Juma, 06 May 2022 16:34

“The importance of museums and cultural heritage”


Shakhzoda Amirova
3 year student at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage

Darius Riazi
Lecturer at History and International Relations at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage


Our societies change at a quick pace within the 21st century. Demographic evolution, climate change, economic shifts, the spread of mass tourism. These cultural, economic and environmental changes throw a distinct light on the heritage that can be lost for future generations. Recent imply of collections, new roles for museums in society, debates on heritage are signs of the days. These pressing issues touch a growing awareness of diverging forms and experiences of heritage that we have often overlooked within the past. The study examines the roles of museum to sustainable tourism development of the heritage of the museums with special target to Uzbekistan and how the cultural heritage and museums may be effectively utilized for sustainable tourism and to form suggestions for better utilization of the slave relics for tourism promotion. This research concludes by recommending the way forward and suggests that general infrastructure development should be ensured for better sustainable tourism development.

Key words: museums, cultural heritage, tourism, cultural tourism, heritage tourism, cultural heritage, new media, role of museum, sustainable economy, Uzbekistan.

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