Items filtered by date: March 2024

9 ноября 2022 года в Императорском Дворце в Токио состоялась церемония награждения заместителя Премьер-министра, министра туризма и культурного наследия Республики Узбекистан Азиза Абдухакимова «Большим Кордоном Ордена Восходящего Солнца». В соответствии с традициями, орден был вручен Императором Японии Нарухито в присутствии Премьер – министра Фумио Кисидо.
Награждение «Большим Кордоном Ордена Восходящего Солнца» подтверждает признание многолетнего вклада в укреплении дружественных отношений между Японией и Узбекистаном.

Данный орден является старейшим в Японии и высшей степенью (из 6 степеней) «Ордена Восходящего солнца», который вручается начиная с 1875 года.

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From March 4 to April 6, 2024, under the collaboration with the Samarkand Institute of Archaeology, Samarkand State University, and "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, conducts training practical seminars on "Archaeology of the Stone Age". At this seminar, on yesterday, March 11, expert from Iran Dr. Morteza Khanipour was given lecture on topic “Transition from Epipaleolithic to Neolithic in southern Zagros, Iran"

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On 7 March 2024, our university organised the fifth scientific and practical seminar for tourism and culture professionals. Dr Sun Yehong, Professor of the School of Tourism of Beijing Union University, gave a lecture at the seminar, which was attended by professors and lecturers of our university. The seminar was organised by Professor Tony Zou, vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovation of our university.

Dr Sun Yehong's speech was on "Heritage Tourism: Frontier Theories and Best Practices".

Also, Dr Sun Yehong, Professor of School of Tourism of the Beijing Union University, expressed her views on the development of agrarian tourism. She talked about the need to pay special attention to the registration of agricultural landscapes and intangible cultural heritage in rural areas, and introduced the concept of important agricultural heritage site proposed by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations) and UNESCO.

Dr Sun Yehong's analytical lecture and presentation on the topic aroused the interest of teachers and students of our university. After the lecture, Dr Sun Yehong answered the questions of teachers and students in detail.

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On 6 March of this year, a training seminar of the Head of the Scientific Research Department Nargiza Mansurova on the ongoing work to improve the effectiveness of research work was held for professors and teachers of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage of university.

At the event professors and teachers were given necessary recommendations on writing scientific articles and their publication in prestigious international journals and ensuring the scientific potential of the university, international accreditation and high scientific potential. The training seminar answered the questions posed by the participants.

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On 6 March of this year, Mohammad Shahparan, a lecturer of the Tourism Department of our university, and second year students of group 122 visited the Tashkent Polytechnic Museum to learn about sustainable transport in tourism. Transport is one of the important components of tourism activities. The relationship between transport and tourism development is very important as it makes a great contribution to the development of tourism sphere. The aim of the project is to introduce our students to the practice of sustainable transport in tourism, to provide a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge, and to improve their qualifications.

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On 11 March of this year, Ms Chae Soo Hee, Chief Director of the Korean Cultural Heritage Promotion Office, and Mr Na Jong Hee, Head of the International Cooperation Department of the Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation, visited "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

During the visit, the Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation gave Korean literature related to the fields of archaeology, museology and cultural heritage to the university library. More than 500 books were given to the university library from Korea and the new books are available for students.

- The project of the Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation and the university for 2022-2030 includes excavations at various historical sites together with professors and lecturers of Samarkand Archaeological Institute and "Silk Road" International University of Urism and Cultural Heritage, as well as the giving of various literature and research works related to the field to the university library," said Director General Chae Soo-hee.

At first, the delegation members had talks with the university representatives and expressed opinions on projects of common interest. After that, the guests met with professors and students of our university. During the meeting, information on practical work on the outcome of international relations to date was presented.

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On 7 March of this year, an event was held at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage to ensure the implementation of the statement of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation No. 15 of 26 February 2024 and to promote national and modern costume among students.

Our university's youth work department organised the event and it was attended by members of our university, students of the Parliament and first year students. N. Abduvahidova, head of the Youth Work Department, with an introductory speech told that today the national customs of our people and widespread propaganda of national and modern costumes are one of the important tasks. At the event "Fashion Day" our students came out in national outfits, divided into teams. This was followed by the dresses of the female students sewn from the national fabrics of our people like adras, satin, bekasam and our traditions reflecting nationalism as such and each performance was evaluated by the judges and at the end the winners were awarded with badges of honour and souvenirs.

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It is great pleasure that the numbers of women, who are dedicated to honor our paradise-like and ancient Samarkand, our University, and gaining recognition with their honest and effective work, are expanding.  

Today the contribution of the women are in high percentage in the most important field of the university life as education and training, science and scientific service, in addition, community work, which is evidence that there are owners of high potentials among us. It is important to admit that their number is increasing year by year and are making contribution for the development of our University, of course.

I believe that our university women show courageous in state and community management and hold intensity and elegance, honor and modesty as a flag for themselves.

In our country the rank of female students are increasing day by day who are educated, intelligent, can be good role-models for their peers. It is worth to be proud of their achievements in the field of science, education, tourism, art and culture.

Each woman and girl, who is demonstrating all potentials and experience, knowledge and enthusiasm on the way of developing New Uzbekistan, for their family welfare, deserves the love and recognition of the nation.  

Today, it is becoming more and more urgent to further strengthen the mutual respect, kindness and harmony that prevails in our country, to protect the minds and hearts of our youth from harmful currents and influences that are completely alien to us, from the attacks of "mass culture", to raise our educational work in families and in our university to a new level.

Today, I would like to use this opportunity to emphasize that I rely on you, the honorable women of our university, your intelligence, noble qualities, and consider you my closest advisers and comrades in solving such pressing issues.

Dear women and students!

I congratulate you on Women’s Day 8th of March!

I wish your health, happiness and luck, May your job is filled with unique achievements and acknowledgements!

May your life be prosperous and be lucky!

Always be healthy for your family and your loved ones’ luck!

Happy spring holiday!

Showing my high respect and wishing you all my best

 Best regards,


A. Abdukhakimov




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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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