Items filtered by date: March 2024

Wednesday, 27 March 2024 17:43


Speaker: Dr. Temur Mirzaev

CEO of Tourism Lab, Researcher

Former Advisor to the Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Topic: Tourism product diversification: Regional development programs, Destination branding.

Moderator: Vice rector and Professor Tony Zou, “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Venue: Lecture Hall 229

Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm, March 28, 2024 (Thursday)

Published in Announcements

Today, thousands of different decorative trees are being cared for on the territory of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. On 27 March of this year, in warm spring days, decorative tree saplings were planted again with the participation of a group of employees from our university and the regional department of ecology. Within the framework of the nationwide project "Green Space", more than 1,500 fruit and decorative tree bushes and 500 different types of flower seedlings were planted on the territory of our university.

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On March of this year, Muslima Amriddinova, a lecturer of the Department of Tourism, exchanged views with a number of prestigious universities in Seoul and Tejon (Korea), including Hankuk and Wosong Universities, on cooperation in scientific work for professors and lecturers of the department, organisation of open classes and holding joint conferences.

Also during her visit to Korean universities she held a dialogue on the implementation of the instruction of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 12.01.2024 № IP-19 to establish the activities of centres and departments in educational and scientific organizations of these states in order to increase tourist flow through the wide promotion of the study of history and culture of Uzbekistan, Uzbek language and literature in foreign countries.

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 Isteʼdodli yoshlarni qoʻllab-quvvatlash “Ulugʻbek” jamgʻarmasi, Innovatsion rivojlanish vazirligi, Yoshlar ishlari agentligi, Oliy va oʻrta maxsus taʼlim vazirligi, Qoraqalpogʻiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Kengashi, viloyatlar va Toshkent shahar hokimliklari hamkorligida 16-25 yoshgacha boʻlgan yoshlar oʻrtasida iqtidorli yoshlarni kashf qilish uchun Mirzo Ulugʻbek vorislari” respublika tanlovi eʼlon qilinadi.

    Tanlovda ishtirok etish istagida boʻlgan yoshlar quyidagi talablarga javob berishi lozim:

    Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining fuqarosi boʻlishi;

    Aniq bir gʻoya yoki loyihaga ega boʻlishi;

    IQ test natijasi 110 balldan past boʻlmasligi;

    Turli tanlovlarda gʻolib boʻlganligi toʻgʻrisidagi diplom, sertifikat yoki tavsiyanomaga ega boʻlishi.

    Tanlovda ishtirok etishni istaganlar sayti yoki @vorislar_tanlovi_bot   telegram-bot orqali roʻyxatdan oʻtishlari mumkin.

Published in Announcements

Today, on March 27, in the assembly hall of our university, the first vice-rector D.Nasimov held a dialogue with first-year students. N.Abduvokhidova, head of the department of work with youth and organization of events of the university, conducted the dialogue. The first vice-rector of the university, who spoke first at the meeting, touched upon the goals and objectives of this meeting and spoke about what conditions and opportunities are created today for our students in order to train qualified specialists in the field of tourism and cultural heritage at our university. After that, the officers answered the questions of our students about creating conditions for holding intellectual games "Zakovat", purchasing musical instruments for the students of our university who have a talent for music, organising additional Arabic language clubs. Also, the responsible persons of our university gave their recommendations regarding the attention of students to the process of classes, effective use of books in the library.

Published in News
Wednesday, 27 March 2024 15:51

Summer School program to Japan!

We are excited to announce that WU is offering a face to face summer program 2024 and welcome “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage students to join for the intercultural opportunity.

Great challenge to have this communicative course which is designed for learners who want to study Japanese language and Japanese culture

including culture experience such as Wagashi confectionery making and the world heritage “Koyasan” visit.

Program schedule: July 16 – July22, 2024.

Program fee: 10,000 JPY

Nomination deadline: April 10, 2024

For more detailed information, please contact on telegram: +998930045100

Published in Announcements

On 26 March, in the Information Resource Centre of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, the Women's Council of the university held an event for children of teachers and staff working at the university on the theme "Love for books begins in the family. Mother is a book lover - child is a book lover!".

The host of the event, M. Abbasova, chairperson of the university's women's council, revealed and gave her recommendations to the young readers. The reading event was devoted to various ways of increasing the interest of young readers in reading books.

Staff of the Information and Resource Centre, chief specialist of the Department of Youth Work and Events Organisations, tutors of faculties and youth leaders with their children took part in the event.

Young readers who took an active part in the event were awarded with books and souvenirs.

Published in News

         On 4-8 March of this year, Farrukh Mamаdiyorov, a lecturer of the Department of Tourism of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, took part in the course "International Programmа on Inclusive Banking and Finance" at National Institute Bank and Management in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

         During this course, Farrukh Mamаdiyorov was closely acquainted with the theoretical and practical knowledge of inclusive banking practices, financial institutions, international finance and accounting systems.

         Going ahead, the knowledge and experience Farrukh Mamаdiyorov gained from this course will provide practical assistance to students as a lecturer in the Department of Tourism at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in their new approach to providing inclusive accounting models and services in the tourism industry.

Published in News

On 19 March of this year, a round table was organised at our university on the theme "Religious-State Relations in Uzbekistan, Harmony of Religion and Belief". Staff of the regional department of internal affairs, pupils and students took part in the round table.

N. Abduvahidova, head of the department of youth work and organisation of events at the university, opened her speech by talking about the practical work carried out on religious tolerance in our country during the years of independence and its role and significance in a democratic society. At the round table, representatives of the internal affairs sector also expressed their recommendations on whether it is necessary to know about it, so that there would be no cases of young people falling into the networks of certain religious movements when using social networks.

Published in News
Tuesday, 26 March 2024 12:31

Modern dresses reflecting nationality

On 25 March, in order to promote modern national costumes, "Elegance" event was organised at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage among regional and international students on the theme "Modern Dresses Reflecting Nationality".

At the presentation part of the event, besides opulent, elegant dresses made of national fabrics like satin, adras, bekasam, our international students also showcased their dresses with a history of several centuries.

Such events are important for saving and popularising the high spiritual values and heritage of our people, which have been shaped over the centuries.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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