

On June 13-18 this year, a group of creators of “Channel News Asia – CNA” came to our country to demonstrate to the world media the range of reforms taking place in the country. In the process of preparing the programme, the guests also visited Samarkand, familiarising in detail with the positive aspects of Samarkand, its tourism potential and illustrating a number of attractions. The media company representatives also visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Samarkand on June 16 to learn about the educational processes taking place there. They interviewed Vice Rector Tony Zou and talked with students about their interests and aspirations.

On June 21 of this year, professor of Northwest University, deputy dean of the Salento School of Cultural Heritage and Arts, deputy dean of the School of Cultural Heritage of NWU University, Doctoral supervisor Mr. Yang Lu's practical seminar on “Some issue of the Cultural Relics Conservation and Archeometry” will be held for bachelor's, master's and doctoral students of the university.

The purpose of organizing the seminar is to attract students, graduate students and doctoral students studying at the university to a wider range of scientific activities, improve the quality of scientific research, provide information about grants from Northwestern University for students of our university.

Time of the seminar: June 21, 2:30 p.m

Venue of the seminar: room 229 of the university building

On 16 June this year, a conference was organised on the theme “Crossroads of Cultures” at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, in which the similarities between the national values and customs of Central Asian and Caucasian Jews and historical experiences became a focal point for discussion.  The event was organised in cooperation with the Centre of Jewish Museum and Tolerance in Moscow, Ben-Zvi Institute in Jerusalem, International Institute for Central Asian Studies in Samarkand, and “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The conference, which will run for two days, featured lectures by moderators on a number of important issues related to the theme of the conference.

On June 16, 2023, together with the Department of HoReCa Practice of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and the Women’s Council, master classes were organised on the harmony of national and modern dishes and the broad promotion of the art of “Karvin” among students. Master classes for students were held by Aziz Akaboev, Head of the Academy of Restaurant Service “Gastroexpert” in Samarkand, during the master classes, he answered questions on what aspects should be given attention in the process of cooking and the art of “Karvin”. At the end of the event, the active participants received certificates.

On 15 June 2023, at the Youth Centre in Samarkand, participants of the “Girls Leaders” club, established by the Women’s Council of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, in order to attract women to science and innovation, further increase their interest in higher education and their level of knowledge about law, took part in a quiz “Do you know new law?” entitled “Qomus” among students and girls of higher education institutions of Samarkand region, placed third and were awarded diplomas and memorable souvenirs.

On June 13 of this year, the administration of the International Islamic University of Malaysia visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The purpose of the visit was to hold talks with higher education institutions in Uzbekistan, establish joint educational programmes (“two diplomas”, joint faculty, etc.) in such fields as mechanical engineering, pilgrimage tourism, artificial intelligence, robotics, Islamic finance, foreign languages, attract Malaysian professors and teachers to the republic, and develop student exchange programmes.

English classes for the students of Samarkand Technical College of Tourism and Cultural Heritage are regularly held by teachers of foreign languages of higher educational institutions, in particular, on 12 June 2023 Hudayorova Safura Tulkinovna, a teacher of “Silk Road” International Tourism and Cultural Heritage University, held a class for students of the technical college.

On June 14 of this year, students of our university showed off their talents and intellectual abilities by taking part in the exciting intellectual game “Zakovat”. The event was organised at the Youth Centre within the Youth Month, and attracted many participants from various educational institutions.

“Zakovat” is a game that tests not only the participants’ knowledge, but also their logical thinking, teamwork and ability to make quick decisions. Thanks to their erudition and ability to work in teams, the students were able to overcome difficulties and achieve high results.

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