Today, thousands of different decorative trees are being cared for on the territory of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. On 27 March of this year, in warm spring days, decorative tree saplings were planted again with the participation of a group of employees from our university…
On March of this year, Muslima Amriddinova, a lecturer of the Department of Tourism, exchanged views with a number of prestigious universities in Seoul and Tejon (Korea), including Hankuk and Wosong Universities, on cooperation in scientific work for professors and lecturers of the department, organisation of open classes and holding…
Today, on March 27, in the assembly hall of our university, the first vice-rector D.Nasimov held a dialogue with first-year students. N.Abduvokhidova, head of the department of work with youth and organization of events of the university, conducted the dialogue. The first vice-rector of the university, who spoke first at…
On 26 March, in the Information Resource Centre of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, the Women's Council of the university held an event for children of teachers and staff working at the university on the theme "Love for books begins in the family. Mother is a…
         On 4-8 March of this year, Farrukh Mamаdiyorov, a lecturer of the Department of Tourism of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, took part in the course "International Programmа on Inclusive Banking and Finance" at National Institute Bank and Management in Pune, Maharashtra, India.          During this…
On 19 March of this year, a round table was organised at our university on the theme "Religious-State Relations in Uzbekistan, Harmony of Religion and Belief". Staff of the regional department of internal affairs, pupils and students took part in the round table. N. Abduvahidova, head of the department of…
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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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