Items filtered by date: September 2023

On 29 September of this year, “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage widely celebrated the holiday of 1 October – “Teacher and Mentor Day”. At the event, a festive table was set up, to which professors and teachers of our university were invited, and a group of dedicated teachers were awarded certificates of honour by the administration.

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  In September 2023, the university stage of the republican competition on the topic “Uzbek language - the translator of my heart” was held among foreign students studying at the university whose native language is not Uzbek in order to ensure the implementation of the Decree No. PF-6084 of October 20, 2020 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further develop the Uzbek language and improve the language policy in our country”, the statement No. 56 of the Cabinet of Ministers Board meeting of July 26, 2023 and  the Statement No. 160 of September 7 as well as to increase the interest of foreign students and young people  studying in our university to learn Uzbek.

At the higher education institution stage of the competition, the participants competed on the conditions of preparing a 3-5 minute introduction video about themselves and writing essays on topics related to the history, culture, values ​​and social life of the Uzbek people.

According to the final result of the examination,Farishta Kayumiy, a graduate student of the University’s Tourism (types of activity) master’s degree, was declared the absolute winner of the competition and received a ticket to the republic stage.

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On 28 September of this year in “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage the first meeting of activists of the club “Girls” and club “Leader Girls” under the Women’s Council held.

         The head of the club “Girls” at the meeting was R.Toshniyozova, head of the faculty “Tourism Management”, who held a round table discussion on the club's charter and work plan, which will be implemented this academic year.

Full information about the established and planned clubs was also presented, and these clubs were given the necessary assignments on the issues of student involvement. The meeting instructed the club captain to organise the presentation of innovative ideas for new projects and start-ups.

The round table discussed how to make further plans, new projects by saturating them with mutual feedback. The participants were given gifts. At the end of the meeting, the girls received answers to their questions.

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On 29 September of this year, students of Cambridge International Non-Governmental School of Samarkand visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage to get acquainted with its activities. Familiarising the students with the life of our university serves to further increase their interest in our university.

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On 20-27 September of the current year, mass sports events in such sports as volleyball, football, table tennis, chess held at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage within the framework of “Five Initiatives” and “League of Students” programmes with the participation of first-year students of the university. Student youth compete with each other, divided into teams. Sporting events continue.

Published in Sporting Events

According to the decree of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovations, in celebration of 1 October Teacher and Mentor Day, a group of specialists who work selflessly in the field of secondary specialised and vocational education were awarded the badge “Excellent worker of secondary specialised and vocational education”, an example of which is effective work on quality training and professional employment of young people. Among them - Zakirova Dilnoza Sharifovna, a teacher of special subjects of Bukhara Technical College at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

The staff of our university also sincerely congratulates Zakirova Dilnoza Sharifovna with this success and wishes her good luck in her future work.

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On 28 September of this year, together with the Women’s Council of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and Department of History and Cultural Heritage, the festival “Khan Atlas” was held.

 Since ancient times, satin, adras fabrics have been a mirror of our people’s culture, a sign of their nationality. And everyday clothes, which harmoniously combine modernity and nationalism, attract the attention of even foreigners. It has become a tradition for students and girls of our university to organise such festivals. After all, it is undeniable that knowledge of such products of our cultural heritage, their history and today, together with imprinting in the student youth feelings of humility, pride, sense of dignity, form in them a desire to preserve them, to continue the tradition.

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On September 20, 2023 in Samarkand concert hall under the motto “For new Uzbekistan for new life” for teachers and students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage together with the collective of musical circle under the direction of K.Mustaev and invited artists from Moscow was organised a jazz-blues jam-concert, where one of the outstanding musical compositions was performed.

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On 26 September 2023, the football club of Samarkand region “Zakovat” started the games of the first league.

6 teams of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage took an active part in these games and were able to find correct answers to most of the questions.

We would like to remind that the winners of the first league will have the opportunity to participate in the professional league teams from the next season.

 Good luck to the knowledgeable teams of our university!

Published in Students life
Thursday, 28 September 2023 10:31

27 September “World Tourism Day”

On 27 September, a solemn event dedicated to World Tourism Day was held at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.  At the event, which was organised jointly with “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and the Tourism Department of Samarkand region, R.Kobilov, deputy governor of the region, made an introductory speech, in his speech he congratulated everyone on this day with all his heart.

          As it is known, to date, as a result of the reforms carried out in the sphere of tourism a huge practical work has been achieved. The industry has experienced a real boom, and the level of service for foreign and local tourists has risen.

At the event, diplomas and gifts of honour were presented to a number of education, cultural heritage and media workers who have been active in the tourism sector during the year. After the main part of the event, Graduation Party 2023 held. In it, foreign graduates were awarded diplomas to the Master’s students of our university.

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