Thursday, 21 September 2023 10:39

Educated youth is a strong foundation of the new Uzbekistan!

Dear 1st year students! Dear friends! A joyful event has happened in your life! The most talented and brightest school-leavers of our country, demonstrated their new abilities, showed new achievements and entered our university!

This is a great achievement, a huge success and an example of how important it is to achieve your goals and realize your dreams in life! You have earned this admission by your labor, common sense and deep knowledge of life!

We wish you not to lose your passion and hobby, keeping all your talent to not only reach the maximum heights of science and technology, but also to solve very relevant and important problems of our time!

We know that you have all the necessary qualities for challenging studies, and you will be able to pass this way worthily and successfully. Studying at university will give you new knowledge and skills, and as a result you will become smarter and more professional in your field.

At our university every day will be full of work and study! Be persistent, move forward and reach new heights! Time will fly by quickly, but it will leave behind invaluable experience that opens new facets of life. Success and good luck to you!

Read 725 times
Published in Students life


Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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