

Gastronomic tourism occupies an important place in the sphere of tourism. Each nation has its own national cuisine. In order to develop gastronomic tourism by promoting similar national dishes, popularising the national dishes of the peoples, an exhibition "I-international intercultural national dishes" was organised at our university on 2 April of this year. On the day of the evening of national dishes, the participants of the exhibition performed national dishes reflecting the culture of their state.

It is known that today young people from countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Greece, Turkey, Iraq, Russia, China, Bangladesh, Iran, France, Egypt are studying at the university in master's programme. At the event, international and local students, master students, presented national dishes and national costumes belonging to their state, culture characteristic of their people. Undoubtedly, plov, considered the national meal of our people, was also prepared and served to the table. These events are important because they contribute to the unity and socialisation of local and foreign young students.

On days March 4-13 of 2024, Elnurjon Tuychiev, a teacher of the "Tourism" department of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, participated in the course "Emerging issues in World Trade Organization and International Trade" organized by the center of WTO studies at the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) in New Delhi, the Republic of India. In this course, he became familiar with the theoretical and practical knowledge of the main tasks, goals, and principals of international settlement of the World Trade Organization.

The knowledge and experience acknowledged in this course as a teacher of "Tourism" department at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage serve as a basis for a new approach to teach students about improving trade relations in the process of globalization in the tourism sector, the current and anticipated international principals in WTO and GATT.

On 28 March of this year, the eighth scientific seminar was held in the lecture hall of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The seminar was attended by university lecturers, researchers, domestic and foreign students and master's students.

The seminar was organised by the vice-rector of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Professor Tony Zou. In his presentation, Mirzaev introduced the topic “Tourism product diversification: Regional development programs, Destination branding” in the development of tourism in Uzbekistan. The speaker spoke in detail about the development of tourism in Uzbekistan and how tourism brands have been promoted internationally in recent years. Mirzaev's bright and detailed presentation aroused great interest among teachers and students. At the seminar, T. Mirzaev answered the questions of the participants in detail. At the end of the seminar, Professor Tony Zou presented Mirzaev with a traditional Chinese gift.

On 25 March of this year a volleyball competition was held between the teams of first and third year students of our university. The purpose of this is to increase the physical activity of student youth, attracting them to sports, to organise free time with benefit. At the sports event the teams competed using all their strength. At the end of the competition, the winning team will compete in the next game with teams of first and fourth year students.

1 April 2024 together with the chairperson of the women's council of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage M.Abbasova and the head of the sports club of the university Z. Kafiev work on attracting children from families of residents of the mahalla "Uzbekistan" of Samarkand, which belongs to the territory of the university, to sports circles.

 As part of this initiative, aimed at meaningful organisation of youth in the mahalla, the chairwoman of the women's council of our university, M.Abbasova, and the head of the sports club, Z.Kafiev, hold various events and sports competitions.

Before the start of the class, M.Abbasova explained to the children the topic "Gender Education" for girls starting from the age of ten.

Such warm spring days are an important factor contributing to the further development of tourism.

Based on the action plan approved by Samarkand Regional Administration on holding "Domestic Tourism Fair" in Samarkand city, "Domestic Tourism Fair" was organized on March 30 at Registan Square.

"Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage took an active part in this fair, handing out flyers with its logo, legal address, phone numbers and existing directions, while at the same time showing advertisements about the activities of the university.

Career-2024" fair was also organized in the framework of the event, in which all travel agencies, hotels, large private enterprises and organizations such as Air Marakanda, Samarkand Tourism Center participated with available vacancies. Within the framework of the event, information about the activities of the final year students of our university in these prestigious organizations was gladly presented.  Fair "Career-2024" became an important step for graduates of our university on the way to further activity in prestigious travel firms and companies. Our final year students of the university carried out the initial processes necessary for their activities in these companies and organizations.

Our university conducts a number of practical activities aimed at popularizing reading among young people - one of the 5 important initiatives put forward by our president to raise the morale of young people and organize their leisure time with benefit.

On April 1 of this year in the student dormitory of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, the tutor of the university S.Abbasova organized for the students a reading event on the theme "Book - a mirror of spirituality". At the event students read poems of famous authors in English. After that, the students performed plays, demonstrating their talent and acting skills.

 During the book event, students talked about the latest books they had read while reciting poems in English of their choice.

On March 28 of this year on the sports ground of the hostel, which belongs to "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The female team, students of the university, took an active part in the organized sports event. The teams consisting of female students who took active part in the competition were awarded with memorable souvenirs.

Monday, 01 April 2024 15:17


Nanjing Institute of Tourism and Hospitality of the People's Republic of China invites students of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage to study in the program of student exchange in bachelor's degree.

This program will provide a grant for 5 students of our university.

 Advantages of the grant:

- 47000rmb tuition fee (payment will be refunded after the completion of the course)

- monthly stipend 2.300-2.600 RMB

- Dormitory for international students.


- This program is offered to undergraduate students of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage;

- Students with HSK or IELTS 6 certificate are accepted.

Application Deadline: April 15, 2024.

For more information, please contact us at Telegram: +998930045100

On the occasion of April 1 - International Bird Day - the university held an event called "Take care of birds". During the event, the university was told about how important today is the activity of each of our citizens in the protection of birds, as well as the fact that the purpose of this event is to further improve the attitude of the population, especially young people, to birds.  

At the same time, April 1 - International Bird Day is widely celebrated in the world every year. The purpose of this date, which was first celebrated in the United States since 1894, is to conserve bird species, their diversity and numbers. The date of Bird Day is also included in the UNESCO biological program "Man and the Biosphere". 

Also on March 30, the "International Day for a World without Waste" was celebrated throughout the country. In this regard, a nationwide cleanliness day (without waste) was organized among the university students, and the territories surrounding the university and the central streets were cleaned of garbage.

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