Chorshanba, 15 Dekabr 2021 09:30

DAAD PhD fellowship program in Germany!

Dear students, Our university is one of 4 in Uzbekistani all allowed to nominate its candidates for a prestigious DAAD fellowship. Please see information below if you are interested, then contact the OAA for further information.

Call for proposals for tourism and mobility-related research projects within the framework of the DAAD project "Silk Road Cooperation - from Germany to Uzbekistan" (Ostpartnerschaften)

Project Management: Prof. Dr. T. Thimm

Within the framework of the DAAD-funded project Ostpartnerschaften, scholarships amounting to € 1200 will be provided for a one month research stay in Germany. For 2022, a total of four scholarships (for PhD students) will be awarded to PhD students of HTWG Konstanz partner universities:

- Westminster International University Tashkent

- Tashkent State University of Economics

- Silk Road International University of Tourism, Samarkand

- Karakalpak State University, Nukus

The selected PhD-students will be included in HTWG research projects, e. g. data collection. Depending on the quality of the scientific work a joint paper publication can be considered. Furthermore the selected PhD-students will be invited to seminars at HTWG Konstanz to speak about their research.

Selection criterion: originality of the motivation letter. The selection committee consists of Prof. Dr. Gunnar Schubert, Prof. Dr. Hanno Langweg, Prof. Dr. Tatjana Thimm (all HTWG Konstanz).

Women are particularly encouraged to apply and will be given preferential consideration if they have the same qualifications as men.

Applications by 21.01.2022 to Ms. Geraldine Kortmann (including motivation letter, CV and proof of English level B2): Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

The scholarship holder is requested to present the results of his/her stay at a digital event organised by HTWG in 2022. Furthermore a one page report on the research stay is requested until 31.12.2022

O'qilgan 3368 marta
Kategoriya Yangiliklar


140104, O’zbekiston Respublikasi, Samarqand shahri, Universitet xiyoboni, 17

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