Friday, 04 February 2022 17:34

"Human Value Above All"

On February 4, 2022 the Women's Council of "Silk Road" International Tourism and Cultural Heritage University organized a workshop on the "New Uzbekistan Development Strategy for 2022-2026" by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev.

The event opened with the report of the Head of the Women's Council M. Abbasova on the principle "For Human Dignity" put forward in the presidential decree. The report expressed a comprehensive and justified attitude to the fact that the layer of women with intellectual potential and bearers of national values in the country is also responsible for creating the necessary political, legal, socio-economic and scientific-educational foundations for building a new Uzbekistan.

The head of the Department of History and Cultural Heritage, M. Sidikova, Doctor of Philosophy, made a report on "The Strategy of New Uzbekistan Development for 2022-2026" and on the state program for the year 2022 - "The Year of ensuring human interests and development of mahalla". In her analysis, M. Sidikova expressed her opinion on the priority areas of reforms aimed at further improving the welfare of the people, unconditional safeguarding of human rights and interests in the coming years, as well as the measures planned for implementation in this direction.

N.Mansurova, Head of Research Department, and R.Tashniozova, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Management, also commented on the future plans of the university in this area.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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