Friday, 08 March 2024 00:22

On the occasion of March 8 International Women's Day, the rector of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage A. Abdukhakimov's holiday greetings

It is great pleasure that the numbers of women, who are dedicated to honor our paradise-like and ancient Samarkand, our University, and gaining recognition with their honest and effective work, are expanding.  

Today the contribution of the women are in high percentage in the most important field of the university life as education and training, science and scientific service, in addition, community work, which is evidence that there are owners of high potentials among us. It is important to admit that their number is increasing year by year and are making contribution for the development of our University, of course.

I believe that our university women show courageous in state and community management and hold intensity and elegance, honor and modesty as a flag for themselves.

In our country the rank of female students are increasing day by day who are educated, intelligent, can be good role-models for their peers. It is worth to be proud of their achievements in the field of science, education, tourism, art and culture.

Each woman and girl, who is demonstrating all potentials and experience, knowledge and enthusiasm on the way of developing New Uzbekistan, for their family welfare, deserves the love and recognition of the nation.  

Today, it is becoming more and more urgent to further strengthen the mutual respect, kindness and harmony that prevails in our country, to protect the minds and hearts of our youth from harmful currents and influences that are completely alien to us, from the attacks of "mass culture", to raise our educational work in families and in our university to a new level.

Today, I would like to use this opportunity to emphasize that I rely on you, the honorable women of our university, your intelligence, noble qualities, and consider you my closest advisers and comrades in solving such pressing issues.

Dear women and students!

I congratulate you on Women’s Day 8th of March!

I wish your health, happiness and luck, May your job is filled with unique achievements and acknowledgements!

May your life be prosperous and be lucky!

Always be healthy for your family and your loved ones’ luck!

Happy spring holiday!

Showing my high respect and wishing you all my best

 Best regards,


A. Abdukhakimov




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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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