Tuesday, 30 January 2024 12:22

Girls of Zulfiya from our university at the same time are at the republican stage

These days the republican stage of the Zulfiyakhanim State Prize is taking place. Happily, the four most creative, knowledgeable and intelligent female students of our university are participating in the republican competition of this award. The chairman of the “women’s council” M.Abbosova supervises the work of students and girls of our university participating in the contest. 

For information;

4th year student Shakhnigorbegim Zhuraeva in the direction of literature

3rd year student Sabina Mustafakulova in the direction of science

3rd year students Fatima and Zuhro Bakhromkulova participate in the social direction.

We wish our students Zulfiya, who are participating on behalf of the team of Samarkand region and our university, good luck.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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