

Dr. Jabrail Nokandeh, director of the National Museum of Iran, and Dr. Fereydoun Biglar, the deputy of the museum for cultural affairs, presented 16 volumes of books on the archaeology and history of Iran to our university. Volumes 1-4 of these books are about the archaeology and history of Iran, another volume is about the exhibition of the Netherlands at the National Museum of Iran and another one is about the books on the Louvre exhibition at the National Museum of Iran.

 These books were delivered by Morteza Khanipour and Sepideh Jamshidi Yeganeh, assistant professors of the Department of "History and Cultural Heritage" at our university. The above-mentioned books include an introduction to the archaeological findings of Iran from the Paleolithic to the modern period. The books also provide information on the major archaeological finds of Iran, some of which are comparable in importance to those of Central Asia.

10 graduates of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage received a special certificate at Hilton Garden INN Hotel in Samarkand, having completed their internship. Our graduates were able to apply theoretical knowledge gained at the university in practice for a month. The hotel administration signed labor contracts with 3 of our graduates.

Today, April 22, a delegation led by Mr. Park Byung-Kyu, Chairman of the Local Council of Gwangsan-gu Region, Gwangsan, Korea, and Mr. Park Sang-Chul, Rector of Honam University located in this region, visited our university. At first, Prof. D. Nasimov, the first vice-rector of our university for administrative affairs, met and organized a formal meeting with them. During the meeting, information was provided about the history of the university, the established education system and the established cooperation with foreign countries. Also, Mr. Park Byung-gyu, Chairman of the local council of Gwangsan-gu region, was provided with information about the socio-economic life in the region, higher education institutions, in particular, the existing teaching facilities at Honam University.

As a result of the meeting, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and Honam University of Korea in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 12, 2024 "On additional measures to increase the flow of tourists and raise the prestige of our country by promoting the study of history and culture of Uzbekistan, Uzbek language and literature in foreign countries" in order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 19 "On the organization of the Department of Uzbek language and literature in foreign countries".

For information: Honam University was founded in 1978 and today it has more than 9,200 students studying in more than 40 specialties. It is important that among the students studying at this university there are students from Uzbekistan.

On April 20 of this year "Educational forum" for secondary school graduates of Samarkand city, applicants was held at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage with the participation of the Agency for Youth Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and a number of partner organizations. Speakers at the opening ceremony of the event said that such events are a convenient opportunity for young people to enter higher educational institutions. The educational forum was organized as an exhibition, where representatives of prestigious universities of Canada, Russia, Poland, Japan, Bulgaria and not only higher educational institutions of our country took part with their presentations. Within the framework of the educational forum, many graduates received full information about higher education institutions, both domestic and foreign, based on their interests.

On April 18-19 of this year in Bukhara State University the Republican seminar-training was held on the theme "Increase of social and political activity of women, issues of gender equality and gender culture".

More than 150 chairpersons of women's advisory councils of higher educational institutions of our republic participated in the seminar. The purpose of this seminar is to further expand the opportunities created for women in Uzbekistan to create a strong foundation for the protection of women from harassment and violence, and, in parallel, to identify current challenges facing the higher education system, cooperation with law enforcement agencies, and the exchange of experience with each other.

The two-day seminar provided an excellent basis for rich content, exchange of experience, and organization of effective working activities. On the second day of the seminar the participants were impressed by the excursion to the historical monuments of Bukhara.

M. Abbasova, Chairperson of the Women's Advisory Council of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, also participated in this seminar and shared her experience.

On April 22, 2024, "International Earth Day" is celebrated in our republic. In this regard, on April 18 of the current year, the department of work with youth and organization of events at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage organized a meeting with students on the theme "Preservation of Planet Earth".

During the event, N. Abduvahidova, Head of the Department of work with youth and organization of events of the university, told the students about the fact that World Earth Day is recognized as the largest world holiday, about the importance of this date, about the fact that every day the interest in protecting clean environment is growing in the world. She also encouraged the students to plant trees on World Earth Day and make their contribution to the preservation of our Nature, as well as not to throw away various wastes in different unspecified places.

