Tuesday, 19 September 2023 12:16

The head of department of our university took part in the international forum in Bishkek

On September 10-14, Bishkek hosted the international forum “Creative and Scientific Intellectuals of CIS”. N.Abduvakhidova, head of the department on work with youth and mahallas, took part in the session of this international forum. At this forum N.Abduvakhidova made a report and presentation on the topic of awarding the city of Samarkand the status of “Cultural Capital of the Commonwealth”, and the city of Tashkent - the status of “Youth Capital of the Commonwealth” in 2024.

The forum provided detailed information on what is happening today in the cultural and educational sphere of Uzbekistan, what great attention is being paid to young people and what conditions are being created, what reforms are being undertaken to create opportunities.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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