The International Seminar was held in the People's Republic of China from 3 to 16 July this year, the conference was dedicated to the theme " Silk Road culture and tourism development: enhancing capabilities of culture and tourism research in Central Asian countries". The opening ceremony of the seminar took…
Yesterday, 23 July, was an unforgettable day for 340 graduates of our university. Employees of the Committee on Tourism, the management of our university, heads of employer organisations, as well as graduates of full-time, part-time bachelor's and master's degrees and their parents, who will graduate in 2023-2024 academic year, were…
In New Uzbekistan, large-scale reforms are being carried out towards the development of the innovative sector of the tourism economy, determining the patterns of cluster development of the tourism industry and improving the mechanism for managing the innovative cluster of regional tourism. It is known that Our President Sh. Mirziyoyev,…
The head of the Department of Tourism at the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Akmaljon Odilov, and the teacher of the department, Muslima Amiriddinovalar, are on a business trip in the Republic of South Korea.Today on July 17, representatives of our university visited Namseul University and were received…
On July 8th, of 2024, a delegation led by the Minister of Education of the People's Republic of China, Huai Jingpeng, and the President of Beijing International Studies University, Ji Jinbiao, paid an official visit to our university.This was the first visit of the Minister of Educations to Uzbekistan and…
Joriy yilning 1-4 iyul kunlari "Ipak yo'li" sport klubi tomonidan Osiyo - Tinch okeani lakros Ittifoqi bilan birgalikda lakros festivali o'tkazildi. Festivalda “Ipak yo‘li” turizm va madaniy meros xalqaro universiteti talaba qizlaridan iborat jamoa ishtirok etdi va Osiyo turniri musobaqasida 3-o'rinni qo‘lga kiritdi. Joriy yilning 1-4 iyul kunlari "Ipak yo'li" sport…
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