

In order to ensure the implementation of the joint resolution of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On further improvement of work on prevention of offenses in higher educational institutions" every Thursday of the week in "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage is declared the day of "Student Safety", on this day the working group created in the university, monitored the surveillance cameras and the state of the Face ID system on the territory of the university, as well as carried out explanatory work.

At "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, student participation in classes was analyzed.

Cultural, educational and sporting events aimed at raising the legal awareness and legal culture of university students are also organized. One of these sporting events was an inter-group volleyball tournament among students organized on March 28.

During the fasting days of Ramadan, visiting lonely elderly and sick people in need of affection is considered one of the best deeds.

The first-year students of our university also visited elderly people in need of social protection under the slogan "Let no one be left without care and attention". A group of first-year students of our university under the guidance of their tutors visited an elderly grandmother Svetlana Viktorovna, who lives alone in the city of Samarkand.

Also the first year students of Arch-123 group and Tour-223 group of our university together visited aunt Lola Gulyamova, a disabled person of the first group, living in Khoja Soat of Samarkand city. Our students closely communicated with Lola and her mother. After a heartwarming conversation, our students presented Lola with books and wished her a quick recovery.

Friday, 29 March 2024 10:49


"Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage invites you to a seminar through Zoom programme.

Topic: "A value chain approach to developing Uzbekistan as an international tourism destination in a competitive marketplace".

Moderator: Head of the Department of "Tourism", A.Odilov.

Link to the seminar conducted through Zoom programme:

Conference ID: 813 9368 7614

Access code: 2024

Full information about the seminar speaker, George Washington University professor and expert Abraham Osta, can be found on the website. Abraham Osta is a recognised expert on tourism development in developing countries. He designs and develops tourism programmes adapted to local conditions. Over the past 25 years his work has benefited thousands of entrepreneurs, industrial workers, tourism communities and organisations in different countries. He is currently Chemonics International's Senior Consultant for Economic Growth and Trade and Head of Tourism for a company with over 6,000 employees. In 2023, he was honoured for his work in tourism, among international travel industry leaders such as Richard Branson.

On February 10, 2024, at 11:00 am (university building room number 108) at the Scientific Seminar in the presence of Scientific Council numbered under DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 the defence of dissertations work will take place the dissertation work of Hamdamov Amriddin Hamdam o‘g‘li, doctorate (PhD) student of Silk Road” international university of tourism and cultural heritage on the topic “Improving the organizational and economic mechanism of effective use of digital technologies in the field of tourism in the conditions of the digital economy” in the speciality of 08.00.17 – Tourism and hotel activities and 08.00.16 – Digital economy and international digital integration.

On 7 March of this year, an event was held at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage to ensure the implementation of the statement of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation No. 15 of 26 February 2024 and to promote national and modern costume among students.

Our university's youth work department organised the event and it was attended by members of our university, students of the Parliament and first year students. N. Abduvahidova, head of the Youth Work Department, with an introductory speech told that today the national customs of our people and widespread propaganda of national and modern costumes are one of the important tasks. At the event "Fashion Day" our students came out in national outfits, divided into teams. This was followed by the dresses of the female students sewn from the national fabrics of our people like adras, satin, bekasam and our traditions reflecting nationalism as such and each performance was evaluated by the judges and at the end the winners were awarded with badges of honour and souvenirs.

Thursday, 28 March 2024 11:47



Liliya FILIPISHYNA, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine.

Honorary Professor of the National Institute of Economic Research (Batumi, Georgia).

Topic: «Digital Innovation: Modern Challenges, Problems and Prospects»

Moderator: Head of the Tourism Department, Dr. Akmaljon Odilov.

Venue: Lecture Hall 229
Time: 11:00 – 12:00 , April 5, 2024 (Friday)

Constant carrying out of theory in tourism with practice gives a real practical result in improving the knowledge and skills of the student. Therefore, our university pays special attention to the process of practice of students. At present our students have practice in their speciality in the spheres of tourist services, public institutions, organisations and enterprises.

In the current academic year 42 graduates of our university improve their knowledge and skills in Samarkand Tourism Centre. In particular, our students improve their practical work experience in various specialties in hotels, "Eternal City" complex and restaurants of Samarkand Tourism Centre.

Thanks to this, today a significant part of the staff working in the tourism industry and in the Samarkand Tourism Centre is made up of students who studied at our university. In addition, most of the students sent by our university for internships every year stay to work in this complex.

In our country, the government has created great opportunities and conditions for the young generation. Many of our young people competently use these opportunities and achieve great success. There are such young people at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.  Unfortunately, today in our society some young people fall into the influence of religious extremist currents through various social networks.

On March 18 of this year, with the participation of students of our university, tutors, together with International Research Center named after Imam Bukhari under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan, was organized a round table "Protection of youth from the ideas of extremism - a factor of stability!". The officials who spoke at the round table gave their recommendations to young students on how to be careful in using social networks, not to visit various banned sites and channels.

As part of the co-operation agreement signed between "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and Wakayama University, our second year students Diyorbek Otabekov and Karim Kadorkin had the opportunity to study in Japan for a year. Our students had the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills in their field at Wakayama University, which is considered one of the prestigious universities in Japan.

For information, it should be said that this programme allows our students to study at prestigious universities in another country, provided they meet the educational requirements of their university. Certainly, one of the main advantages of student exchange is the opportunity to improve language skills.

On 26 March of this year, within the framework of the month on protection from emergency situations and ensuring civil defence, the staff of the Regional Department of Emergency Situations held a training seminar for teachers, staff and students of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

At the event, entitled "Rules of the movement before, during and after the earthquake", experts in the field of emergency movement provided full information on the main rules in it.

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