In accordance with the appeal of Beijing International Education University of the People's Republic of China to Uzbekistan on June 15, 2023, in order to further develop cooperation relations with the countries of the Silk Road in the field of cultural heritage tourism and introduce a system of mutual experience exchange On August 2-15, a two-week scientific seminar called "Advanced Seminar on Silk Road Culture and Tourism Development" is planned for the delegation of Uzbekistan consisting of 30 participants in Beijing, Shanghai and Xi'an, China. To participate in this conference, a group of selected teaching stuff and other employees of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage will go to China.
In this regard, a meeting was held with them on 31st of July with the first vice-rector of the university, professor J.Eltazarov, spoke about the goals and objectives of the conference, and said that every professor-teacher should be active in the seminar and that it is necessary to further develop the knowledge and experiences. At the event, heads of departments expressed their opinions on organizational issues.
The youths of neighborhoods were visited by university representatives.
At the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, special attention is being paid to the issues of supporting young people, helping them to get a thorough education, vocational training, and solving their problems.
On July 27, 2023, the staff of the University, headed by the First Vice-Rector of the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage "Silk Road", Professor J. Eltazarov, visited "Imam Vose" and "Kaftarkhana"neighborhoods in Samarkand city in order to support young people in need of social protection, educate, train, guide, and provide them with work opportunities.
In particular, the university representatives visited the house of Bagirov Murad, Salomov Istam and Borieva Sabina living in the "Imam Vose" neighborhood of Samarkand city and got to know their living conditions, problems, interests, suggestions and future plans.
Bagirov Murad said about the fact that he started a business in his house, using the wide opportunities created by our country, and about his plans to expand his business in the future. At the same time, he emphasized that he does not need any financial support, but on the contrary, he is very satisfied with the special attention shown by our President.
In our country, the issue of attention to youth has been brought to the level of state policy, the owners of tomorrow are providing comprehensive support to their interests. On the initiative of the honourable head of state, work was systematically established to ensure employment of youth in mahallas and to inform about their condition. Responsible persons have received necessary instructions and have been assigned to the youth of the mahallas.
In particular, the First Vice-Rector of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage J. Eltazarov also held a meeting with Numanova Shakhlo, who lives in the mahalla of “Kaftarkhona” attached to her. During the meeting, First Vice-Rector J.Eltazarov listened to Sh.Numanova’s appeals and directed them to the relevant organisations for resolution.
On 24 July of this year, Wang Jiezhi, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Development of the Institute of Economy and Trade of the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. First Vice-Rector of the university, Professor J.Eltazarov welcomed the guest.
During the dialogue, information about the history of opening of this organization, possible cooperation in the field of higher education, programs offered by the people’s Republic of China in the development of tourism industry in Uzbekistan was presented. Also Wang Jiezhi, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Development of the Institute of Economy and Trade of the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, noted that the opportunities created at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage are at a high level.
On 22 July of this year, professors, teachers working in 27 higher educational institutions of Indonesia, led by rector of Gunadarma University Prof. E.S.Margianti visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. First vice-rector of the university, Prof. J.Eltazarov welcomed guests, and familiarised them in detail with the work carried out at the university. Also during the dialogue, the representative of the Indonesian Professors Association, Professor Ari Purbayanto, shared his opinion on the projects of higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan on cooperation with Indonesia. The issue of establishing cooperation in tourism training with “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage was also discussed at the meeting.
At the end of the meeting, the guests noted that it is necessary to direct even greater inflow of tourists from Indonesia to Uzbekistan through the programme of pilgrimage tourism and halal tourism.
“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage invites to work highly qualified professors and teachers with academic degrees in the following specialties on a competitive basis in the 2023-2024 academic year:
1. Management (1 staff unit)
2. Logistics (1 staff unit)
3. Tourism (1 staff unit)
4. Economy (1 staff unit)
5. Marketing (1 staff unit)
6. Mathematics (1 staff unit)
7. Statistics (1 staff unit)
8. Accounting (1 staff unit)
9. Financial management (1 staff unit)
10. Entrepreneurship and business direction (1 staff unit)
11. Hotel and hospitality direction (1 staff unit)
12. Organization of public events (1 staff unit)
13. Agricultural tourism (1 staff unit)
14. Information and communication technologies (1 staff unit)
15. The right to tourism (2 staff units)
16. Turkish language (1 staff unit)
17. Art history (0.25 staff units)
18. Museum studies (0.5 staff units)
19. Archeology (1 staff unit)
20. Pottery techniques (0.25 staff units)
21. Spanish language (2 staff units)
Qualification requirements for the position of teacher:
- Having a higher education (specialist with a master’s degree), as well as a scientific degree (including a doctor of philosophy (PhD) degree of foreign countries or other scientific degrees equivalent to it) and a scientific title, and having teaching, research and practical work experience;
- to have the professional and organizational skills necessary for pedagogical activities, the relevant knowledge and skills within the scope of the type of activity and powers;
- having exemplary behavior, personal qualities, intellectual potential and high culture;
- to have leadership, creative thinking, politeness, organization, and initiative skills;
- to have a sense of responsibility, independent decision-making and behavior, to act decisively, to ensure the achievement of the strategic goals of the institution;
Level of knowing of foreign languages: knowledge of Russian and English. Having an IELTS level 6.5 in English or a B2 level certificate of foreign language proficiency issued by a state testing center.
