In order to ensure the implementation of the joint resolution of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On further improvement of work on prevention of offenses in higher educational institutions" every Thursday of the week in "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and…
Constant carrying out of theory in tourism with practice gives a real practical result in improving the knowledge and skills of the student. Therefore, our university pays special attention to the process of practice of students. At present our students have practice in their speciality in the spheres of tourist…
In our country, the government has created great opportunities and conditions for the young generation. Many of our young people competently use these opportunities and achieve great success. There are such young people at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.  Unfortunately, today in our society some young…
As part of the co-operation agreement signed between "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and Wakayama University, our second year students Diyorbek Otabekov and Karim Kadorkin had the opportunity to study in Japan for a year. Our students had the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills…
On 26 March of this year, within the framework of the month on protection from emergency situations and ensuring civil defence, the staff of the Regional Department of Emergency Situations held a training seminar for teachers, staff and students of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. At…
On 27 March, with the participation of M.Abbasova, Chairperson of the Women's Committee of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, N.Halimova, lecturer of "Language and Global Studies" Department, and K.Akramova, lecturer of "History and Cultural Heritage" Department, a seminar was organised for teachers of Samarkand Tourism Technical…
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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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