

On 20 July of this year, Haruko Tachibana, leader of Cultural Sending Promotion Committee of Japan visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The first vice-rector of the university J.Eltazarov welcomed the guest. Firstly, she acquainted with the activity of the university library, which last year looked through 144 copies of various literature, guidebooks, given to the library of our university by the international fund of Japan “TOSHIBA FOUNDATION”.

It is important, as it is seen that this literature was very interesting and demanded by our students. During the conversation it was noted that this year the International Fund of Japan “TOSHIBA FOUNDATION” will give 200 more copies of various literature to the library of our university. At the meeting, opinions on the results of cooperation between the two countries were exchanged.

On 18 July of this year, the first vice-rector of university J.Eltazarov, heads of departments of the university A.Odilov, M.Siddikova, T.Sultanov, head of department of planning and development of educational process M.Yorkulov, dean R.Toshniyozova, head of department of office registrar F.Nurov, head of department of quality assurance of education and accreditation A.Tukhtamishev, as well as head of department of work with employees A.Kholbaev.        

At this meeting the questions of qualitative preparation for 2023-2024 academic year, improvement of education quality were discussed. In addition, attention was paid to attracting scientists and specialists from abroad and from our country, known in the field of tourism, to determine the number of the relevant classes for this purpose, as well as to give announcements about the work in the press and social networks, to conduct open, transparent interviews with applicants. Other issues of university life were also discussed at the meeting.

On July 6 of this year, “Silk Road” Art Gallery at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage hosted an event to celebrate the exhibition of photographs taken by the Swedish photographer Ella Mayar in our country in the 1930s. During the event, the head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and deputy regional governor and other officials talked about the number of practical cultural events, as in all spheres in our country today, and the importance of Ella Mayar’s work. After that, all the participants enjoyed Ella Mayar’s work. It should be noted that Ella Mayar’s photography exhibition at “Silk Road” Art Gallery in Samarkand will continue till October 8 of this year.

The press conference, which was held at the regional press center, was led by Golib Hasanov, deputy editor-in-chief of the regional newspapers “Zarafshon” and “Samarkand Vestnik”. University admission officers and representatives of the press and mass media of the republic and the region took part in the conference. It was noted that this year the admission to “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in accordance with the parameters of state order of admission to the state higher educational institutions for the 2023-2024 academic year by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №. F-31 dated June 15, 2023, also on the basis of admission limit on the basis of contract-payment approved by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, “Silk Road” International Tourism and Cultural Heritage University accepts applicants on 6 educational directions of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree specialties on the basis of admission parameters.

Applicants with a national and international certificate of English language proficiency can apply for the full-time study programme of this international higher education institution. During the press conference, university staff answered questions by the members of the media.

On July 4 of this year, an extended meeting of the Department of “Languages” of the Faculty of “Tourism Management” of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage was held. The meeting discussed the completed research work of independent researcher Iroda Kamolidinovna Ablakulova, who is doing research in the field of “Comparative Literary Studies, Correlative Linguistics and Translation Studies”.

In the process of discussion, professors and lecturers discussed the dissertation and the abstract prepared by Iroda Kamolidinovna for the degree of Doctor of Philology (PhD) on “Expression of nationalism in English translations of Uzbek novels of the 20th century”.

According to the decision of the participants of the meeting, the thesis and abstract of I.K.Ablakulova have been evaluated as a research work, written based on the latest requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the award of the degree of PhD at the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages.03/30.12.2019.Fil/Ped.83.01 was recommended to the scientific seminar of the Scientific Council.

Monday, 03 July 2023 18:39


Dear professors, teachers, employees, graduates and their parents!

On July 4 of this year, the 5th anniversary of the establishment of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and the graduation ceremony of the students who are graduating from the university in the current academic year will be held at 5:00 p.m. in the “Ayvon” complex of the Samarkand Tourism Center.

In this regard, we kindly invite university professors, teachers, employees, graduates and their parents to this event!

With respect,

university administration!

Monday, 03 July 2023 15:59


On 6 July 2023, Art Station Gallery in Samarkand will be opening “Inner Horizon: Uzbekistan of the 1930s in the Photographs of Ella Mayar”, an exhibition featuring photographs taken by the Swiss traveler, sportswoman, photographer and writer Ella Mayar during her journey through Central Asia, Afghanistan, India, China and Turkey. 

An archive of Ella Mayar’s interesting photographs is currently housed at Elysee Museum of Photography in Lausanne, Switzerland. The Inner Horizon exhibition in Samarkand will feature digital duplicates of photographs provided by Elysee Museum of Photography.

Organisers: “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Samarkand, Swiss Embassy in Uzbekistan, Elysee Museum of Photography in Lausanne (Photo Elysée: Musée cantonal pour la photographie), Friends of Ella Mayar Association and Ms Annelise Hollmann. Curator Dona Kulmatova.

The exhibition will open on 6 July 2023 at 18:00, free entrance.

The exhibition will continue till October 8, 2023.

Address: "Art Station by Silk Road University" - Samarkand city, Beruni street 1 house. The target; Samarkand Railway Station

On 21 June 2023, an international teaching skills competition was held between Samarkand College of Tourism and Cultural Heritage under “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and Almaty Service College of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the areas of “Culinary Art” and “Confectionery Art”. Four teachers and two master trainers of Samarkand College of Tourism and Cultural Heritage took part in the online competition. At the end of the international competition in the “Confectionery Art” field, a teacher of the college M.Gafarova was awarded a 1st degree diploma, and in the field of “Culinary Art” a teacher D.Kurbanova was awarded the 3rd degree diploma.

S.Kurbanova, teacher of Department “Languages” of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, was a member of the jury.

Thursday, 22 June 2023 11:08

A creative economy in tourism development

On 22 June of this year, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism hosted an international congress on the theme “Focus on Tourism and Сreative Economy” at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. First Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Ulugbek Azamov took part in the conference online and touched upon the challenges to be met in developing the industry today and wished the congress good luck.

It is known that in recent years, as a result of a number of decrees and decisions by our president to develop the industry, the sphere has increased and the interest of foreign tourists in our country has grown. Deputy Samarkand region’s governor Rustam Kabilov, who spoke at the event, noted that the number of tourists coming to Samarkand from a number of developed countries has multiplied, which has resulted in economic growth in such sectors as transport, hotels and gastronomy. Professors and lecturers of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage also took part in the international congress with their lectures, which were interesting from each other.

Wednesday, 21 June 2023 20:44


Attention all applicants wishing to register for full-time bachelor's degree programs at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, located in Samarkand!

You will be required to hold a national or international certificate of English language proficiency while registering for full-time studies at the university.

Note: Applicants should make sure to upload a national or international certificate of English language proficiency while registering through the website, otherwise the applicant will not be able to register.

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