
On the first day of May, Ms D. Turdieva, the psychologist of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage held a motivational training “I - am!”.  M. Abbasova, the Chairperson of the Women’s Council and G. Khusainova, the tutor, were invited to take part in the event. The…
On April 27 of this year in the student dormitory of the university tutor Gavkhar Khusainova held master classes on the meaningful spending of free time of female students and preparation of Uzbek national dishes. The purpose of this was to improve the skills of our female students in cooking…
Today, May 2, a meeting was held with the participation of activists and students of the university women's council. At the meeting, Chairwoman of the Women's Council of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage M. Abbasova told about the impressions she received at the national training seminar…
Tutor M.Raupova organized an event on the topic "The Book I Loved" in the student dormitory of the university. The tutor told about how important it is for students to read books in their free time. After all, reading a book allows you to live with the reality of what…
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