Computer literacy: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power point), excellent knowledge of office programs, ability to use the Internet and social networks and to have practical skills for working on the Internet.
Field of activity and tasks of the position of a teacher:
- Conducting training sessions and seminars at a high level specified in the curriculum;
- supervising students’ professional graduation work, as well as independent work;
- preparation of textbooks, teaching-methodical and demonstration manuals, as well as compilation of reprint able textbooks, teaching manuals and teaching-methodical literature;
- working with talented students, preparing them to participate in Olympiads and competitions;
- conducting scientific research works in accordance with the approved plan;
- study the work experiences of experienced foreign teachers and introduce new pedagogical technologies;
In accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 12 of January 12, 1999 “On Measures to Strengthen Executive Discipline”, regulations on executive discipline, labor and academic discipline, labor protection, technical safety and industrial sanitation, University Charter, Rules of Internal Procedure, university etiquette, compliance with the dress code at the university, and decisions of the university senate, rector to comply with the orders, assignments of the head of the department, the requirements of the Law on Education and regulatory legal documents related to the education system.
“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage provides candidates with:
- stable monthly salary (there is a bonus);
- interesting work activity with a promising career.
Working hours: Monday to Friday.
Working hours: 09:00 to 18:00.
Day off: Saturday, Sunday.
Deadline for submission of documents: August 16, 2023 (until 18:00 on the same day).
Candidates are requested to send the following information to the e-mail address
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the telegram number +99893 523-22-95:
- KPI in Uzbek, Russian or English;
- Reference or CV;
- Diploma.
Phones for information:
+998 66 240-67-73
+998 66 240-67-68
On 20 July of this year, a diploma awarding ceremony was held for graduates of Samarkand Technical College of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Head of the Department of work with professional educational institutions of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage J.Kholboev, head of “Amina Travel” LLC S.Amonov and others took part in the event and wished all graduates good luck in their future work.
On 20 July of this year, Haruko Tachibana, leader of Cultural Sending Promotion Committee of Japan visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The first vice-rector of the university J.Eltazarov welcomed the guest. Firstly, she acquainted with the activity of the university library, which last year looked through 144 copies of various literature, guidebooks, given to the library of our university by the international fund of Japan “TOSHIBA FOUNDATION”.
It is important, as it is seen that this literature was very interesting and demanded by our students. During the conversation it was noted that this year the International Fund of Japan “TOSHIBA FOUNDATION” will give 200 more copies of various literature to the library of our university. At the meeting, opinions on the results of cooperation between the two countries were exchanged.
On 18 July of this year, the first vice-rector of university J.Eltazarov, heads of departments of the university A.Odilov, M.Siddikova, T.Sultanov, head of department of planning and development of educational process M.Yorkulov, dean R.Toshniyozova, head of department of office registrar F.Nurov, head of department of quality assurance of education and accreditation A.Tukhtamishev, as well as head of department of work with employees A.Kholbaev.
At this meeting the questions of qualitative preparation for 2023-2024 academic year, improvement of education quality were discussed. In addition, attention was paid to attracting scientists and specialists from abroad and from our country, known in the field of tourism, to determine the number of the relevant classes for this purpose, as well as to give announcements about the work in the press and social networks, to conduct open, transparent interviews with applicants. Other issues of university life were also discussed at the meeting.
On 14 July of the current year, the head of the organisational and control group of the regional khakimiyat B.Rahmatullaev held a meeting with a group of graduates of the 2022-2023 academic year of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The event was organised under the leadership of the first vice-rector of the university, Professor J.Eltazarov. B.Rahmatullaev, head of the organisational and control group of the regional khakimiyat, who spoke at the meeting, said that today the state creates all necessary conditions for young people to gain knowledge and reach high heights, so the employment of graduates is carried out by the leadership of the regional khakimiyat, as well as comprehensive support in creating their own business. During the dialogue with each graduate of the university a separate interview was held, during which they answered the questions they were interested in. At the end of the event, the representatives of the regional khakimiyat got acquainted with the library of our university.
Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.
dummy+99866 240-67-68