Saturday, 06 January 2024 09:59

Tourist masterpieces of the ancient Silk Road

It is known that annually professors and teachers of our university improve their knowledge and skills by participating in international scientific and practical conferences, seminars in the field of tourism in universities of many countries of the world.

On the 4th of January of this year the professor of our university Nargiz Nurulla Hodjaeva also took part in the seminar on the topic “Dancing Merchants: The Tourism Gems of the Ancient Silk Road” organised by the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong. This seminar presented interesting facts about the history of the Great Silk Road, the life of merchants along it, wealth and integration from the 6th century BC to the Genghisid era. The seminar was notable for the fact that already at this time the formation of international trade relations was taking place, reflecting the growing intensity of urban life and the beginnings of the early manifestations of tourism.

The seminar recognised the active participation of a professor of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

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