Items filtered by date: March 2024

Tuesday, 26 March 2024 12:19


Speaker: Rudy Fang

CEO of Central Asia&Southeast Asia Business Community™ (CASEA-BC™),

CEO of Uzbekistan-Singapore Tourism Centre™ (USTC™),

COO of Central Asia and Southeast Asia International Tourism Research Centre™ (CASEA-InTouReC™)

Research Areas: Wealth Management, Tourism, Information Technology, and Food&Beverages, Fashion & Lifestyle, Education.

Moderator: Head of the Tourism Department, Dr. Akmaljon Odilov

Topic: MICE Business: Sharing Singapore’s Successes as a Model for Tourism Development

Venue: Lecture Hall 229
Time: 11:00 – 12:00 pm, April 4, 2024 (Thursday)

Published in Announcements

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, information on programmes and competitions that are open for financing projects under external disinterested support funds (grants) is provided by international organisations.
Grant competition

Published in Announcements

         “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage has many creative young students. They are the pride of the university.

         On 20 March of this year, such creative young students also took part in the painting competition held at our university. The participants tested their skills in the areas of national dress, colour depiction and graphics.

         Jury consisting of professors and lecturers of the department fairly evaluated the creative works of the students and chose the winners of the qualifying stage of the competition;

         1st place -student of Guide-122 Davlatova Gulasal Shavkatovna

         2nd place -student of group Mantour-122 Rabiddinova Fariza

         3rd place -student of group Tour-123 Bakhronov Isfandiyor

         According to the results of the competition 3 students, who were recognised as winners, were awarded with certificates of honour and souvenirs.

Published in News
Monday, 25 March 2024 17:29


We invite you to the international scientific-practical conference "Innovative approaches to the study of the field of language, literature, translation, tourism and cultural heritage on Silk Road"!

It is at this conference that a tour of Samarkand will be organised.

The conference will be held on 3-4 May 2024!

Last day for the acceptance of articles: 25 April 2024.

For enquiries: Candia Poyonova @Science_inno1 (993319654)

Published in Announcements

During 26 February to 15 March of this year, Maftuna Kobilova, a lecturer of "Tourism" department of our university, took part in training courses and seminars on "Women and Youth Entrepreneurship in Wildlife and Environmental Tourism" in Noida, India.

The training courses and workshops were funded by the Government of India and its main objectives are to promote sustainable tourism based on environmental and cultural heritage protection, support local economy.

Furthermore, it aims to promote women's active participation in tourism and their presence and contribution at the centre of modern socio-economic development.

In conclusion, the development and sustainability of the tourism sector is an important issue, as in the case of Uzbekistan and India, and significant progress is being made in areas such as the protection of cultural heritage, environmental sustainability and increasing the participation of women in tourism.

Published in News

On 14 March of this year, a seminar was held at the lecture hall of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. At the seminar, Dr. Su Mingming, Associate Professor of School of Environmental Sciences of Remin University, presented an online lecture on "Heritage Tourism and Community Development". The seminar, which was attended by tourism and cultural heritage professionals, teachers and students, was led by the university's Vice-Rector, Professor Tony Zou.

At the seminar, Dr. Su Mingming, Professor of School of Environmental Sciences of Remin University, made a presentation on "Heritage Tourism and Community Development - Examples from China".

In her presentation, Dr. Su Mingming discussed the definition and classification of cultural heritage, giving examples of UNESCO-listed cultural heritage sites around the world for the development of cultural heritage tourism. In particular, the active involvement of cultural heritage and the public in China was emphasised. Dr. Su Mingming's bright and detailed presentation made a great impression on the lecturers and students.

After the lecture, Dr. Su Mingming answered the questions of the lecturers and students.

Published in News

In connection with this day, a national action was held in all state organisations of our country, according to which it was established to disconnect for an hour from electricity, computer equipment, refrigerating and heating equipment and other means of electricity use, to walk for an hour in the street for students studying in higher educational institutions.

Such an action was also held at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. As part of the action, the university building was disconnected from the power grid from 14:00 to 15:00, and the university's faculty, staff and students were engaged in sports such as chess, badminton, table tennis and drawing, interesting conversations and walking for an hour.

Published in News
Monday, 25 March 2024 15:06



Kristina SMORODINA, Cross Travel Agency Director, Hotel Inspector, Uzbekistan Hospitality Awards Jury Member.

Topic: «Each of You is the Primary Tool for the Promotion of Tourism in Uzbekistan»

Moderator: Head of the Tourism Department, Dr. Akmaljon Odilov.

Venue: Lecture Hall 229
Time: 11:00 – 12:00 pm, March 28, 2024 (Thursday)

Published in Announcements

On 25 March of this year a volleyball competition was held between the teams of first and third year students of our university. The purpose of this is to increase the physical activity of student youth, attracting them to sports, to organise free time with benefit. At the sports event the teams competed using all their strength. At the end of the competition, the winning team will compete in the next game with teams of first and fourth year students.

Published in News
Thursday, 21 March 2024 14:06


Today, the eastern festive mood of the New Year - Navruz spreads throughout our country, especially in the ancient and eternally young Samarkand.
         I congratulate all professors and teachers, staff and students of our university on the spring holiday Navruz, which embodies such traditions and values.
         After winter days, pleasant spring air and waking mother nature give a special mood to the human soul. We always wait Navruz with impatience.
         It is not for nothing that this holiday in the city and in the countryside is met with folk festivals and various national games, as well as national dishes. After all, each of us lives with a sense of pride in our values, our nationality and our traditions.
         Today, cultural heritage tourism has flourished widely in our country. Training a qualified specialist in this field and education of qualified personnel of the cultural heritage sphere is one of the main tasks of our young university. Wishing everyone good luck in this good thing, I once again congratulate you on the Navruz holiday.
The First Vice-Rector of "Silk Road" International University
of Tourism and Cultural Heritage,
prof. D.Nasimov
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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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