

Wednesday, 17 April 2024 10:48

Great news for our university team!

Associate Professor Kamal Turonovich Mustaev of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage was awarded the academic title of Professor by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan. We congratulate the loyal and committed colleague of our university, Professor Kamal Turonovich, with this grandiose success and wish him good luck in his further scientific and creative work. Kamal Turonovich the university is proud of you.

“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage announces an admission for independent research (PhD, DSc) institution in the following specialities:

  • 08.00.05- Economy of service industries
  • 08.00.11- Marketing
  • 08.00.13- Management
  • 08.00.17- Tourism and hotel activities
  • 10.00.06 - Comparative Literature, Crosslinguistics and Translation Studies

Applicants to study for the degree of Philosophy (PhD) as a and independent researcher should submit the following documents to the Scientific research department of the university and register online via the website

1) Application;

2) Brief biographical information (CV);

3) A certified copy of the labor record book (for working applicants);

4) A master's degree of a higher educational institution, a copy of a diploma of higher education together with applications;

5) List of published scientific works, as well as their copies (pdf);

6) Copy of passport;

7) 3x4 picture, 2 pcs;

8) Preliminary dissertation topic and theses;

9) Certificate from the place of work;

10) Copy of the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (if available)

All documents are prepared in PDF format and sent with registration through the unified electronic system coordinating post-higher education

Admission: from 15 April to 15 May 2024

       For candidates who have applied to the Institute of Higher Education (PhD Independent Studies) at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage", the interview is in the major subject. The days of the examination will be announced additionally.

Our address: Samarkand city, University Avenue 17, Scientific research department of “Silk Road” Tourism international university

Phone for inquiries: +998 90 603 55 23; +998 66 240 67 85

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tuesday, 16 April 2024 12:53


Call for Papers! International Conference 


Are you passionate about shaping a sustainable future for Uzbekistan? Join us at the International Scientific and Practical Conference, where we explore the avenues for inclusive growth and sustainable development in Uzbekistan.

Date: May 3, 2024 Location: The Urgench branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies and online via the Zoom platform

Deadline: April 20, 2024

About the Conference: The conference aims to foster dialogue and collaboration among scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders interested in advancing the socio-economic landscape of Uzbekistan. By delving into the theme of inclusive growth and sustainable development, we seek to identify strategies, policies, and practices that can propel Uzbekistan towards a more equitable and prosperous future.

Topics of Interest Include:

  •  the enhancement of human dignity and the development of a free civil society;
  •  ensuring justice and legality in our country;
  •  dynamic development of the economy of the national economy and regions;
  •  carrying out a fair social policy;
  •  ensuring spiritual development;
  •  global problems of national interest;
  •  ensuring national security;
  •  active foreign policy;
  •  improving the system of inclusive education;
  • further development of digital infrastructure;
  • development of innovative activity and support of the medical sphere;
  • use of world standards to improve the quality of education in New Uzbekistan.

Submission Guidelines:

1) surname, name and patronymic of the author or authors (in full);

2) academic degree and title, place of work or study, city;

3) email addresses of the author or authors;

4) the title of the article, using a 17-point font;

5) abstract (150-200 words);

6) keywords (7-10 words);

7) entrance part;

8) object and methods of research;

9) results and discussion of the study;

10) summary;

11) list of references.

Join Us: Be part of the conversation driving sustainable development in Uzbekistan. Register now to secure your spot at the conference and contribute to shaping a brighter future for the nation.

For inquiries and more information, please contact via E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (+998 91 423 09 90).

Let’s chart the course towards inclusive growth and sustainable development together!

"Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage establishes cooperation ties with prestigious universities from all countries of the world, international organisations in the field of science, education, tourism.

Today, on 16 April, members of the delegation led by Mr.Niels Schmid, Speaker of the Social Democratic Party of the Federal Republic of Germany on Foreign Policy visited the university.  D.Nasimov, First Vice-Rector for Administrative Affairs of the university, welcomed the guests. At first, the guests were told about the history, present and future of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, as well as the work carried out within the educational process, the tasks of training specialists in the field of tourism and cultural heritage. It is worth noting that the head of the delegation, Mr Nils Schmid, asked with great interest about the news in the field of tourism along with the activities of the university, about visits of foreign guests to tourist villages. Mr S. Samariddinov, Head of the International Department of our University, spoke in detail about the practical work in this field, about the interest of tourists to such tourist villages as Sintop, Tersak.

