Seshanba, 09 Noyabr 2021 15:35

Cultural Heritage

In Celebration of the Silk Road University’s renaming as the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Silk Road, the University is offering a Faculty Lecturing a monthly series on Aspects of Cultural Heritage given by distinguished members of our own and sister Universities:

November: Professor R. Joseph Hoffmann.

 “What is Cultural Heritage?”

December: Assistant Professor Maria Daghmehchi.

 The Persian Version:  Cultural Heritage in Iran ancient things and modern techniques

January:  Assistant Professor Sono Fukama.

 Where is Asia?  Geographical and Cultural Carromatas and Customs

February:  Vice Rectors. R. Joseph Hoffmann. Aleksey Kilasov, Eltazarov Juliboy

Forum Defining Culture

March: Dr Ammar Younas, Westminster University in Tashkent.

Who Owns What?  The Difficulty of Cultural Patrimony.

April:  Professor Aleksey Kilasov.

UNESCO’s role in efimning and Preserving Cultural Heritage

May: Professor, Sultonov Tulkin.

The Turkish Connation.  Distinctive Cultural Feature of a Turkish Diaspora

June:  Professor, Cho

 The Korean Element in Uzbek Culture, Synthesizing Culture

July: All lecturers.

Closing Seminar

O'qilgan 4101 marta
Kategoriya Yangiliklar


140104, O’zbekiston Respublikasi, Samarqand shahri, Universitet xiyoboni, 17

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