Friday, 19 April 2024 09:23


Alimardonova Zebuniso Mamarajabovna - defends PhD dissertation on “IMPROVEMENT OF MECHANISMS OF EFFECTIVE USE OF TOURISM RESOURCES OF SURKHANDARYA REGION” in the direction 08.00.17 – “Tourism and hotel activities” at the scientific council DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 under “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage on April 27 at 12.00 am.

Today, on 18 April, the delegation headed by Kim Young Hwan, Governor of Chungcheongbuk-do Province of the Republic of Korea, who is on a visit to our country, visited "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The first vice-rector of our university D. Nasimov met and told about the activity of the university, work carried out in the sphere of education, successes. It is known that to date our university has established co-operation relations with a number of universities of the Republic of Korea. At the meeting, the head of the delegation, the governor of Chungcheongbuk-do province Kim Young Hwan, provided full information about the opportunities for students, about the higher educational institutions of the region, about their activities. Notably, the delegation included Ms Lee Young Eun, Special Advisor of Chungcheongbuk-do Province for Educational Cooperation, Mr Hwang Yun Won, Rector of Chungwon University, representatives of Seomyong University, Chungbuk Provincial University and Chungbuk University of Health and Sciences.

"I am very happy to come to Samarkand, in particular to the university that educates specialists in the field of tourism. The functioning of a modern university in Uzbekistan shows great success in the field of higher education, we are also happy to cooperate with your university in the future," said Mr Hwang Yun Won, Rector of Joongwon University.

 At the end of the dialogue between Mr. Hwang Yun Won, Rector of Jungwon University and Korean universities, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between "Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage" and Semen University.

On 18 April, an exhibition of archaeological finds of Sharjah Emirate opened at the Art Residence at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Samarkand.

Sheikh Fahim bin Sultan Ol Qasimi, Executive Chairman of the Sharjah Emirate Government, Aziz Abduhakimov, Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Eisa Yusuf, Director General of the Sharjah Archaeological Department, representatives of the UAE delegation and local experts took part in the opening ceremony.

Speaking at the event, Environment Minister Aziz Abduhakimov said the opening of the exhibition will serve to further develop cultural ties between the two states.

"Sharjah has an ancient history. Many exhibits have been found in the area. "It is noteworthy that 80 per cent of these finds have been exhibited in Uzbekistan for the first time," the minister said. - The exhibition features more than 170 archaeological finds from the history of Arabia-Central Asia relations, as well as the Neolithic and Islamic period of the Emirate of Sharjah."

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Sheikh Fahim bin Sultan Ol Qasimi, however, noted that the history, culture of Uzbekistan and the United Arab Emirates are very close to each other.

"It is especially important that the exhibition of archaeological finds of the Sharjah Emirate was opened exactly in Uzbekistan. After all, the culture, history and faith of the two states are common," Sheikh Fahim bin Sultan Ol Qasimiy said.

For information, a palace, fortifications, houses and graves of people and animals were found on the territory of the archaeological site of Mleiha in Sharjah. The total area of the finds reaches 3 kilometres. And in an area near Mleiha, archaeologists have also found decorated objects made of gold, silver, bronze, iron, ivory, alabaster, glass, etc. Traces of ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Parthian, Central Asian and Indian cultures can be seen on these objects. The exhibition will be open till 22 May.

On 15 April of this year, the second forum of rectors of higher education institutions of the Republics of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan was organised in Tashkent. As part of participation in the forum, a delegation consisting of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan headed by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, responsible officers of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, rectors and pro-rectors of 18 Tajik higher education institutions visited Uzbekistan.

Within the framework of the forum, "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage signed a memorandum of understanding with the Tajik National University of the Republic of Tajikistan, the State Commercial University of Tajikistan and the State Institute of Culture and Arts of Tajikistan named after Mirzo Tursunzoda. The main objective of the memorandums is to increase the share of foreign students through more exchanges from the partner universities, to increase the practice of professors between the universities through participation in international grants, and to further enrich co-operation between the two state universities.

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