The guests also got acquainted with the activities of the National Costume Gallery and the library of our university, and  Mr.Nils Schmid gave an interview about his impressions for the website of our university.

Tuesday, 16 April 2024 10:07


"Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage is looking for observers for the 94rd TOPIK exam, which will be held on 12 May 2024. All those interested are kindly requested to apply according to the following conditions.

1. Application deadline: 21 April

2. Method of application: send application and passport scan to @MunikaBay.
Observer's statement

3. Selection conditions: in case of a large competition, preference is determined according to the following conditions:

 Persons having experience as TOPIK exam observer for the last 3 years

‚ Persons who have experience as a foreign language exam observer for the last 3 years.

for the last 3 years

ƒ Persons with work experience in an educational institution

5. Other:

- Fees are provided according to the terms of the arrangement

- On successful control of the examination, preference will be given for the next enrolment

Examination locations and number of observers to be selected

Region of the examination

Number of observers

“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage (TOPIK II)


Total number


As previously reported, a seminar dedicated to strengthening cooperation relations between higher education institutions of Uzbekistan and Spain was held today April 15 at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

The aim of this seminar is to establish cooperation between higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan and Spain, to put into practice practical work, such as improvement of knowledge and skills of professors and teachers, as well as students within the framework of academic exchange programs.

Speaking at the seminar, Mr. Alfonso Gentile, Director of the Internationalization Agency at the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain, touched upon the goals and objectives of the event. The event was also attended by representatives of 12 universities of the Spanish state, rectors and vice-rectors of a number of universities of our country, who delivered their reports.

Within the framework of the seminar, talks were held between Uzbek-Spanish universities and a memorandum of understanding on establishing cooperative relations was signed.

This year, from March 4 to 13, Maftuna Nurullayeva, the assistant of the Tourism Department at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, had an internship in New Delhi, the capital of India, from March 20 to April 9 on the topic “The Place of Global Innovations and Latest Technologies in Education”.

In the future, the knowledge and experience gained by Maftuna Nurullayeva on this course will make a positive contribution to the development of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Today, 15 April, the seminar on enhancing cooperation relations between higher education institutions of Uzbekistan and Spain started at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. First of all, members of the delegation from 12 higher education institutions headed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain were carefully familiarised with the work carried out at our university, educational laboratories, National Costume Gallery. After that, the seminar started its work and at the beginning of the seminar, the Vice-Rector of Science and Innovation of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Prof Tony Zou made a presentation of the activities of the University. The seminar continues. We will get acquainted with all the details again.

For the first time in the scientific council under "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, which is gaining more and more prestige every day, the defense of dissertation (PhD) was held in English. Today, April 13, the defense of the dissertation (PhD) on the theme " Improving the organizational and economic mechanisms of ecotourism development in the Aral Sea region" in the direction 08.00.17-"Tourism and hotel activity" Saidmamatov Olimjon Aminboy o‘g‘li was full of a lot of discussion and debate.

         Nowadays, "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage established partnership relations with a number of prestigious universities in Turkey. As a result of these cooperative relations, a number of agreements have been concluded on exchange of students and teachers, professional development of professors and sending them for short-term and long-term internships, creation of joint projects, academic and scientific programmes, and practical work in this direction is in progress.

         Moreover, not only representatives of the educational sphere in Turkey, but also representatives of other spheres show interest in our university. A bright example of our opinion is the visit of a group of Turkish medical specialists to our university on 12 April of this year.

         Within the framework of measures to attract Turkish medical workers to the Republic and increase the tourist flow from this country, a group of 102 qualified doctors working in the system of the Ministry of Health of this country, together with Mehmet Nur, the head of "Doğu Turizm" tourism company, and Dr. Kayhan Altintaş, a radiologist, visited our country as tourists.

         Within the framework of the visit, the guests organised a meeting on mutual cooperation with the management of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. First Vice Rector of the university for Administrative Affairs D.Nasimov and Turkic scientist Professor J.Eltazarov welcomed the guests and familiarised them in detail with the work carried out at the university to train qualified specialists in the field of tourism.

         - I am very glad that our long-time dream to come to Uzbekistan and visit the modern university in Samarkand, which educates specialists in the field of tourism, has come true," said Turkish guest Dr Kaitan Altintash.

         The guests got acquainted with the National Gallery of Costumes about the Turkic world, an exhibition of paintings about the work of various famous artists organised at the university. The guests were also very impressed with the university library.

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